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The increase in either OCDAS or AAS scores associated with provocation was statistically significant (P<0.01). A statistically significant increase (P<0.05) in rCBV during the OCD symptomatic state versus the control state was found in the right inferiofrontal cortex, postcentral cortex, angular cortex, and bilateral orbitofrontal cortices, cuneus cortices, heads of caudate neucli, thalami and amygdalae.

结果 静息期和诱发期的强迫症状评分结果分别是1.00±0.33和6.65±0.71,有显著性差异(P<0.01);静息期和诱发期的焦虑症状评分结果分别是1.20±0.42和2.75±0.42,也有显著性差异(P<0.01);与静息期相比,右侧额下回、中央后回、角回、双侧眶额部、楔叶皮质及双侧尾状核头、丘脑、杏仁核rCBV在症状诱发期显著增加(P<0.05)。

Six weeks after drug intervention,we found,in ADM+Res group,the mean tumor volume of MCF-7/ADM cells implanted tumor was 1.203±0.338 cm~3 with statistical significance to compare with other groups(P<0.05),decreased about 50.58%compared with the mean tumor volume of ADM alone group1.979±0.307 cm~3the result of the mean tumor weigh was alike to the mean tumor volume; compared with the control,Res could relieve weigh loss(P<0.05,and the toxicity of treatment was not obvious;Microscopic examination showed that there was massive area of cytoclasis and apoptosis in the tumor tissue of the combination group comparing with other groups.


The results showed that covering the dich slopes with shrub could significantly increase soil shear strength, compactness and moisture content, and the formed vegetation had significant effects on retarding runoff and removing TSS (P.05). Applying live fascines could significantly increase soil shear strength and TSS removal rate (P.05), but its effects on increasing soil compactness and moisture content and retaining runoff were not significant.


RESULTS: As compared with group I-R, Fas/FasL mRNA slightly expressed in intima and extima of small pulmonary artery, alveoli, and bronchiole epithelia in group Pur. The values of AI, W/D and IQA showed significantly lower than that in group I-R at 60, 180, 300 minutes after reperfusion in lung tissue (P.01 and P.05). Meanwhile, abnormal changes of the lung tissue in morphologically were lessen markedly in group Pur.

结果:肺再灌注1h、3h、5h, Pur组Fas/FasL mRNA在肺小动脉内膜、肺小静脉内膜、肺泡上皮及肺支气管上皮呈弱阳性表达,明显低于同一时点I-R组(P.05);AI、W/D和IQA值显著低于I-R组(P.01和P.05);肺组织形态学异常改变不同程度减轻。

Results: Compared with sham operation group, the ability of vascular dementia model mouse for learning and memory reduced, which showed extending the time for swimming the whole process, and increasing times of mistakes, and the activity of SOD in hippocamp was decreased and the content of MDA was increased(P.01). Compared with model group, Danggui Shaoyao-San could make the time for swimming the whole process shorten and times of mistakes decreased, and increase the activity of SOD and decrease the content of MDA in hippocamp, which were excellent than that of contrast medicine.


Zeta potential was -44.23 millivolt. Viscosity was 1.83 mpa. All of which were coincided with physical desire. In addition, the tests of PHGF liposomes including irritation, hemolysis, pyrogen, anomaly toxicity and hypersensibility, proved that the preparation reached the standard of intravenous injection entirely. Taking glutamic pyruvic transaminase and malondialdehyde in mice as index, studies on pharmacodynamics after hepatic injure caused by tetrachloromethane in mice indicated that GPT level (P.001) and MDA yieldment P

以小鼠CCli急性中毒性肝损伤为模型,以动物血清中谷丙转氨酶(GP水平与肝脏中丙二醛p A烨成量为指标,进行PHGF脂质体的药效学试验,结果表明P**F脂质体能显著降低GP T水平o<0刀01)与MD A 生成量厌<o.05);大鼠组织形态的观察表明高剂量***F脂质体能使肝脏 0 内皮细胞增生活跃,提高肝细胞的免疫功能,对受损肝细胞具有修复作用;同样小鼠碳廓清试验也显示PHGF脂质体较市售粉针具有更好的机体免 p 疫作用o功刀01),达到制剂设计目的,获得较好的结果。

Neither does it seem feasible to try to extract P from the concepts of consciousness we now have by some procedure of conceptual analysis – any more than we could solve the life – matter problem simply by re fl ecting on the concept life .10 P has to lie outside the fi eld of the introspectable, and it is not implicitly contained in the concepts we bring to bear in our fi rst-person ascriptions.

