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与 particulars 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We declare, after inquiry, that the statements, particulars and information contained in this application and in any documents accompanying this application are true and correct in every detail and that no other material facts have been misstated, suppressed or omitted.


It differs in some particulars always in the direction of the more marvellous.


I have observed, that a reader seldom peruses a book with pleasure, till he knows whether the writer be an unfair or fair man, of a mild or choleric disposition, married or a bachelor, and other particulars of the like nature, that contribute very much to the right understanding of an author.


For all further information concerning the technical particulars of this work I refer the reader to the prefaces of Marx and Engels.


They agreed as to the grand outlines,but quibbled over particulars.


But," she continued, recollecting herself,"as we know none of the particulars, it is not fair to condemn him.


The author is aware of S-Channel automatic resets, but is not versed on the particulars of how it is accomplished.

作者是知道的S -通道自动复位,但不上它是如何实现了的细节。

The larger implication of this compositional method becomes clear when we consider a resemblance at another level: both Pound's and the New Historicist's works are global in scale-they tend to use Luminous Details to reveal large pictures of a society or culture. In Pound's words, it is to use "a sufficient phalanx of particulars" to capture recurring paideumatic structures of civilization; in New Historicist terms, it is to put tiny tissues of textual traces under a microscopic lens in order to reveal a picture of a "sublime confrontation between a total artist and a totalizing society."


Failing such notification, or if within 12 months of a request for the same any of the parties shall fail to supply evidence in support of a notified claim, or particulars of value in respect of a contributory interest, the average adjuster shall be at liberty to estimate the extent of the allowance or the contributory value on the basis of the information available to him, which estimate may be challenged only on the ground that it is manifestly incorrect.


Then the Contractor shall before moving the load on to such highway or bridge give notice to the Engineer or Engineer's representative of the weight and other particulars of the load to be moved and his proposals for protecting or strengthening the said highway or bridge.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
