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YMDD mutation: HBV YMDD mutation were developed in 12 lamivudine recipients, whereas the treated group had no incidence of HBV YMDD variation, there were significant difference between two groups (p=0.000). YMDD mutation resulted in increase of the mean HBVDNA levels (p=0.000), but no contribution to serum ALT diversification (p>0.05). 2. Precore nt1896 mutation: Precore nt1896 mutation incidence had no difference between lamivudine recipients and objects who received combination therapy of Kidney-invigorating Granule and Marine Injection, and patients of HBeAg negative and HBeAg positive had a close incidence of precore mutation as well as. Precore nt1896 mutation had no influence on serum ALT level. The occurrence of precore nt1896 mutation contributed to serum HBVDNA load increased and worse response of HBVDNA extenuation. 3. HBV genotype: The baseline of serum HBVDNA gradually increase in turn of genotype B, genotype C and genotype B/C. Genotype B seemed to obtain higher rate of serum HBVDNA loss and HBeAg/anti-HBe seroconversion after combination therapy of Kidney-invigorating Granule and Marine Injection, differencing with lamivudine therapy.


Both the interactions of haplotype vs. food (R0: P=0.038; rm: P=0.027) and that of haplotype vs. temperature (R0: P=0.006; rm: P=0.000) had obvious effect on growth reponses of the clonal groups. Moreover, there was significant interaction of haplotype vs. temperature (lorica length: P=0.033; lorica width: P=0.000) and haplotype vs. temperature (lorica length: P=0.027; lorica width: P=0.000) on body size of the clonal group.


The study results showed that the bioaccessibilities of p,p'-DDT, p,p'-DDD and p,p'-DDE in intestinal solution were higher than in stomach,and the bile and pancreatin had positive effects to them.


The experiment two: enzyme preparation significantly improved average daily gainand feed conversion ratio (P<0.05). Enzyme preparation significantly increased energymetabolizability and digestibility of crude fiber, crude protein and neutral detergent fiber,but had no remarkable effect on digestibility of dry matter, crude fat and acid detergentfiber. Enzyme preparation significantly decreased the relative viscosity of duodenal andjejunal digesta. The pH of intestine had no noticed difference in all groups. Enzymepreparation significantly decreased relative weight of gizzard, proventficulus, duodenum,jejunum and ileum. Enzyme preparation significantly increased villus size of duodenumand jejunum, and villus to crypt ratio of duodenum and ileum significantly increased too.Enzyme preparation considerably decreased ileal crypt height (P<0.05), and didn"t affectthickness of intestinal wall. Supplementing enzyme preparation, the serum glucose, totalprotein and alanine aminotransferase, but enzyme preparation hadn"t noticed influenceupon uric acid, total cholesterol, triglyceride and high-density lipoproteins. Enzymepreparation significantly increased insulin, triiodothyronine and insulin-like growthfactor-Ⅰ. Adding enzyme preparation, the percentage of thyroid stimulating hormone andgrowth hormone in the serum increased 16.44%, 19.18% and 18.84%, 21.74%respectively, and the percentage of glucagon and thyroxine decreased 12.07%, 14.36% and 13.79%, 15.40%, but failed to reach statistical significance (P>0.05). Enzymepreparation significantly increased (P<0.05) the trypsin and amylase activity of duodenaland jejunal digesta, but enzyme preparation didnt affect significantly (P>0.05) theintestinal lipase activity and pancreatic digestive enzyme. Enzyme preparation had nosignificant effect on caecal microbial population.


Results l.Serum concentrations of VCAM-1 in PIH (93.39 + 57.3)ug/ml were higher than that in normal pregnant group. Serum concentrations of VCAM-1 in moderate(97.89 + 34.07)ug/ml and severe PIH(132.24 + 60.97)ug/ml were significantly higher than that in normal group.(P.05, P.01). There was no difference between serum levels of VCAM-1 mild PIH and normal pregnant group. 2.Serum levels of IL-6 in PIH group(102.17 ?48. 31)pg/ml were significantly higher than that in normal group(49.16 + 12.9)pg/ml.Serum levels of IL-6 in moderate(95.79+31.19)pg/ml and severe PIH( 127.27+11.3 8)pg,ml were significantly higher than that in normal group. There was no difference between serum levels of PIH in mild PIH (52.13 + 12.90)pg/ml and normal pregnant group. 3. In PIH group, serum concentrations of VCAM-1 correlate with the levels of IL-6,r=0.63. 4.The expression of VCAM-1 in cytotrophoblast of spiral arteries in normal pregnant group(100%) were significantly higher than that in PIH group.Theexpression of VCAM-1 in moderate PIH(37.50%) and sever PIH were lower than that in normal group.There was no difference between the mild PIH and normal group.Conclusions The increased levels of serum of VCAM-1 may participate in the process of vascular endothelium damages in PIH.

