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The company was founded in 1990 by former engineers from ARRI headquarters in Munich. In 1993, P+S Technik entered the international market and has since received a renown reputation as a competent and professional partner for solutions and products of the highest level in the cine world.

P+S Technik公司成立于1990年,由慕尼黑ARRI的原班工程师团队组建。1993年,P+S Technik公司正式进入国际市场,并从此树立了良好的声誉,为电影院界提供专业的高性能解决方案和产品。

Model RWM within the ARSIS concept (Ranchin and Wald 1999) and the P+XS algorithm (Anonymous 1986). A comparison of the synthesised images demonstrates the possible misinterpretation that can result from an non-appropriated method. A quantitative assessment is then performed of the synthesised images. These two comparisons enhance the quality of the method derived from the ARSIS concept.

RWM-ARSIS 方法(Ranchin and Wald,1999)和 P+XS 算法[1](Anonymous 1986)对三峡工程三斗坪大坝区的多时相高空间分辨率的SPOT图像(获取时间为1990,1997和1998年,包括全波段P图像和多波段XS图像)进行融合处理,在提取测区地面动态变化信息的同时,从理论和实际应用的角度探讨了不同数据融合方法的效果。

The characteristics of pentacene/perylene derivatives based organic solar cells are investigated in this thesis Donor and acceptor layers are pentacene and N N'-dioctyl-3 4 9 10-perylenetetracarboxylic diimide (PTCDI-2~13C) respectively Twelve organic solar cells with pentacene/PTCDI-2~13C heterojunctions were fabricated to study the influence of various alkylic perylene derivatives on the power conversion efficiency Under the sunlight simulator with AM1 5G filter and 100 mW/cm2 the solar cell of pentacene/PTCDI-7C heterojunction with cathode of Ag/Al bilayer has the best performance among the devices with pentacene/PTCDI-2~13C heterojunctions In PL spectrum analyses the pentacene/PTCDI-7C film had lower recombination rate than the other pentacene/PTCDI-2~13C films; therefore more excitons could reach the P/N junction and enhance short-circuit current Furthermore the PTCDI-7C film grown on the surface of penatcene was more matched than other PTCDI films analyzed by the PL peak shifts of 10 nm and 45 nm thick PTCDI-2~13C and images of atomic force microscope More lattice match between the films of pentacene and PTCDI resulted in fewer defects in P/N junction and more carries can reach electrodes Accordingly the power conversion efficiency approach 2% was obtained from the solar cell with the active layer of pentacene/PTCDI-7C

本研究探讨以五环素/骈苯衍生物异质接面太阳能电池之特性,利用pentacene作为电子施体有机材料,PTCDI -2C~13C作为电子受体有机材料,制作出异质接面为pentacene/ PTCDI-2C ~13C等12种有机太阳能电池,比较不同碳数的骈苯衍生物对於有机太阳能电池之光电转换效率之影响。在AM1 5G、100 mW/cm2的模拟太阳光下,以pentacene/PTCDI-7C异质接面太阳能电池具有短路电流9 882 mA/cm2、开路电压0 376 V、填充因数0 523及光电转换效率达1 945%,皆比其他pentacene/PTCDI-2C ~13C异质接面太阳能电池来的大。由薄膜分析可知PTCDI-7C在这12种太阳能电池中具有较低的电子电洞复合发光效率,可以让较多激子到达异质接面进行电荷分离,减少电子电洞对复合发光的机率;此外,由光激发萤光光谱之峰值位移配合原子力显微镜表面结构图,可以得知当PTCDI-7C成长在pentacene上时会顺著pentacene的结构成长薄膜,故较无缺陷产生在P/N接面处;而在其他结构下则无此现象产生,致使在pentacene/PTCDI-7C薄膜中的载子有较大的机会可以移动至电极,使光电流提高,进而使光电转换效率提高。

Z/ p'?/ g1 ~%{3 h! C/ i An audible and/or visible signal used to signify the existence of some error or abnormal condition in the system.

E# r/ P, P。 a, l 由音响或显示设备发出的信号,用以表示系统出现了错误或异常情况。4 S1 I* Z5 s6 |3 e/ L G$ F

The all order s of automorphism groups of the groups of order p~6 in Rodney James families Φ_1 and Φ_2 are gotten,where p is an odd prime.


A general model supporting the most commonly used scheduling algorithms for multi-core CPU is constructed by a PTL formula S, and the desired property of the system is described by a PTL formula F, then whether the system possesses the property can be identified by proving whether or not S implying P is a theorem based on the axiomatization of PTL.


Results: The accepting liquid concentration of benzocaine ointment containing 7% of LP was singnificant higher than that containing 1%, 3%, 5%, 10%, 13%, and 16%(P<0.01) by the analsis of variance.


The operative area was examined with light microscope, electronic microscope, and the proliferating cell nuclear antigenwas detected. Results In CsA group, intraocular pressure was significantly lower than that in NS group(P<0.05), and more functional filtering blebs were observed. Less fibroplasia and proliferative cells, less bioblast and less active caryotin in fibrocyte were found in CsA group than that in NS group. No serious mcomplicaton was found in both group.

结果 环孢霉素A组眼压控制多较理想,与对照组间的差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),大多数形成功能性滤过泡,光镜下见极少量纤维组织增生,电镜下见纤维细胞线粒体少,染色质功能不活跃,增殖细胞阳性率低,与对照组差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),且没有浅前房、视网膜损害等严重并发症。

At 1st, 7th,14th,and 30th day after surgery, filtering blebs, intraocular pressure, cornea and ocular fundus were observed.the operative area was examined with light microscope, electronic microscope, and the proliferating cell nuclear antigenwas detected. results in csa group, intraocular pressure was significantly lower than that in ns group(p<0.05), and more functional filtering blebs were observed. less fibroplasia and proliferative cells, less bioblast and less active caryotin in fibrocyte were found in csa group than that in ns group. no serious mcomplicaton was found in both group.

结果 环孢霉素a组眼压控制多较理想,与对照组间的差异有统计学意义(p<0.05),大多数形成功能性滤过泡,光镜下见极少量纤维组织增生,电镜下见纤维细胞线粒体少,染色质功能不活跃,增殖细胞阳性率低,与对照组差异有统计学意义(p<0.05),且没有浅前房、视网膜损害等严重并发症。

Results indicate that Qin method, Moran method and FGM method can offer more reasonable conclusions. Suggestion is provided for the applied condition on calculation of bivariate P-Ⅲdistribution among these methods.


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W.P.I.M.P. (Skit)

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