这似乎也不是可行的:试图这样来提取出P,即从我们现在拥有的意识概念,通过概念分析来提出P ——就像我们不能仅仅靠反思'生命'这个概念来解决'生命-物质问题'。[10]P位于可内省领域之外,而且它不是蕴涵在'我们用在第一人称归性上的'那些概念中。

The results were expressed in mean±1SD. Pearson X~2 test and One-way ANOVA test were used. The data analyzed using the SPSS (version 11.5). Results: The sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative value of US for the LPEH model on the children cadaver were 88%, 84%, 79%, 91%, respectively. With regard to the thickness of femora head cartilage, the thickness of the anterior layer or posterior layer, there were no significant differences among three groups. However, the anterior layer was thicker than the posterior layer in three groups. The fluid in hip joint was detected in all of 21 symptomatic hips, which was clear commonly (90%) in early procedure. The amount of fluid in anterior recess showed a positive correlation with age (p .05). No fluid was detected in the asymptomatic and normal hips (2mm). The mean maximum width of inferomedial recess was significantly larger than that of anterior recess (12.50±4.04mm vs.4.35±0.8mm, p 0.05) in the symptomatic hip joints. The echogenic entrapped labral plicaes were demonstrated in the inferomedial recess in all of 21 children with LPEH, whose length and width ranged from 5.3mm-25.0mm (mean,15.6±5.6mm) and from 4.0mm-17.0mm (mean,8.9±7.8mm).

结果1,尸体LPEH髋关节模型的超声诊断敏感性、特异性分别为88%、84%,阳性预测值、阴性预测值分别为79%、91%。2,21例患儿的LPEH患髋(21侧)、健髋(21侧),以及21例正常儿童健髋(42侧)的超声检查显示:髋关节周围软组织及股骨头无形态结构差别;股骨头软骨厚度无统计学差异(3.5±0.5mm vs.3.6±0.4mm vs.3.6±0.5mm,p>0.05);关节囊前层及后层厚度无统计学差异(前层厚度2.79±0.74 mm vs.2.56±0.40mm vs.2.56±0.72mm;后层厚度2.70±0.82mm vs.2.48±0.54mm vs.2.44±0.58mm,p>0.05),但LPEH患髋关节囊前、后层均较后二组有增厚趋势。3,LPEH患髋均存在关节腔内积液,且早期较为清晰;积液以髋关节内下间隙明显,内下间隙较前间隙明显增宽(12.50±4.04mm vs.4.35±0.8mm,p<0.05),其内见嵌顿滑膜唇皱襞呈稍强回声的占位性团块,长约15.6±5.6mm,宽约8.9±7.8mm,90.5%(19/21)嵌顿皱襞内未见血流信号。4,所有LPEH患髋治疗后超声复诊均显示正常。

Supplement of pyruvate can increase serum LPL levels remarkably(p.05)and decrease serum HL level but no significant statistical difference in rats and swimming rats, decrease serum T4 levels during resting obviously(p.05)in rats and reduce serum T4 levels to certain extent in swimming rats. It indicated that pyruvate supplement could regulate lipometabolism in rats and swimming rats by means of the effect on enzyme and hormone levels.


The incidence of exophthalmos,arrhythmia,periodic paralysis and medicamentous liver lesion was higher in men than in womenP.001,P.01,P


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In the end, transportation of PAHs in the environmental matrix was preliminarily investigated and discussed according to PAHs data of soils and sediments from a certain region in Shanghai. The result indicated that there are two or more pathways on PAHs transportation in the environmental matrix.


Quick stop! AIDS doctors while the side and say hello and colleagues mention a blood sample box, the Red Cross had sent blankets and so on, with patients有说有笑to go home.