结果 1、妊高征组血清VCAM-1浓度为(93.39±57.3)μg/ml明显高于正常妊娠组(44.87±15.60)μg/ml,差别有显著性(P<0.05);中、重度妊高征组VCAM-1浓度分别为(97.89±34.07)μg/ml和(132.24±60.97)μg/ml,与正常妊娠组比较,差异有显著性(p<0.05)和非常显著性(P<0.01);轻度妊高征组VCAH-1为(48.46±15.60)μg/ml与正常妊娠组比较,差异无显著性(P>0.05)。2、妊高征组血清IL-6含量为(102.17±48.31)pg/ml,明显高于正常妊娠组(49.16+12.9)pg/ml,差异有非常显著性(P<0.01);中、重度妊高征组IL-6含量分别(95.79±31.19)pg/ml和(127.27±11.38)pg/ml,与正常妊娠组比较,差异有显著性(P<0.05)和非常显著性(P<0.01);轻度妊高征组IL-6含量为(52.13±12.90)pg/ml与正常妊娠组比较,差异无显著性(P>0.05)。3、VCAM-1与IL-6水平呈明显正相关,r=0.63(P<0.01)。4、子宫胎盘床螺旋动脉滋养细胞VCAM-1表达,正常妊娠组都存在阳性表达(阳性表达率100%),妊高征组有10例阳性表达阳性表达率为叩们,差别有非常显著性河<0.01L 中、重度妊高征组阳性表达率分别为37、50%和0,与正常妊娠组比较,差别有显著性河<0.05)和非常显著性汀<0.01太轻度妊高征组阳性表达率为83.33凡与正常妊娠组差别无显著性问>0.05)。

On the silicon substrate an epitomical layer is made,where IC components are formed subsequently.In an CVDprocess,the silicon substrates places in a vacuum crystal tube are first heated to 1,600°C by high-frequency radio power and then H⒉Cl⒉Si and certain gaseous compounds of As or P is injected into the tube to make a deposit of several um on their surface.Ions of As or P are impurity deliberately added to the singl-crystalline silicon structure to supply electrons that transmit "negative"current in the silicon crystals,which is called n-type silicon.Bcan be added as impurity to produce p-type silicon that supplies holes for transmitting "positive"current.Whether a p--type of an n-type silicon substrate is needed depends on what type of transistors is expected to be manufactured on it:n-p-n type of p-n-p type

对硅衬底上的一个epitomical层了,而IC零件形成subsequently.in一个CVD法(化学气相depsition )过程中,硅衬底的地方在真空晶体管均先加热至1600 ° C时,由高频率的无线电功率,并然后h ⒉氯⒉硅和某些气态的化合物,砷或P ,是注入试管,使存款的几位嗯对他们surface.ions的作为或P是杂质刻意添加到单结晶硅的结构,以供应电子传递的&负面&目前,在硅晶体,即所谓N型silicon.b ,可以增加一条,作为杂质产生的p型硅供应孔转递&积极& current.whether一个P -类型的一个n型硅衬底,是需要靠哪些类型的晶体管预计将在制造上它: NPN型的PNP型

The results showed that the perimeter of leg significantly decreased (P.05), further decreased (P.01) in a HDT time-dependent manner compared with pre-HDT; in limb muscular group, the perimeter of leg decreased significantly (P.01) during from the HDT 18th day to the 30th day compared with pre-HDT; in bicycle ergometric group, the perimeter of leg decreased significantly (P.01) during from the HDT 22nd day to the 30th day ; in the HDT 10th day, the perimeter of leg in bicycle ergometric group increased significantly (P.05) as compared to that of control group; in the HDT 18th day, the perimeter of leg in limb muscular and bicycle ergometric group increased significantly (P.05) compared with control group.

