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与 overload 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Using antifriction bearing and hard alloy for guiding and saw blade overload protection device .


The following overload is not valid because it takes an array for the parameter array.


ResultsActive thrombi in the right artrium were found in two cases; right pulmonary thrombus in one case; overload of the right heart and pulmonary hypertension in 12 cases.

结果 彩色多普勒超声心动图示右心房内条索状活动性血栓2例,右肺动脉近端血栓1例,典型右心负荷过重和肺动脉高压12例。

Product characteristics : 1, excellent heat resistance : can adapt to the use of power lines due process overload and short circuit of the high temperature; 2, excellent electrical properties : material for the performance of their higher intensity and volume resistivity of insulation, security is good; 3. excellent corrosion resistance and anti-aging properties : apply to the soil and working environment, long life; 4. excellent flame retardance : difficult combustion; 5, smooth wall formation, the friction coefficient, good wear resistance : in the installation process can greatly reduce the damage to power lines, improve work efficiency; with the traditional asbestos cement pipes, the The product is light weight, good flexibility, earthquake-resistant and differential settlement, and not at the construction site encapsulation pouring concrete; Transport construction is simple, low cost, can greatly shorten the construction period.

产品特点: 1、优良的耐热性能:能适应电力电缆使用过程因过载短路而产生的高温; 2、优良的电气性能:材料自身表现为较高绝缘强度和体积电阻率,安全性好; 3、优异的耐腐蚀性能和抗老化性能:适用于各种土壤和工作环境,使用寿命长; 4、优良的阻燃性能:不易燃烧; 5、内壁光滑平整、摩擦系数小,耐磨性能好:在敷设过程中可大大降低对电缆的损害,提高工作效率;与传统的石棉水泥管相比,产品的重量轻、柔性好、抗震性及抗不均匀沉降好,无须在施工现场包封浇混凝土;运输施工简便,费用低,可大大缩短工期。

To force everyone to say what they have to say in 140 characters deals with the communications overload at a stroke.

迫使每个人都用 140 个字符表达自己必须要说的内容,一举解决了沟通过于繁重的问题。

Car walls and car door hairline stainless steel, 1 car operation panel in front wall with micro touch buttons, position indicator and direction arrow, hairline stainless steel ,flat,3-side.door-open button, door-close button, alarm button, overload protection device with audible and visible signal, intercom system with 5 terminals(pit/car/car frame/machine room/supervision room,cable to supervision room excluded), suspended ceiling type 'Voute', emergency lighting, automatic operation for car light and fan, PVC-flooring, light curtain door protection.


Thermal overload relay s offer phase failure protection and are convertible from manual to automatic reset.


Thermal overload relays offer phase failure protection and are convertible from manual to automatic reset .


Since the lotus root decompression for the box to start the counter protective structure, there are auto-transformers, AC contactor, smart motor protectors digital display components, etc., and below 75 kilowatts for the products, the Department of the use of automatic control mode, and more than 80 kilowatts of products, with two automatic control mode manually, by the change-over switch to switch, smart motor protectors digital display of 0 ~ 240 seconds can be automatically adjusted to control start-up time, prepared autotransformer 60 percent have a rated voltage (65%) and 80% tap two groups, then the factory in 60%(65%) on tap, if you need a larger starting torque, which can be accessed by 80% in the tap, and there are overload, and loss of pressure off the protection.


This paper proposes the Home Agent Load balancing method based on Active Overload Prevention.


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Sensory Overload
Pain Overload
Cute Overload
Information Overload

I'll try to bring the conversation around to the subject of money.


Only from a superior source of goats can an exceptional chevon product be made.

羊源 有优良的羊源才能生产出好品质的羊肉。

The company has international topping manufacturing technique and equipment, advanced business administration and quality control.
