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与 p-aminotoluene 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the following two cases:(1)gcd=1;(2) N=p〓, where p denotes the characteristic of the finite field GF, by using the factorization of the polynomial in finite field, the counting function N〓 is showed, the expected value of the linear complexity E〓 is determined, and a useful lower bound on the expected value of the k-error linear complexity E〓 is established.(7) The stability of the lattice structure for pseudorandom number sequences is put forward.

利用多项式的因式分解等简单工具,研究了任意有限域GF上,周期N与p互素以及N =P〓这两种情况下,计数函数N〓,的值,即线性复杂皮为c的N-周期序列的个数,并给出了线性复杂度的数学期望E〓的值以及k-错线性复杂度的数学期望E〓的一个有用的下界,这里p表示有限域GF的特征。

In the following two cases:(1)gcd = 1 ;(2)N = p~v, where p denotes thecharacteristic of the finite field GF, by using the factorization of the polynomialin finite field, the counting function N_(N,0) is showed, the expected value of thelinear complexity E_(N,0) is determined, and a useful lower bound on the expectedvalue of the k-error linear complexity E_ is established.(7) The stability of the lattice structure for pseudorandom number sequences is putforward.

利用多项式的因式分解等简单工具,研究了任意有限域GF上,周期N与p互素以及N = p~v这两种情况下,计数函数NN,0 的值,即线性复杂度为c的N-周期序列的个数,并给出了线性复杂度的数学期望EN,0的值以及k-错线性复杂度的数学期望EN,k的一个有用的下界,这里p表示有限域GF的特征。

In chapter 6, we study the dimension of a code associated with a difference set and we also study how to construct Ramanujan graph by using difference sets, we obtain:(1) let q≡1 (mod 4) be a prime power, p be a prime such that p|〓, then the p-rank of the quadratic residue partial difference set in the finite field GF is 〓.

在第六章中,我们研究差集对应的码的维数及用差集构造Ramanuian图,得到了:(1)设q≡1(mod 4)是素数幂,素数p|〓,则GF中的二次剩余部分差集的p-秩是〓。

A system of three-wavelength EDRAW was constructed. Optical data was written into BR film with 670 nm laser based on the B to P photochemistry reaction. Then the information was erased with 490 nm laser based on the reconversion of the photoproduct state P.


First,we give some basic concepts of restricted Lie color algebra,for example,p-subalgebra,p-idea and p-nilpotent Lie color algebra.

然后,我们得到限制李color代数的Frattini子代数和Frattini p-子代数的基本性质并证得可解限制李color代数的Frattini子代数和Frattini p-子代数是两个幂零理想。

The characteristic vector of the real symmetric matrix should be found out, which is orthogonalized and normalized to a standard orthogonal base and is used as row vector to construct the transformation matrix P, so the P~(-1)AP can be made into diagonal matrix.

实对称矩阵A经相似变换P-1AP可化为对角矩阵,在x =Py 下,不一定能化A的二次型为标准型;应寻求对称矩阵A的特征向量,将其正交化并单位化作为标准正交基,作为列向量构造变换矩阵P,可使P-1AP=Λ为对角阵,在x =Py 下,要将二次型化为标准型,且二次项系数即为对角阵Λ主对角线上元素。

According to the data above, with the decrease in the renewal period, the NO3-N and PO4-P in the cultural liquid could not be consumed in time by the cells of P. cruentum, and therefore, more NO3-N and PO4-P were accumulated in the semicontinuous culture system.

根据上述数据,以减少续期期间,硝态氮和PO4 - P的文化液体不能及时消耗的紫球藻细胞,因此,更多的硝态氮和PO4 - P的积累的半连续培养系统。

We first characterize the groups in which all m∈cdq〓 contain at most 4 prime divisors; and then show the following: if any m∈cdq〓 is nth-power-free then the derived length of solvable group G is bounded by a function f depended only on n; also if cdq〓 has k different p-parts then the p-length of solvable group G is bounded by a function g depended only on k.


Results displaied age (OR=1.2, 95%CI 1.1-1.3, P=0.006) and width of inner diameter of portal (OR=4.7, 95%CI 1.5-14.6, P=0.008) were independent risk factors for EGVB. However, the width of inner diameter of splenetic vein (OR=0.4, 95%CI 0.2-0.9, P=0.036) was protective factor for EGVB.

结果显示年龄、PV增宽是EGVB的危险因素(P=0.006、0.008),OR值为1.179、4.649,95%CI值为(1.049, 1.324),(1.487, 14.599),而SV增宽是EGVB的保护性因素(P=0.036),DR值为0.423,95%CI值为(0.190,0.944)。

The evolution of the half-peak width of the relative density increment pulse with respect to slow wave also demonstrates the close relation to Δp. Its minimum w〓 decreases with the increase of Δp, which means, slow wave will steepen with the enhancement of Δp and may evolve into slow shock eventually. Numerical results also indicate that the propagation velocity of fast and slow wave increase when Δp increases.


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W.P.I.M.P. (Skit)

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In the end, transportation of PAHs in the environmental matrix was preliminarily investigated and discussed according to PAHs data of soils and sediments from a certain region in Shanghai. The result indicated that there are two or more pathways on PAHs transportation in the environmental matrix.


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