结果发现,与卧床前相比,对照组小腿围径在卧床第1d显著减小(P.05),随卧床时间延长进一步显著减小(P.01);下肢肌力训练组在卧床后期(18~30 d)以及起床后的小腿围径显著减小(P.01);自行车功量计训练组在卧床第22~30 d及起床后显著减小(P.01);卧床第10 d自行车功量计训练组的小腿围径显著大于对照组(P.05),第18 d下肢肌力训练组和自行车功量计训练组的小腿围径均显著大于对照组(P.05)。

Theurinary IL-6 level positively correlated with density of glomerular matrix membrane, global sclerosis, fiber or fibrocellular crescents and interstitial fibrosis (p. 05). According to the degree of density of glomerular matrix membrane and interstitial fibrosis, urinary Col-IV level had better correlation than urinary TGF-betal and IL-6 levels.In IgAN, Col-IV showed increased expression in diseased renal tissue whereas the site of expression of TGF-betal was mainly localized within the cytoplasm of tubular epithelial cells. Interstial expressionwas also present but glomerular TGF-betal expression was found only in patients with heavy mesangial proliferation. There was a significant correlation between glomerular positivity for Col-IV and severity of histological damage. There was also a significant correlation between positivity for TGF-betal and Col-IV in the tubular epithelial and interstitial lesions. In contrast, there was no ralationship between glomerular positivity for TGF-betal and severity of histological damage.The urinary TGF-betal level paralleled tubular TGF-betal expression.

结果 ①IgAN患者尿TGF-β1、IL-6、Col-Ⅳ水平较健康人明显增高(P<0.01),该变化与血中的浓度无关(P>0.05);②尿TGF-β1水平与小管间质TGF-β1阳性表达呈正相关(P=0.000),而与小球TGF-β1阳性表达无关(P>0.05),尿Col-Ⅳ水平与小球和小管间质Col-Ⅳ阳性表达均呈良好的相关性(P<0.01),还与小管间质TGF-β1阳性表达呈正相关(P<0.05):③小球Col-Ⅳ阳性表达与肾组织慢性病变密切相关(P<0.05),小管间质Col-Ⅳ和TGF-β1阳性表达均与肾小管间质病变呈良好的相关性(P<0.01),而小球TGF-β1阳性表达与肾组织损伤无关(P>0.05);④尿TGF-β1、Col-Ⅳ水平与肾小球基质基底膜面密度、小管间质病变呈正相关(P<0.01),与小球内细胞数呈负相关(P<0.05),该结果与其在组织中的表达一致;尿IL-6水平浙江大学硕士学位论文尿TGF一B一、IL一6和Col一IV在IgA肾病中的应用价值与基质基底膜面密度、球性硬化、纤维或细胞纤维新月体所占肾小球百分数及小管间质病变均有显著的相关性(F.05);在轻度肾病理损伤时,尿'l'G卜pl、I卜6、Col一IV水平即升高,而尿Col一W在反映细胞外基质积聚和间质纤维化程度上比尿TGF一pl和IL一6有更好的相关性。

Furthermore, we used western blot to assay the concentration discrepancy of G0/G1 phase-associate proteins P21, P27, P53, cyclin D1, CDK4, p-Erk 1, p-Erk 2 and p-JNK. We found that P21, P27, P53 have significant elevation during 100μM Saussurea involucrate treatment, while CDK4 and p-JNK remain constant and cyclin D1, p-Erk 1, p-Erk 2 are decreased during the treatment.

此外,我们更进一步利用西方墨点法测量P21、P27、P53、cyclin D1、CDK4、 p-Erk 1、p-Erk 2及p-JNK这些与细胞周期中G0/G1期相关蛋白质表现情形,结果发现P21、P27及P53在乳癌细胞处理100μg/ml雪莲后,均有上升的趋势,CDK4及p-JNK没有变化,而cyclin D1及p-Erk 1、p-Erk 2则有下降情形。

The authors extended the representing framework Rof the KRA model so as to divide the perception into primary perception and abstraction perception. In the process of primary perception,Wunder the primary perception system P is mapped as P where the attributes of the objects in Wdo not change. In the process of abstraction perception, Wunder the abstraction perception system P* is mapped as P*. The objects in P*are abstraction objects, the types of which are related to the abstraction objects database predefined by the agent.

针对KRA抽象模型的表示框架进行扩展,将感知过程分解为初步感知过程和抽象感知过程两部分:初步感知过程将该模型提供的一个框架R表示世界W在初步感知系统P的作用下映射为P,该过程不改变W中具体对象的实体属性;抽象感知过程将P在感知系统P*的作用下映射为P*, P*中的对象称为抽象对象,抽象对象的类型根据感知者预先定义的抽象对象库Oa的不同而不同。

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W.P.I.M.P. (Skit)

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
