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Result: B-2 can increase abdominal cavity macrophage phagocytic activity significantly (p.001) B-1 can increase abdominal cavity macrophage phagocytic activity (high dose of B-1: P.01, low dose of B-1: P.05). Only high doses of S. sphenanthera coarse polysaccharides can increase phagocytic activity (phagocytic index p.05) and show dose-dependent augmentor effects.


Results By incubating cardiomyocytes with bFGF, ERKs was activated and the cellular viability 〔(70.0±4.6)%in bFGF 10 ng group vs.(53.0±4.5)%in H/R group, P<0.01) and the ATP content 〔(23.1±2.3) nmol/106 cells in bFGF 10 ng group vs.(12.3±2.1) nmol/106 cells in H/R group, P<0.01〕 were increased, also the LDH leakage 〔(257.3±51.0) U/L in bFGF 10 ng group vs.(372.5±69.2) U/L in H/R group, P<0.05〕, was decreased, then attenuation of H/R injury to cardiomyocytes was observed. PD098059, an inhibitor of upstream kinase of ERKs completely abolished the protective effects 〔viability (57.0±5.8)%,ATP content (15.1±2.6) nmol/106 cells,LDH activity in medium (325.5±59.0)U/L in PD098059 group vs. bFGF 10 ng group, P<0.01, respectively〕.

结果 bFGF激活ERKs,并呈剂量依赖性减轻H/R所致心肌细胞损伤,表现为细胞存活率〔bFGF 10 ng组(70.0±4.6)%,H/R组(53.0±4.5)%,P<0.01〕和细胞内ATP含量〔bFGF 10 ng组(23.1±2.3)nmol/106细胞,H/R组(12.3±2.1)nmol/106细胞,P<0.01〕升高,细胞浆酶LDH漏出〔bFGF 10 ng组(257.3±51.0)U/L,H/R组(372.5±69.2)U/L,P<0.05〕减少;ERKs上游激酶抑制剂PD098059完全消除上述保护作用〔PD098059组细胞存活率(57.0±5.8)%,ATP含量(15.1±2.6)nmol/106细胞,培养液中LDH活性(325.5±59.0)U/L,与bFGF 10 ng组比较均为P<0.01〕。

The results showed:(1)Nitrogen addition changed the soil physical and chemical properties, enhancing the content of NO3—- N available resources in the soil, increasing the plants height and cover, reducing the vegetation light penetration. With increasing of N addition, both the species richness and the diversity decrease sharply (P 0.001).(2)N addition increased the aboveground biomass significantly (P 0.05). With increasing of N addition, the aboveground biomass increased first then decreased, and the grasses biomass increased while the forbs and legumes biomass decreased.(3)There was a significant linear positive relationship between species richness and vegetation light penetration (P 0.05), and also between aboveground biomass and soil NO3—- N content (P 0.05). The relationship between aboveground biomass and species richness was negative upon enhanced N supply.

结果表明:(1)氮素添加提高了土壤中NO3—- N等可利用资源的含量,增加了植物群落植被的盖度,减小了植被的透光率,随着施氮量的增加群落中物种丰富度显著降低(P 0.001);(2)氮素添加显著改变了植物群落地上生产力(P 0.05),随着施氮量的增加地上生产力呈现先增加后降低的变化趋势,各功能群中禾草生物量显著增加,而杂草和豆科生物量随施氮量增加逐渐减少;(3)物种多样性与植被透光率呈线性正相关(P 0.05);地上生产力与土壤NO3—- N含量呈线性正相关(P 0.05);随着施氮量的增加物种丰富度与生产力之间呈负相关关系。

There were no significant differences in the normalization of alanine aminotransferase levels between the two groups at week 12 and 24 (52.5% vs 60.0%, 77.5% vs 75.0%). The mean reductions in serum HBV DNA from the baseline levels at week 12 and 24 were similar between the two groups [5.27 vs.5.36, 6.49 vs.6.18 log (on a base-10 scale) copies per milliliter]. More patients in the telbivudine group had HBeAg seroconversion at week12 than those in the entecavir group (20.0% vs 5.0%, P = 0.043); however, there was no significant difference between the two groups at week 24 (27.5% vs 17.5%).

治疗12周时,替比夫定组和恩替卡韦组患者 HBV DNA 低于检测值率均为50.0%, ALT 复常率分别为52.5%和60.0%( P >0.05), HBeAg 阴转率分别为30.0%和5.0%( P <0.01), HBeAg 血清学转换率分别为20.0%和5.0%( P <0.05);在治疗24周时,两组 HBV DNA 低于检测值率分别为80%和70%( P >0.05), ALT 复常率分别为77.5%和75.0%( P >0.05), HBeAg 阴转率分别为45.0%和32.5%( P >0.05), HBeAg 血清学转换率分别为27.5%和17.5%( P >0.05);两组均未发现明显不良反应。

First, we introduce and discuss the various methods of multivariate polynomial interpolation in the literature. Based on this study, we state multivariate Lagrange interpolation over again from algebraic geometry viewpoint:Given different interpolation nodes A1,A2 .....,An in the affine n-dimensional space Kn, and accordingly function values fi(i = 1,..., m), the question is how to find a polynomial p K[x1, x2,...,xn] satisfying the interpolation conditions:where X=(x1,X2,....,xn). Similarly with univariate problem, we have provedTheorem If the monomial ordering is given, a minimal ordering polynomial satisfying conditions (1) is uniquely exsisted.Such a polynomial can be computed by the Lagrange-Hermite interpolation algorithm introduced in chapter 2. Another statement for Lagrange interpolation problem is:Given monomials 1 ,2 ,.....,m from low degree to high one with respect to the ordering, some arbitrary values fi(i= 1,..., m), find a polynomial p, such thatIf there uniquely exists such an interpolation polynomial p{X, the interpolation problem is called properly posed.

