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Good health but some are prone to "wobbler" syndrome, heart problems, skin problems, hip dysplasia, and entropion - a folding outward of the eyelid rim, usually on the lower lid.


In face of contemporary society and the complex and changing film art, epical films no longer pursue only outward features but broad and profound inner meanings, to reveal the human spirit and historical significance of wars and great events by using vivid metaphors and symbolic tensions. We say such epical films are undergoing an introversal development.


The outward appearance or form of the Eucharistic elements that is retained after their consecration.

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But this building's outward appearance is my favourite . There were many building used to exorcise vell spirits .


Exotropia is the term used to describe outward turning of the eyes (aka "wall-eyed").


Xiong Wei does everything possible, through seeks in every way, achieved the mutual recognition finally with the Wuhan Iraq special instrument Limited company's researchers, develops this section together "in the fire fighter exposure suit the ambient temperature governing system", passes through the technical personnel in aspect and so on choice of material, control mode, outward appearance design several dozens revisions, developed the sample finally.


What struck me first were the outward things, her animation and expressiveness.


To follow the regulations for academic writing and to follow the scientific research process for academic study are respectively the outward expressivity and the inner productivity of a scholar.


As to the new theories about the kind of thing sacraments are, the canons[21] condemn those who say: that there are more or less than seven sacraments instituted by Christ our Lord--baptism, confirmation, the Eucharist, penance, extreme unction, order, marriage--or that any one of these is not truly a sacrament in the full sense of the word; that these sacraments only differ from the sacraments of the Jewish dispensation as one ritual from another; that the sacraments are not a necessity of salvation, but that through faith alone, and without the sacraments at all, man can obtain from God the grace of Justification; that the sacraments were instituted for the purpose of nourishing only faith; that the sacraments do not contain and confer the grace which they signify--as though they were but outward signs of the grace or justice received through faith, badges of Christian profession that mark off the believer from the infidel; that the sacraments do not themselves confer grace by the very activity of the sacrament, but that only faith in the divine promises is sufficient to obtain grace; that all Christians have the power to administer all the sacraments; that any pastor of the Church can change the received and approved rites used by the Church in the solemn administration of the sacraments.

至於新的理论对这种事圣礼是,该炮[ 21 ]谴责那些谁说:有多於或少於7圣礼所建立基督我们的上帝-洗礼,确认,圣体,忏悔,临终,秩序,婚姻-或任何其中之一是没有一个真正的圣礼在充分意义上的;这些圣礼只有不同於圣礼犹太分配作为一个仪式从另一个;的圣礼没有必要救赎,但仅通过信仰,并没有在所有的事,男人可以得到上帝的恩典的理由;的圣礼被提起,目的是滋养只有信仰;的圣礼不包含并赋予它的恩典他们象徵-就像他们的迹象,但外向的恩典或司法收到通过信仰,徽章的基督教界人士说,马克从信徒从异教徒;的圣礼本身并不赋予宽限期的非常活动圣礼(当然opere operato ),但只有信仰的神圣承诺足以获得宽限期;所有基督教徒有权力来管理所有的圣礼;,任何教会牧师可以改变收到并批准使用的仪式在庄严的教堂行政管理圣礼。

Complete company's facultative reinsurance objectives both inward and outward


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
