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与 particulars 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Of the Shipper.ii If any particulars of any Letter of Credit and/or Import Licence and/or Sale Contract and/or Invoice or Order number and/or details or any contract to which the Carrier is not a party are shown on the face of this Bill of Lading, such particulars are included solely at the request of the Merchantfor its convenience.


Ii If any particulars of any Letter of Credit and/or Import Licence and/or Sale Contract and/or Invoice or Order number and/or details or any contract to which the Carrier is not a party are shown on the face of this Bill of Lading, such particulars are included solely at the request of the Merchantfor its convenience.

ii 如果在本提单以文字形式写明包括任何信用状和/或进口许可和/或销售合约和/或发票或订单号码和/或详细资料或任何运送人非当事方的合约的详细说明,这只是应货方的要求并出於方便货方使用的目的。

The Merchant warrants to the Carrier that the particulars relating to the Goods as set forth on the front of this Bill of Lading have been checked by the Merchant on receipt of this Bill of Lading and that such particulars, and any particulars furnished by or on behalf of the Merchant, are adequate and correct.


If any particulars of any letter of credit and/or import license and/or sales contract and/or invoice or order number and/or details of any contract to which the Carrier is not a party are shown on the front of this Bill of Lading, such particulars are included solely at the request of the Merchant for its convenience.


I The Shipper warrants to the Carrier that the particulars relating to the Goods as set out overleaf have been checked by the Shipper on receipt of this Bill of Lading and that such particulars and any other particulars furnished by or on behalf of the Shipper are correct.

i 托运人向运送人保证,托运人在收到本提单时已经检查与后页所列货物相关的详细说明且由托运人或代表托运人提供的上述详细说明和其它任何详细说明准确无误。

If the bill of lading contains particulars concerning the general mature, leading marks, number of packages or pieces, weight or quantity of the goods which the carrier or other person issuing the bill of lading on his behalf knows or has reasonable grounds to suspect do not accurately represent the goods actually taken over or, where a shipped bill of lading issued, loaded, or if he had no reasonable means of checking such particulars, the carrier or such other person must insert in the bill of lading a reservation specifying these inaccuracies, grounds of suspicion of the absence of reasonable means of checking.


Article 75 If the bill of lading contains particulars concerning the description, mark, number of packages or pieces, weight or quantity of the goods with respect to which the carrier or the other person issuing the bill of lading on his behalf has the knowledge or reasonable grounds to suspect that such particulars do not accurately represent the goods actually received, or, where a shipped bill of lading is issued, loaded, or if he has had no reasonable means of checking, the carrier or such other person may make a note in the bill of lading specifying those inaccuracies, the grounds for suspicion or the lack of reasonable means of checking.


If the bill of lading contains particulars concerning the general mature, leading marks, number of packages or pieces, weight or quantity of the goods which the carrier or other person issuing the bill of lading on his behalf knows or has reasonal grounds to suspect do not accurately represent the goods actually taken oer or, where a shipped bill of lading issued, loaded, or if he had no reasonable means of checking such particulars, the carrier or such other person must insert in the bill of lading a reseration specifying these inaccuracies, grounds of suspicion of the absence of reasonable means of checking.


If the bill of lading contains particulars concerning the general nature, leading marks, number of packages or pieces, weight or quantity of the goods which the carrier or other person issuing the bill of lading on his behalf knows or has reasonable grounds to suspect do not accurately represent the goods actually taken over or, where a "shipped" bill of lading is, issued, loaded, or if he had no reasonable means of checking such particulars, the carrier or such other person must insert in the bill of lading a reservation specifying these inaccuracies, grounds of suspicion or the absence of reasonable means of checking.


If the bill of lading contains particulars concerning the general nature, leading marks, number of packages or pieces, weight or quantity of the goods which the carrier or other person issuing the bill of lading on his behalf knows or has reasonal grounds to suspect do not accurately represent the goods actually taken over or, where a shipped bill of lading issued, loaded, or if he had no reasonable means of checking such particulars, the carrier or such other person must insert in the bill of lading a reservation specifying these inaccuracies, grounds of suspicion of the absence of reasonable means of checking.


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
