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The results showed that the rates of mature oocyte were 75.2%, 73.1%, 69.8%, 63.5%and oocyte at telophase of MI were 16.3%, 15.9%, 16.9%, 27.0%, respectively. The rates of maturation of oocytes cultured in TCM199 with serum, EGF and TGFαwere significantly higher than that of with BSA team (P<0.05) and the number of oocyte stayed at telophase of MI in TCM199 with serum, EGF and TGFαteam were significantly less than that with BSA team(P<0.05); Significant higher rates (66.6%, 66.6%, 73.6%) of normalα-tubulin distribution in oocytes cultured in TCM199+ serum, EGF and TGFαwere compared to that of TCM199+BSA(43.3%)(P<0.05). The rates of oocyte with cortical granules in cortex were 58.8%, 33.9%, 54.7%and 47.9%respectively, there was significant difference between oocytes cultured with serum, EGF and BSA(P<0.05). In conclusion, TGFαand EGF can promote the oocyte nuclear transition from telophaseⅠto metaphase of meiosisⅡ, and improved the expression and distribution ofα-tubulin during the ovine oocytes maturation; EGF and serum could promote oocyte cytoplasm maturation. The results suggested that EGF and TGFαmight substitute some substance in serum to improve the quality of oocyte nucleus maturation in vitro, but EGF might be more functional than TGFαto promote the maturation of ovine oocyte ooplasm.


The type 2 diabetes-mellitus (T2DM) subjects had higher HOMR-IR, FINS, FPG, TC, TG, LDL and lower ISI than NC subjects. The 2DM subjects with genotype Thr54 (Thr54 homozygotes and heterozygotes) had higher FPG、FINS、HOMR-IR、TG、LDL(P.01) and lower ISI (P.01) than those with genotype Thr (Ala54 homozygotes). Conclusions: The polymorphy of FABP2 has been identified in the Han nationality in Bengbu.


Results The mortality rate of mice in 80 mg/kg, day cyclophosphamide group was 16.7%, and T level [ at 30th day :( 1.38 ± 0.31 );45th day:( 1.15 ± 0.26 ) ] and T/LH ratio [ at 30th day:(0.163 ± 0.014); 45th day:(0.127 ± 0.023 ) ] were significantly decreased (all P<0.05) at 30th day after induction;The concentration of MDA [at 15th day:(2.70 ± 0.41);30th day:(2.710.36);45th day:(2.67 ±0.43) ] was maintained at a high level (all P<0.05) during the 45 days ; Number of Leydig's cells [ at 15th day:(9.65 ± 0.75 ); 30th day:( 14.05 ± 0.67 ); 45th day:(8.49 ± 072)] and layers of spermatogenetic epithelia [ at 15th day:(4.75 ± 0.82);30th day:(3.60 ± 0.49);45th day:(3.74 ± 0.43 ) ] were significantly decreased ( all P < 0.01 ) and stabilized in a low level. The induced model was stable and the mortality rate was acceptable. In the 60 mg/kg, day cyelophosphamide group, the T level and T/LH ratio had no significant change (P > 0.05 ), and the concentration of MDA ,number of Leydig' s cell and layers of spermatogenetic epithelia recovered at 30th day after induction. The induced model was unstable.

结果 剂量每日为80 mg/kg体重小鼠成模后死亡率为16.7%,血清T[30 d:(1.38±0.31);45 d:(1.15±0.26)]及T/LH比值[30 d:(0.163±0.014);45 d:(0.127±0.023)]于诱导后第30天出现显著下降(P均<0.05),而诱导后睾丸组织内MDA含量[15 d:(2.70±0.41);30 d(2.71±0.36);45 d:(2.67±0.43)]维持高水平(P均<0.05),生精上皮层次[15 d:(4.75±0.82);30 d:(3.60±0.49);45 d:(3.74±0.43)]和间质细胞[15 d:(9.65±0.75);30 d:(14.05±0.67);45 d:(8.49±0.72)]均显著减少(P均<0.01)并稳定于低水平,模型稳定,死亡率适当;每日60mg/kg体重组小鼠血清T及T/LH比值于不同时段并未出现明显变化(P>0.05),且睾丸组织内MDA含量、生精上皮层次和间质细胞计数在30 d后有所恢复,模型不稳定;每日100 rag/ks体重组死亡率为30.0%,死亡率过高。

Based on an intention-to-treat analysis, patients treated with pioglitazone had a significant increase in limb fat compared with those receiving placebo (0.38 vs 0.05 kg; P =.051). No difference was found, however, in the patients treated with stavudine. After excluding these patients, the increased limb fat was even greater for the pioglitazone-treated patients (0.45 vs 0.04 kg; P =.013). Other improvements included increased thigh circumference (1.4 vs 0.2 cm; P =.017) and tricipital skin-fold thickness (0.9 mm vs 0.4 mm; P =.047). No difference was found in subcutaneous abdominal fat or visceral fat.


Based on an intention-to-treat analysis, patients treated with pioglitazone had a significant increase in limb fat compared with those receiving placebo (0.38 vs 0.05 kg; P =.051). No difference was found, however, in the patients treated with stavudine. After excluding these patients, the increased limb fat was even greater for the pioglitazone-treated patients (0.45 vs 0.04 kg; P =.013). Other improvements included increased thigh circumference (1.4 vs 0.2 cm; P =.017) and tricipital skin-fold thickness (0.9 mm vs 0.4 mm; P =.047). No difference was found in subcutaneous abdominal fat or visceral fat.


