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Results: Tubulointerstitial damage index, tubulointerstitial fibro- sis index, and expression of TGF-β1 in group U were significantly higher than those in group S (P.01). These indexes were obviously lower in group A than those in group U (P.05). TDI and TFI positively correlated with expression of TGF-β1 respectively.


There was significant difference in T lymphocyte proliferation between the TF treatment groups and the control groups (p<0.01), and between TF from black-bone silky fowl and other treatment groups (p<0.01). Significant difference was detected between TF from black-bone silky fowl and homogenous Cherry Valley duck (p<0.01). The effect on T lymphocyte proliferation in vivo was markedly enhanced when taking oral TF in 24 h, and significant difference remained between the treatment groups and the control groups in 240 h.

实验结果进行t检验分析,各实验组TF与对照组数据进行比较极显著差异,p<0.01;乌骨鸡来源TF与其他实验组数据进行比较极显著差异,p<0.01;T细胞体内转化增殖实验结果表明TF口服作用24 h内极显著提高T细胞转化增殖效果,而且240 h内T细胞的增殖效果与对照组相比仍然保持极显著差异。

There was an obvious effect of different N, P and K application rates on N, P, K concentration of stem, leaf, rhizome and total ginger plant in each growth period, the uptake and accumulation of nutrient and distribution increased greatly. Ginger in the treatments of moderate fertilizer application rate of N450, P120 and K450 had a higher N, P and K concentration, which resulted in the increase amount of nutrient uptake and accumulation.


Results: by the end of 4 weeks, there was significant difference in efficacy between A、C groups and B groups(P<0.05),by the end of 6 weeks, there was significant difference in efficacy between c group and A、B groups ,there was no significant difference in efficacy between A and B group(P>0.05),and the doses of imipramine and the TESS scores of C group were significantly lower than that of B group.


The oxygen index was higher in the lung protect group than that of in the control group at 0, 6, 12 and 24 h after CPB (P.05). In both groups, compared with the baseline values, plasma levels of MDA, IL-6 and TNF-α were gradually increased after CPB. Compared to the control group, the level of MDA, IL-6 and TNF-α were lower in the protective group at different time point after CPB (P.01). Histologic analyses showed intra-alveolar edema, capillary hyperemia and neutrophil accumulated in the control group, whereas no significant changes in the protective group.

结果 保护组各时点血氧指数均高于对照组(P.05),CPB后血浆MDA、IL-6和TNF-α水平较术前升高(P.05);在CPB后各时间点,肺保护组患者血浆IL-6、TNF-α和MDA均低于对照组(P.05);对照组肺组织可见中性粒细胞浸润、肺间质水肿、肺泡壁小血管扩张、充血,保护组肺组织炎性反应较轻微。

2Spatial learning and memory:In the cued condition, the avoidance latency in the colzapine-exposed group was significantly shorter than the control group in the block 2(p.05),however there is no difference on block 3 between two groups;In the place condition,the clozapine-exposed group prrferred to finding the submerged platform in the serial blocks(P.01);in reversal condition,the filial rats exposed the clozapine had no advantage on finding out the submerged platform in block2,3,4 except of the block l(p.01),the further statistic analysis reminded that it is just the first trial that the filial rats in clozapine-exposed group had the advantage to find out the submerged platform in reversal condition (F=4.86, PO.01).it isimplicated that the clozapine exposed in the gestation lead to the improvement on the acquiry and consolidation.however the acquired memory seems not to be maintained.

OI;提示用药组大鼠的子代记忆巩固能力较对照组好;固定平台再认定位实验中,用药组大鼠的子代首轮寻找平台的潜伏期较对照组明显缩短(F一巧。04,P 。01),以后数轮成绩没有差别。进一步的统计显示,氯氮平孕期使用组大鼠在再认阶段仅仅是首个方向更快的发现平台(F二486,P.01),提示氯氮平孕期使用提高了记忆的获取,但这种已经获取的记忆优势并没有得到保持。

Results After HBO treatment,it was found that the passive skin allergic reaction in homozygous rats and heterologous mice all suppressed(P<0.01)compared with the control group,the number of mase cells degranulated by casein in abdominal cavity of mice was markedly decreased(P<0.01).On clinical observation,the near effects concerning symptoms and signs in 30 cases after HBO were 98.7%;follow-up 3 years,the effect was 73.7%.

