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Resultsseventeen patients with dvt after operation were discovered through color doppler ultrasonic detection, and all of the dvt occurred at the calf intermuscular vein. the incidence of the dvt in all patients was 33.3%, and 41.7% of these dvt patients were asymptomatic. logistic regression analysis indicated that patients older than 65(or=116.597), large volume of blood transfusion(or=1.01) and high level of triglycerides(or=37.249) were the risk factors for the occurrence of dvt after the tha.
Eighteen patients had multilevel anterior cervical discectomies with or without internal fixation, 22 patients had decompressive surgery (12 laminectomies and 10 intersegmental decompressions) for multiseg- ment spinal stenosis, 15 patients had laminectomy with posterior spinal fixation, and remaining 9 patients had laminectomy and excision of spinal tumor.
18例患者行多极前颈椎间盘切除术伴或不伴内固定, 22例患者因多节段椎管狭窄行减压手术( 12例椎板切除术和10例节间减压), 15例行椎板切除、后脊柱固定术,其余9例行椎板切除术和脊髓肿瘤切除术。
On the basis of these treatments, the patients in the treatment group also had aerobic kinesitherapy through limb and trunk exercises with assistance to improve oxygen consumption of the body and increase the heart rate. In each session of exercise, the patients were supposed to attain the target heart rate of 70% to 85% of the personal highest safe heart rate.At the beginning, each session of exercise lasted for 10-15 minutes and the heart rate or pulse was measured every 4-6 minutes, with the patients'heart rate allowed to increase by no more than 20/minute and the patients not feeling tired. The subsequent exercise time gradually increased but not over 30-40 minutes, twice a day for no less than 5 days a week.
干预:两组患者均给予改善循环和营养神经药物等治疗,在此基础上,治疗组采用有氧运动疗法:以靶心率为指标,即以通过运动获得的个人最高安全心率70%~85%作为每次运动的靶心率,开始时每次运动10~15 min,每运动4~6 min测一次心率或脉搏,运动以患者心率增加不超过20次/min、患者感觉不疲乏为度,以后逐渐增加运动时间,直至每次活动持续时间30-40 min,2次/d,每周治疗不少于5 d。
The proportions of Ⅰ~Ⅱgrade and Ⅲ grade were 73.8%、 83.1%; 45.7%、 65.2% between 92 samples of Urgur patients and 188 samples of han patients . Lymphy node metastasis in Uygur patients were greater than Han patients in Ⅰ~Ⅱgrade and Ⅲ grade (X~2=13.14, P.001; X~2=5.08, P.05).(3) The proportions of the expression of VEGF-AmRNA and its protein were 31.8%、 57.1%、64.3%, 27.3%、 53.6%、 59.5% in difference pathological grade in 92 samples, With increasing of the pathological grade,the VEGF-AmRNA and its protein expression are highly (X~2=6.26, P.05; X~2=6.21, P.05); The proportions of the positive expression of VEGF-AmRNA and its protein were 68.4
There were 8 patients in the macromastia group and 5 patients in the control group. The result didn't show significant difference between the two groups. There is no difference between the two groups in mammary epithelial cell size measurement and Akt-1/2/3 immunohistochemistry stain. The levels of Ki-67, phospho-Akt-1/2/3, and STAT5a of juvenile macromastic patients are higher than those of the patients of the control group, and the results are statistically significant.
三年内共搜集到八位巨乳症病患及五位对照组,两组以Wilcoxan rank sum test比较,乳腺上皮细胞的尺寸及Akt-1/2/3免疫组织化学染色方面在统计学上的没有显著的差异,而乳腺上皮细胞之Ki-67、phospho-Akt-1/2/3、及STAT5a免疫组织化学染色方面,则均为青春期巨乳症患者组较高,统计学上均有显著性的差异。
Results Women were more often affected than men(1.83:1) and 53 patients were older than 40 years. The involved parts were as follows: eyelid 58 cases (89.2%), mouth and mandibula 46 cases(70.8%),neck 17 cases(26.2%). The symptom at onset were blepharospasm 42 cases(64.6%) or oromandibular dystonia 17 cases(26.2%).In part of the patients, cranial MRI examination could find focus in brainstem or basal ganglia. Among 37 patients treated with oral drugs, 4 cases were almost cured, 16 cases improved and 17 cases showed no effect. While in 15 patients treated through chiostridium botulinum toxin injection, 5 were almost cured, 9 improved and 1 had no effect.
结果 男女患病比率为1:1.83,40岁以上发病53例,受累部位依次为眼睑58例(89.2%)、口-下颌46例(70.8%)、颈部17例(26.2%);首发症状以眼部不适、眼睑痉挛最多(42例,占64.6%),口-下颌肌张力障碍次之(17例,占26.2%);14例行头MRI检查者8例发现脑干或基底节区病灶;口服药物治疗37例,显效4例,有效16例,无效17例;15例行肉毒毒素局部注射者显效5例,有效9例,无效1例。
According Mazur scale for ankle joint,the result of the treatment was evaluated as excellent in 21 patients;good in 12 patients;fair in 8 patients and poor in 5 patients.
结果 所有患者术后均获得8~48个月的随访,平均20个月。踝关节功能按Mazur评价,优21 例,良12 例,可8 例,差5 例。
Results The radiofrequency catheter ablation combined with coronary artery angiography was successfully performed in all patients, including sixteen patients with paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia, three patients with idiopathic left ventricular tachycardia and two patients with frequency monomorphic ventricular premature beats.
结果 本组所有患者均成功完成冠状动脉造影术与射频消融术的联合介入治疗,其中阵发性室上性心动过速16例、特发性左室室性心动过速3例,频发单形性室性早博2例。
To appraise effect of the home-made recombinant human granulocyte colony stimulating factor in the mobilization peripheral blood stem cells. From 2001 to 2005, 20 patients undergoing autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation were enrolled, 11 males, 9 females, 11 patients with acute myelocytic leukemia, 5 patients with acute lymphocyte leukemia, 3 patients with malignant lymphoma, and 1 patient with multiple myeloma.
The type of neuraxial technique included spinal anesthesiain 325 (57%) patients, epidural anesthesia or analgesia in 214(38%) patients, continuous spinal anesthesia in 24 (4%) patients,and a combined spinal-epidural technique in four (1%) patients.
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The split between the two groups can hardly be papered over.
This approach not only encourages a greater number of responses, but minimizes the likelihood of stale groupthink.
The new PS20 solar power tower collected sunlight through mirrors known as "heliostats" to produce steam that is converted into electricity by a turbine in Sanlucar la Mayor, Spain, Wednesday.