英语人>网络例句>pan-fired 相关的网络例句

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与 pan-fired 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Pan-African University in Lagos, Nigeria is also a partner.


The Pan-African University in Lagos, Nigeria is also a partner.


The plan African ( Pan-African ) University in Lagos Nigeria is also a partner.


Indeed, without such a centralized administration, the execution of any such gigantic scheme as Pan-Germanism, extending necessarily over a long series of years and requiring continuity of policy and careful preparations for eventualities known of necessity only to a few, would be utterly impossible. In England and in France, power is distributed in too many hands to make continuity of policy and vigor of administration really possible; in Russia, the country itself is too large to be directed efficiently by a single head; in Germany, the happy mean is found.


Many Taiwanese businessmen participated in APEC since it is a very important event for pan-pacific economies.

许多台湾商人都参加了 APEC,因为这个会议对於环太平洋的(pan-pacific)经济体来说是十分重要的。

Pan-Pacific Management Institute is a leading provider for business executive education and management consultancy in China.

泛太平洋管理研究中心(Pan-Pacific Management Institute缩写为PPMI)是一家专业从事管理咨询和高级管理培训的国际化机构,致力于为在中国运营的企业提供与中国本土文化接轨的国际一流的管理咨询和管理培训,其客户遍布中国前100家大型企业和财富500强跨国公司,主要业务包括管理咨询、管理培训、EMBA学位教育、大型活动的举办和刊物出版等模块。

Russia today is a mix of neo-czarist authoritarianism domestically and pan-Slavic belligerence internationally.


The results show that PAN-ACF has a better desulfurization performance. Its desulfuration efficiency decreases with increasing the flux and temperature of flue gas and the mass concentration of SO2, increases first and decreases later with increasing the volume fraction of vapor in flue gas, and increases with increasing the recycle ratio of ACF and the mass flux of new ACF.


Using PAN as indicator and CuSO4 as indirect titrant the aluminium content is determined.


The feasibility of separating isopropanol/water mixtures by PVA-PAN composite membrane was discussed in this paper.


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Dead Pan
Potters Field (Hypo Lyxa Hermes Pan Remix)
Las Penas Con Pan Son Buenas
Pan Satyros
In Search Of Peter Pan
Al Pan, Pan Y Al Vino
Peter Pan
Peter Pan
Pan American

This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