The results indicated that the growth of 3-year-old Prunus salicina was significantly higher than that of the other species, such as 139.1% and 153.7% higher than Toona sinensis and Juglans regia in height growth, respectively. The maximum percentage of DBH more than 1.0 cm was 91.9% for P. salicina. Next were 49.5% and 48.8% for Ulmus pumila and Pteroceltis tatarinowii, respectively. The contents of total N, total P and total K ranged from 1.36% to 2.52% in the leaves of testing species. The highest content of total N and total P was found in the leaves of Catalpa bungei, while the highest content of total K was observed in P. saltcina leaves. The results indicated that P. salicina, P. tatarinowii, U. pumila had well adaptability on the Karst area both in the growth status and the improvement to the soil with the fallen leaf.

结果表明:(1)3年生冰脆李的生长量明显优于其他树种,其高生长比香椿、核桃分别大139.1%和153.7%;植株胸径大于等于1.0 cm株数的百分比以冰脆李最高达到91.9%,其次是榆树和青檀,分别是49.5%和48.8%;(2)8个树种落叶的全N、全P和全K的总含量变动为1.36%~2.52%,其中全N、全P含量以滇楸最高,全K含量以冰脆李最大;(3)从各树种落叶前后各元素含量及其转移情况看,冰脆李、青檀表现出对大部分营养元素具有较高的循环利用养分或保持养分的能力,而香椿及刺槐相对较弱。

In order to assess the change of triploid populus tomentoza pulp plantation long-term-site productivity, The paper studied on effects of aboveground litterfall, fine root turnover and wet dust precipitation in nutrient cycling of triploid populus tomentoza pulp plantations at different ages,namely 2a、4a、5a、6a.It studied influence of different factors on decomposition of leaf、tree bark and twig of triploid populus tomentoza to select the operations to accelerate the decomposition and nutrient release. Finally, it studied influence of different intercrops on plantation site productivity and the relationship of intercrops and triploid populus tomentoza to select suitable intercrops. The main results as follows:(1)The aboveground litterfall of triploid populus tomentoza increased along with age from 216.03±59.7gm~(-2) at 3a to 482.38±101.3gm~(-2) at 7a, The N returned by litterfall wasl8.38±2.46kg.hm~(-2)a~-121.63±2.25kg.hm~(-2a~-139.51±4.61kg.hm~(-2a~-138.89±4.89kg.hm~(-2a~(-1) at 3a、5a、6a、7a respectively. The P returned by litterfall was 5.80±0.62kg.hm~(-2)a~(-1)、8.16±0.94kg.hm~(-2)a~(-1), 11.31±1.33kg.hm~(-2)a~(-1)、11.76±1.37kg.hm~(-2)a~(-1) at 3a、5a、6a、7a respectively. The nutrient returned by fine root turnover increased along with age, too. The N returned by fine root turnover was 3.85±0.41kghm~(-2)a~(-1)、5.22±0.63kghm~(-2)a~(-1),7.62±0.89kghm~(-2)a~(-1),9.17±1.22kghm~(-2)a~(-1) at 3a、5a、6a、7a respectively. The P returned by fine root turnover was 0.73±0.07kghm~(-2)a~(-1)、1.69±0.09kghm~(-2) a~(-1)、1.92±0.31kghm~(-2)a~(-1)、1.96±0.21kghm~(-2)a~(-1) at 3a、5a、6a、7a respectively. The leaf was the principal pathway to return nutrient to soil among litterfall, fine root turnover and wet dust precipitation. The proportion of returned N by leaf was 74.84%、71.96%、78.58%、75.03% at 3a、5a、6a、7a respectively,The proportion of returned P by leaf was 85.93%、80.31%、83.04%、83.23% at 3a、5a、6a、7a respectively. Therefore, it is important to protect and utilize the leaf in order to maintenance and enhance the long-term-site productivity of triploid populus tomentoza pulp plantation.


Every group rats were divided into two parts with the same rats. At last the rats were redivided ,then them were killed and their brains were excluded after one hour.4 hours or one week.Results PO2 and cerebral blood flow of E-selectin 2mg/kg group were higher than that of saline and lower than that of l0mg/kggroup(p.01).The volume of cerebral infarct and blood speed of E-selectin 2mg/kg group was smaller than that of saline and larger than that of l0mg/kg group(p.01).At the same time PCh.speeds.flows and the volume of infarct were related with the time (p.01).Conclusion E-selectin can effectively increase PC2 and rCBF after ischemia and reperfusion .reducing infarct volumes and speeds of blood at the same time . Artificial synthetic E-selectin can effectively reduce the reperfusion injury following cerebral ischemia.

结果 生理盐水组,2mg/kg组,10mg/kg组PO_2值依次提高(p<0.01),脑皮质血流量依次提高(p<0.01);脑血流速度依次减低;脑梗死体积依次减少(p<0.01);同时在测定的时间段里PO_2和脑组织血流量值与时间成正相关(p<0.01);脑梗死体积和脑组织血流速度值与时间成正相关(p<0.01)。E一选择素在脑缺血再灌注损伤中表达的实验研究中文摘要结论E一选择素能增加脑缺血再灌注损伤的脑组织氧饱和度,脑血流量,减低脑血流速度;减少脑损伤体积;从而保护了脑缺血再灌注损伤的脑组织。

The experimental results indicated that the fructose (P=68.7%) is the most significant factors, the next factor is shaking time (P=15.2%), the third factor is non-dairy creamer (P=13.5%) and last factor is taros power (P=2.6%).


The number of abnormal structure of thyroid gland of B group was significantly higher than that of A and D groups(P .05).The abnormal number by blood biochemistry detection of A, B, C group was significantly higher than that of D group(P.05). Conclusions : The thyroid gland volume and blood biochemistry abnormal number of patients of type 2 diabetes was obvious increase than normal control group.


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W.P.I.M.P. (Skit)

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
