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与 ovate-elliptic 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Seeds ovoid to reniform; seed coat with thick inner layer of dense black sclerenchyma and spongy outer layer bounded externally by a shiny black pellicle; endosperm copious; embryo straight or slightly bent; cotyledons ovate to elliptic, flattened; hypocotyl superior.

种子卵球形到肾形;种子涂上厚内部层紧密的黑色的sclerenchyma 和海绵状的外部层通过一发亮的黑色的表膜外部束;胚乳丰富;胚稍弯曲的直的或;子叶卵形到椭圆形,扁平;下胚轴上位。

Petiole stout, 1.5-5.5 cm; leaf blade ovate-oblong or elliptic, 10-29 × 4-12 cm, base cuneate or obtuse, entire or sinuate, apex short acuminate.

叶柄粗壮,1.5-5.5厘米;叶片卵形长圆形或椭圆形, 10-29 * 4-12 厘米,基部楔形或钝,全缘或,先端短渐尖。

Leaf epidermis of 35 species of Ormosia in China was examined under light microscope andscanning electron microscope. The epidermal cells of both upper and lower leaf surfaces are polygonal or irregular in shape, anticlinal walls are straight, arched, sinuolate or sinuate, and stomata are elliptic or ovate.


Leaf blade narrowly elliptic-lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, margin spiniform dentate; bracts of cupule subulate, ligulate, or linear, often reflexed.


Leaf blade broadly ovate or broadly elliptic, base rounded or subcordate; male flowers 5-merous; achene orbicular-ovoid, ca.

叶片宽卵形的或宽椭圆形,基部圆形或近心形;雄花5瓣;瘦果球状卵圆形,大约2.5毫米 5 D 。

Inflorescences paniculate or racemose, 3-9 cm; flowers not subopposite or pseudowhorled; leaf blade ovate-elliptic to oblong-lanceolate, 4-12 × 1.5-5 cm.

花序圆锥状或者总状,3-9厘米;花并非近对生的或假轮生;叶片卵形椭圆形到长圆状披针形, 4-12 * 1.5-5 厘米 4 X。

Leaves alternate, sometimes subopposite or a few fascicled on short shoots; petiole 2-4 mm; leaf blade ovate, or elliptic to lanceolate, 3-5 × 1.5-2 cm, leathery, both surfaces glabrous, lateral veins 3 or 4 pairs, base cuneate, slightly decurrent, apex obtuse.

叶互生,有时近对生或一很少簇生在短茎上;叶柄2-4毫米;叶片卵形,或椭圆形到披针形, 3-5 * 1.5-2 厘米,革质,两面无毛,侧脉3或4 对,基部楔形,稍下延,先端钝。

Leaves suborbicular, broadly ovate to elliptic, leaf blade less than 2 × as long as wide, apex obtuse to rounded.

叶近圆形,宽卵形的到椭圆形,叶片少于2 *倍于宽,先端钝到圆形。

Achenes not flattened, ovate,elliptic or lanceolate, not tumidly rimmed.


Petiole 0.5-6.5 cm; leaf blade elliptic to ovate or broadly lanceolate, sometimes falcate, 5-20 X 2-8 cm, adaxially glabrous to sparsely pubescent, abaxially glabrous, base usually oblique, cuneate to narrowly cuneate, margin serrate to entire, rarely undulate or crenate, apex acuminate to acute, vermiform sclereids surrounding vascular bundles; lateral veins 4-14 on each side of midrib.

叶柄0.5-6.5厘米;有时,宽披针形的叶片椭圆形到卵形或,5-20 X 2-8厘米,正面无毛到疏生短柔毛,背面无毛,基础通常斜,侧脉4-14在中脉每边各。

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He paid $5,000 for this cupcake.


I mean, if you want to, that is


In addition to his fee, he would be awarded an unaltered clone of himself.
