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ResultsEffective rate of chemotherapy was 86.6% which was associated with clinical stage and histology. Eight-four patients received radical hysterectomy. The histological grade of 17 patients was lowered, lymph nodes in 19 patients were positive, and 6 patients had parametrium invasion. One patient died within 1 year after the operation, and 5 patients recurred.
Objective To explore the clinical efficacy of the use of parametrium nerve block anesthesia during abortion.
目的 探讨宫旁神经阻滞麻醉用于早孕人工流产的临床效果。
Methods The patients were devided into three groups: abortion using parametrium nerve block anesthesia group, traditional abortion group and medical abortion group with 80 cases in each group.
using parametrium nerve block anesthesia during abortion was a good choice considering its easy operation, time saving and pain relief.
Parametrium; nerve block anesthesia; abortion
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Lugalbanda was a god and shepherd king of Uruk where he was worshipped for over a thousand years.
Lugalbanda 是神和被崇拜了一千年多 Uruk古埃及喜克索王朝国王。
I am coming just now,' and went on perfuming himself with Hunut, then he came and sat.
我来只是现在,'歼灭战perfuming自己与胡努特,那麼,他来到和SAT 。
The shamrock is the symbol of Ireland and of St.