文中首先对现有的多元多项式插值方法作了一个介绍和评述,在此基础上我们从代数几何观点重新讨论了多元Lagrange插值问题:给定n维仿射空间K~n中两两互异的点A_1,A_2,…,A_m,在结点A_i处给定函数值f_i(i=1,…,m),构造多项式p∈K[X_1,X_2,…,X_n],满足Lagrange插值条件:p=f_i,i=1,…,m (1)其中X=(X_1,X_2,…,X_n),与一元情形相似地,本文证明了定理满足插值条件(1)的多项式存在,并且按&序&最低的多项式是唯一的,上述多项式可利用第二章介绍的Lagrange-Hermite插值算法求出,Lagrange插值另一种描述是:按序从低到高给定单项式ω_1,ω_2,…,ω_m,对任意给定的f_1,f_2,…,f_m,构造多项式p,满足插值条件:p=sum from i=1 to m=Ai=f_i,i=1,…,m (2)如果插值多项式p存在且唯一,则称插值问题适定。

Imagine, for example that there is one gene in parasites with two alleles p and P conferring two types of parasitic ability, and one gene in hosts with two alleles h and H, conferring two types of parasite resistance, such that parasites with allele p can attach themselves to hosts with the allele h, and P to H.


Each time after putting to (the instrument with the set of Yamshidi-Nadel provided by Kypho of America for injection of bone cement into the vertebrae; each putting could contain about 1.5 mL bone cement) inject bone cement into the vertebrae, the pressure P was not very high, with 500 kPa bar below for majority and the effect caused showed a significant statistical difference (P.01). Whereas, the pressure within the area of the vertebral P value was not high either, the majority was 10.00 Unit lower, which also led to the effects of significant difference (P.01). Both two states showed partial distribution. After making the statistical analysis to the casual two puttings between the first, second, third and fourth putting of each vertebrae, there existed the general differences. The differences were also found between other puttings (a.0083) on the statistics basis apart from between the first and second and between the third and fourth.

结果 每个椎体的椎体成形术均达到临床评价要求,每次推杆(美国Kypho公司提供标准椎体成形术中Yamshi-Nadel套系中推注骨水泥入椎体的器具,每具推杆可容纳骨水泥约1.5mL)推注骨水泥入椎体时所产生的椎体内的压力P不是很高,多数在0.50 bar以下,其所导致的效应具有显著的统计学差异(P.01),而每次推杆推注骨水泥入椎体时的椎体内压力面积值P也不是很高,多数在10.00 Unit以下,其所导致的效应具有显著的统计学差异(P.01),两者均呈偏态分布;而且,对每例椎体的第一、二、三、四杆之间两两予以统计学上的分析,在总体存在差异有统计学意义的基础上还发现除第一和二杆、第三和四杆之间外,其他各杆之间存在着差异(a.0083)。

The prediction equations of nutritional requirements about digestible energy, metabolizable energy, digestible crude protein, and protein deposited for stall-feeding growing crossbred Boer goats were:DE, kJ/d=588.31W0.75 9.25W 879.9 r=0.5712, p=0.013ME, kJ/d=482.42W0.75 7.57AW 721.57 r=0.5713, p=0.013DCP, g/d=(0.03AW 1.27) W0.75 r=0.9869, p=0.0131 PD, g/d=(0.03W 0.03) W0.75 r=0.9993, p=0.0007 When the average daily gain stage is from 0 to 200g/d,for the stall-feeding growing crossbred Boer goats, aged at 3~6 months, Metabolic rate of gross energy of the diets is 0.55; digestibi I ity of crude protein is 0.56; The protein requirement of per live weight gain for meat goats is 0.31 g PD/g gain .

舍饲波杂肉羊生长期消化能、代谢能、可消化粗蛋白质、沉积蛋白质需要量的估测模型分别为: DE,kJ/d=588.31W~(0.75) 9.25△W 879.9 r=0.5712,p=0.013 ME,kJ/d=482.42W~(0.75) 7.57△W 721.57 r=0.5713,p=0.013 DCP,g/d=(0.03△W 1.27)W~(0.75) r=0.9869,p=0.0131 PD,g/d=(0.03△W 0.03)W~(0.75) r=0.9993,p=0.0007 3~6月龄舍饲生长期波杂肉羊增重范围为0~200g/d时,日粮总能代谢率平均为0.55,粗蛋白质的消化率平均为0.56;每增重1g体沉积蛋白质需要量为0.31g。

The results indicate that isomers P≡C-BH2 and CH3-C≡P containing C≡P triple bond are thermodynamically the most stable species in BH2-C≡P and CH3-C≡P systems, respectively.


Elegans were significantly decreased after exposure to ENIs(p.05); also the brood size and the lifespan of C. elegans were significantly reduced after exposure to ENIs(p.05). Moreover, after exposure to ENIs, the lifespan of mev-1 mutant hermaphrodites was shorter than that of wild type(p.05), indicating that mev-1 gene mutant could result in more sensitivity of the mutant hermaphrodites to ENIs exposure than the wild type.


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W.P.I.M.P. (Skit)

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
