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与 patriarchal 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This was necessary to keep up the patriarchal system and to provide for ancestral worship in after years.


Intermediaries, brokers and bankers, whether clerical or lay, of whatever rank, quality or order they may have been, even patriarchal or archiepiscopal or episcopal, or enjoying other secular, worldly or ecclesiastical status, including spokesmen or envoys of any kings and princes, who had part in this simoniacal election, are by that very fact deprived of all their churches, benefices, prelacies and fiefs, and any other honours and possessions.

中介机构,经纪人和银行家,是否笔误或奠定,无论其职位高低,质量或命令,他们可能已经,甚至宗法或archiepiscopal或主教,或享受其他世俗的,世俗的或宗教的地位,包括发言人或特使的任何国王和王子,谁曾参加这一simoniacal选举,是由该事实剥夺了他们所有的教堂, benefices , prelacies和领地,以及其他任何荣誉和财产。

However, the cardinals who elected him by simoniacal means are to be dealt with without further declaration as deprived of their orders as well as of their titles and honour as cardinals and of any patriarchal, archiepiscopal, episcopal or other prelacies, dignities and benefices which at that time they held by title or in commendam, or in which or to which they now have some claim, unless they totally and effectively abandon him and unite themselves without pretence or trickery to the other cardinals who did not consent to this simony, within eight days after they receive the request from the other cardinals, in person if this shall be possible or otherwise by a public announcement.

然而,红雀谁当选他simoniacal手段加以处理,不再宣言剥夺他们的订单,以及他们的职称和荣誉为红雀和任何重男轻女, archiepiscopal ,主教或其他prelacies ,尊严和benefices其中那个时候,他们举行的所有权或在commendam ,或在其中或它们现在有一些说法,除非他们完全和有效地放弃他和团结起来没有藉口或弄虚作假的其他红雀谁不同意这种西摩尼,八几天后,他们收到的请求,其他枢机主教,在人,如果这将是可能的或以其他方式的公开声明。

The son of tribal chief fights this war, the daughter that is taking an arrow-shaped token of authority used in the army in ancient China to see another tribe is patriarchal namely oneself lover, two people make an appointment to be in close forest, discussing how to just appease this war.


The overwhelmingly savage mountains, which the narrator suggests harbor unspeakable dangers, only allow banditti to emerge from them once, without causing much damage; Emily, after all, rarely faces serious threats of any kind (especially never the sexual kind) from Montoni, but coming under his patriarchal protection now and then.


They are presented as patriarchal Bedouin chiefs.


This paper investigates the distinct character of HouRen Motif -- passive pursuit and feminine temperament and multi-angle analysis the cultural origin that caused this character's formation: developed farming civilization and the feminine consciousness came into being from it ; the gregarious consciousness of Confucian culture and life pursuit that people seeks value orientation in temporality world and ethics network; the passive of value evaluation of morality; the conception that doing something in accordance with denomination restricted by etiquette caused by patriarchal clan system and classification order, the conception of moral commensuration with authority.


The thought of yin-vang and mixing (five elements that make up the world) was consciously sorted out: the regularity and compulsiveness of ceremony stressed: patriarchal clan system and militarism combined: and thus "morality" constituted reflecting plural cultural factors.


As the history of the formation of patriarchal ideology, men in the play "daimyo", the words must be scheduled as the name of a certain part of it.


She published her famous book-The Second Sex, the major objective of which was to declare a war against patriarchal society and Lawrence.


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Tamburitza Lingua

Green function defined inphase space differs from one in coordinate space by its struc-ture which exhibits nonlocatity in coordinates and oscillatorybehavior with respect to momenta.


The upper front part of a saddle;a saddlebow.


The fame thing I don't like.