结果 吸高压氧后大鼠同种被动皮肤过敏反应受抑制(P.01);小鼠耳异种被动皮肤过敏反应受抑制(P.01);酪蛋白引起脱颗粒的小鼠腹腔肥大细胞数与对照组比较明显减少(P.01)。30例患者治疗前后症状、体征比较,近期疗效99%,随访3年有效率达74%。

In this paper, the processes of electroless Ni-P, Ni-Fe-Co-P and Ni-Co-B platingwere investigated by using graphite pieces as samples first, and then Ni-P, Ni-Fe-Co-Pand Ni-Co-B coatings were deposited onto carbon nanofibers by using the selectedelectroless processes. The composition, structure of the coatings and the properties ofthe metal-coated carbon nanofibers were also studied.


More efficient than that of traditional acupuncture control group significant difference was found by comparing the two groups(P.01).2 The assessment of FMA FIM- Pahu Oedemas Skin temperature and ROM were all improved significantly after the acupuncture therapy(P.01 ) All above measured items were some increased in the control group, but the degree of improvement were significantly higher in the treatmeat group that in the control one0 There was significantly difference between them .3 The therapeutic effects of the acupuncture were negative interrelation with clinical phrase of SHS.The treatment in phase I was better than that of phase II ,and the phase II was better than III.

结果如下: 1、&开关通脉,祛瘀消肿&针法治疗中风后SHS具有较高疗效(显效率76.67%),优于传统针刺对照组(显效率36.67%),两组有非常显著性差异(P<0.01) 2、实验组FMA、FIM以及对疼痛、肿胀、皮温、关节活动度的测评均有显著提高,对照组在以上观察指标有一定程度提高,但改善程度不如实验组,两组间有显著性差异(P<0.01或P<0.05) 3、开关通脉针刺疗效与临床分期呈显著相关。

The latedischarges decreased from 9.29 ± 0.97 to 6.71 ± 0.68 with the A-fiberconditioning stimulus increasing from 1 to 5 (n〓8, P〓0. 05).(7) The intervalbetween the conditioning stimulus and test stimulus (C-T interval) wasincreasing, the inhibition tended to plateau off. At shorter time intervalsthe inhibition became more effective. When C-T interval was limited in 50ms,the inhibitory effects was the strongest, here, the late discharges reducedfrom 12.57±1.21to 2.29±0.42 (n=11, P<0. 01).(8) Behavior research showedthat the rat model of snake venom exhibited neuropathic pain with heathyperalgesia, cold and mechanical allodynia, which corresponding to the acuteelectrophysiological findings.

此时轻刷WDR神经元的感受野不能引起其活动改变,但伤害性齿镊夹捏仍可引起WDR神经元放电增多;〓5〓晚成分放电的潜伏期缩短,即宁静期的时程变短,由给蛇毒前的118.83〓3.67ms降至50.72〓1.36ms〓n〓32,P〓0.01〓;〓6〓在正常动物,如果预先给予只激活A纤维的弱条件电刺激〓mA,100μs〓可抑制随后的伤害性检验刺激所诱发的WDR神经元的晚成分放电,当条件刺激个数从1增加至5时,每次伤害性检验刺激所诱发的晚成分放电数从9.29〓0.97个降至6.71〓0.68个〓n〓8,P〓0.05〓;〓7〓固定条件刺激数为1个,当条件刺激与检验刺激之间的间隔增大时,A纤维条件刺激对WDR神经元晚成分放电的抑制作用逐渐减弱,当条件刺激与检验刺激之间的间隔在50 ms以内时,抑制效应最为显著,此时,晚成分放电数由正常时的12.57〓1.21个降至2.29〓0.42个〓n〓11,P〓0.01〓;〓8〓与急性研究中的WDR神经元电活动的变化结果相匹配,利用蛇毒制备的大鼠模型在行为学上表现为热痛觉过敏、冷觉的痛性感觉异常及机械痛觉过敏等慢性痛症状。

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In the end, transportation of PAHs in the environmental matrix was preliminarily investigated and discussed according to PAHs data of soils and sediments from a certain region in Shanghai. The result indicated that there are two or more pathways on PAHs transportation in the environmental matrix.


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