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By a passed hand, the strength is limited by failure to open; a one-notrump overcall by a passed hand shows a similar hand-type but less playing strength.
Opener's double of the overcall shows a balanced hand.
A direct two-notrump overcall of a suit one-bid shows either a weakish or a very strong hand with length in the two lowest unbid suits.
After a reopening simple suit overcall and a new-suit bid by opener, a cue-bid in opener's first suit is forcing and artificial.
C over a simple overcall, a cue-bid shows a raise with game-invitational or greater strength, and a jump cue-bid is a splinter direct jump-raises are preemptive
B Over a two-level overcall: lebensohl applies, with "fast denies stopper" for cue-bid and three-notrump direct responses versus responder's rebids following a two-notrump response.
b敌方二阶插叫之后:使用lebensohl [2NT为傀儡到3 且应叫者低于三阶敌方花色的再叫为不逼叫;低于三阶敌方花色的直接叫牌为逼叫],使用"快速否认挡张"叫法且直接扣叫及直接3NT相对于先叫2NT之后再扣叫及3NT。
After-simple overcall--single raise-(same-suit rebid)-?, a double is a game-try when there is no new-suit bid available below three of the overcalled suit.
B Over a two-level overcall: lebensohl applies, with "fast denies stopper" for cue-bid and three-notrump direct responses versus responder's rebids following a two-notrump response.
b敌方二阶插叫之后:使用lebensohl [2NT为傀儡到3 且应叫者低于三阶敌方花色的再叫为不逼叫;低于三阶敌方花色的直接叫牌为逼叫],使用&快速否认挡张&叫法且直接扣叫及直接3NT相对于先叫2NT之后再扣叫及3NT。
- 推荐网络例句
Neither the killing of Mr Zarqawi nor any breakthrough on the political front will stop the insurgency and the fratricidal murders in their tracks.
In fact,I've got him on the satellite mobile right now.
实际上 我们已接通卫星可视电话了
The enrich the peopling of Deng Xiaoping of century great person thought, it is the main component in system of theory of Deng Xiaoping economy, it is a when our country economy builds basic task important facet.