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For k≥1, an isometry φ between codes over Zsubscript P(superscript k+1 and codes over Z(subscript P^2) is introduced and used to give a generalization of the Gray map φ: Z(superscript n subscript 4)→F(superscript 2n subscript 2). Furthermore, by means of this isometry, the concept of negacyclic codes is extended to codes over the ring Zsubscript P(superscript k+1. A characterization of these codes in terms of their images under φ is given. It is also shown that the generalized Gray map image of the 1-P(superscript k-cyclic code is a distance-invariant quasi-cyclic code.

文章引入了Z下标 P(上标 k+1码和Z(下标 P^2)码之间的等距同构φ(k≥1);利用φ把Gray映射φ:Z(上标 n 下标 4)→F(上标 2n 下标 2)推广为φ:;而且利用φ,负循环码概念被推广到Z下标 P(上标 k+1码,得到了1-P(上标 k-循环码;依据等距同构φ,给出了这些码的表示;也证明了1-P(上标 k-循环码在推广的Gray映射下的像是距离不变的准循环码。

Scores of somatization, sensitivity of interpersonal relation, depression, anxiety, hostility, fear, monomania, psychiatric and total scores, total average scores, positive numbers, and positive average numbers of the experimental group were higher than those of the control group(P<0.01). Correlation analysis showed that age was positively correlated with the mood of depression and negative copying(P<0.05), educational level was negatively correlated with the mood of depression and anxiety, and serum albumin was negatively correlated with negative copying(P<0.05). Conclusion: The mood of depression and anxiety is an obvious symptom in nondialysis patients with chronic kidney disease.


Result3 strains of endophytic fungi had growth peak when the pH value was 6.5-7.5,and could grow within pH of 4.0-8.5. Their acid-alkali adaptability was strong,in which the P-3 adaptability was the strongest. P-1and P-2 had the stronger inhibition to the Bacillus subtilis,Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus,and P-3 only had the little inhibition to Escherichia coli. The 3 endophytic fungi all had inhibitory effect on Podosphaera leucotrlcha,Alternaria mali,and Gymnosporangium yamadae Miyabe,in which,P-1 had the better inhibitory ability.


The feldspars of topaz-lepidolite granite in Yashan late stage are P-rich albite and Kfeldspar, and the phosphorus goes into feldspar structure in the form of PAlSi〓 substitution. The phosphorus contents of feldspars vary according to their crystal habitus. In general, the feldspars of later generation have the higher average phosphorus content than that of earlier generation, and the albite contains higher phosphorus than the K-feldspar in the same generation. The zircon is highly rich in Hf, U, P and Al. The phosphorus enters the zircon structure mainly by the form of〓P〓〓Si〓, Al〓P〓Si〓 or P〓Al〓Si〓, Zr〓 substitution. The P-rich zircon is the production of the highly evolved magma, and it might be one of the important characteristic minerals of the high-P subtype granite. The manganocolumbite, manganotantalite, wodginite and titanowodginite are the main niobium and tantalum minerals.

雅山晚阶段黄玉锂云母花岗岩的长石矿物是富磷长石,磷以PAlSi〓替换方式进入长石结构中,并且在长石中的分布很不均一,一般是晚结晶的长石比早结晶的长石的磷含量高,同期结晶的钠长石比钾长石的磷含量高;锆石矿物为高度富铪、铀、磷和铝的锆石,磷主要以(Y, HREE, Fe)〓P〓〓〓Si〓〓、Al〓P〓Si〓〓、P〓Al〓Si〓〓Zr〓〓等替换方式进入锆石晶格中,富磷锆石是岩浆高度演化的结果,是高磷花岗岩的特征矿物之一;雅山含有丰富的磷锂铝石,是高磷花岗岩的主要磷酸盐矿物;铌—钽矿物主要有铌锰矿—钽锰矿、锡锰钽矿—钛锰钽矿、细晶石等。

Results:Palatopharyngeal data of normal adults and patients with OSAS are as followed,length of softpalate:27.68±7.17 mm,29.94±4.71 mm(P<0.05);width of uvula:8.40±1.18 mm, 10.74±1.68 mm(p<0.01);length of uvula:10.20±2.85 mm,11.94±2.84 mm (P<0.01);distance of pharyx:23.70±7.05 mm,19.87±4.40 mm(P<0.05);distance of palatopharyx:12.36±3.97 mm,9.80±2.90 mm(P<0.01).All of which were significantly different.


Results For single treatment groups,serum drug concentration of chlorpromazine and clozapine were related to age of patients (P<0 05),concentration of clozapine was related to dosage (P=0 01).For combination group,concentration of chlorpromazine was related to dosage (P<0 01),also related to scores of PANSS and general psychopathological symptoms (P=0 01),concentration of clozapine was related to scores of PANSS,negative and general psychopathological symptoms (P<0 05).Multiple linear regression analysis showed that forms and methods of treatment affected concentration of chlorpromazine,age of patients and methods of treatment affected concentration of clozapine.

结果 单用氯丙嗪和采用氯氮平组的血药浓度均与年龄相关(P<0 05),氯氮平血药浓度与剂量线性正相关(P=0 01);在双氯组中的氯丙嗪血药浓度与剂量线性正相关(P<0 01),与PANSS总分及一般精神病理分相关(P=0 01),而氯氮平血药浓度与PANSS总分、阴性量表分及一般精神病理分明显相关(P<0 05);多元回归分析显示,治疗形式和治疗方法影响氯丙嗪血药浓度,年龄和治疗方法影响氯氮平血药浓度。

Among the 45 neurons generating phasic firing, 8 (17.78﹪) neurons could still be induced phasic firing after treatment with 1×10-2 μg/mL SVHRP and 37 (82.22﹪) neurons had no responses to the stimulation. The AP firing of neurons was dramatically different after treatment with SVHRP (P<0.01, n=45). Among the 7 repetitive firing neurons, all of them could only generate 1 or 0 AP instead of repetitive firing when SVHRP was applied. The number of APs was 14.57±1.00 and 0.57±0.20 before and after SVHRP treatment (P<0.01, n=7). The AP rheobase was (75.10±8.99) pA and (119.85± 12.73) pA before and after 1 × 10-4 μg/mL SVHRP application, respectively (P<0.01,n=8). The AP threshold was increased from (-41.17±2.15) mV to (-32.40±1.48) mV after 1×10-4 μg/mL SVHRP treatment (P<0.01,n=8). The peak amplitude of AP was (68.49±2.33) mV for the neurons before treatment with 1×10-4 μg/mL SVHRP and (54.71±0.81)mV after treatment (P<0.01, n=8). These results showed that SVHRP could decrease the AP firing frequency, increase the AP rheobase and threshold, but decrease the AP peak amplitude of hippocampal neurons.

在产生位相放电的45个细胞中,有8个细胞在SVHRP处理后仍可以诱发出位相放电(占17.78﹪);37个细胞在SVHRP处理后无法诱导出位相放电(占82.22﹪),SVHRP处理后动作电位的产生与处理前相比,有显著差异(P<0.01,n=45);在产生重复放电的7个细胞中,在1×10-2μg/mL SVHRP作用后均不能再次诱发出重复放电,而是产生一个动作电位或不再产生动作电位,药物处理前产生的动作电位个数为14.57±1.00,SVHRP处理后产生动作电位的个数为0.57±0.20,二者之间有显著性差异(P<0.01,n=7)。1×10-4 μg/mLSVHRP处理后,诱发动作电位产生的基强度由(75.10±8.99)pA增加到(119.85±12.73)pA(P<0.01,n=8);阈电位由(-41.17±2.15)mV升至(-32.40±1.48)mV(P<0.01,n=8);动作电位峰值由(68.49±2.33)mV下降至(54.71±0.81)mV(P<0.01,n=8)。

The results were as follows: ET〓-RNA expression levels in hypothalamus, hippocampus and temporoparietal grey and white matters of the low and high speed injury groups were elevated significantly than that of control group (p<0.05), but in the above areas of brain, ET〓-RNA expression in hypothalamus and hippocampus were the highest (p<0.01), especially in the high speed injury group; ET〓 contents in hypothalamus and hippocampus in the two injury groups, especially in the high speed injury group, increased very significantly than that of control group (p< 0.01); ET〓 contents in CSF and plasma in the two injury groups, also especially in high speed injury group, increased markedly after 2 hours, and lasted for 8 hours after injury; ET〓 contents in the abovt areas of brain were of highly positive correlation with that in plasma or in CSF.


Because the concentrations of heptachlor, aldrin, o, p-DDT, p, p'-DDE and p, p'-DDT in SPMD are lower than those in water, these contaminants are not suitable to be sampled by this SPMD. The results of field experiment done at the Liangshui river prove the feasibility of SPMD used in groundwater monitoring. But detailed work is needed to be done in order to explain some unusual field experiment results.


The values of PLT, RDW-CV significant decline (P.001 WBC, RBC, HGB, HCT, MCV, MCH, PDW, significant rising (P.001) and PLT drop to 20% of originally worth before anaesthetizing by local anesthetics, The values of PLT, RDW-CV, WBC, RBC, HGB, HCT, MCV, MCH and PDW do not have significant difference (P=0.001) before and after anaesthetizing by flunitrazepam. T4 values have significant rising (P.001) after anaesthetizing with local anesthetics, and regard dibucaine as anesthetic than to use benzocaine that T4 value has significant difference (P=0.001) after anaesthetizing.


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W.P.I.M.P. (Skit)

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
