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与 outward 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

They have beautiful but bewitchingly beautiful outward appearance mostly and all, drawing on a public eyeball, under these 娇 person's outward appearances again convex appeared the essence of the demon and the skill of the absolute being.


AIM: To explore the effects of brucine on transient outward potassium current of ventricular cardiomyocytes of rats.

目的: 探讨马钱子碱对大鼠心室肌细胞瞬时外向钾电流(transient outward potassium current,Ito)及其动力学的影响。

The returns you can pass through the American earliest Chinatown on the way, the Chinatown, the Hawaii parliament building as well as the small White House executive mansion are the outward appearance, the Hawaiian first king make an idol as well as depend on the Ranney imperial palace outward appearance.


He who is neither inward-wise, nor outward-wise, nor both inward- and outward-wise, nor wisdom self-gathered, nor possessed of wisdom, nor unpossessed of wisdom, He Who is unseen and incommunicable, unseizable, featureless, unthinkable, and unnameable, Whose essentiality is awareness of the Self in its single existence, in Whom all phenomena dissolve, Who is Calm, Who is Good, Who is the One than Whom there is no other, Him they deem the fourth ; He is the Self, He is the object of Knowledge.

七 图力亚是第四个状态。意识在这个状态既不朝内亦不朝外,并且内外皆不转。它无分别,超越了知见与非知见的范畴。此状态无法由感官来体验、比较或推理而得知;它不可思议的、超越想象,并无法以言语表达。这是纯意识,这是真正的大我。它断绝了一切外在的现象,它是寂静、完全的喜悦,是唯—不二的。吾人必须了悟这个真正的大我。

In the same way that the dimension of inwardness is inward in relation to the outward and the outward is necessary as the basis and point of departure for the journey toward the inward, so is the experience of the Divinity as imminent dependent upon the awareness of the Divinity as transcendent.


Hook empty-load, outward travel at low speed and extreme position limiting at max radius is 5m jib(outward R=50m,inward R=7.5m), enable one switch of the radius limiter(outward and inward travel is controlled by its parting limiter switch), when the trolleying to and extreme position limiting at max radius, enable another limiter switch(ourward and inward limiter switch), then trolley stop travel, when travel it again, the trolley just travel in the center of the jib frame.

4.4.3 幅度限位器调整(结构调整方法见外购件说明书) adjusting method for radiuslimiter(the procedures is shown as the outsourcing instructions)(1)吊钩空载,以低速档运行,向外行至距最大幅度处5 米时(向外时 R=50 米,向内时 R=7.5 米),幅度限位器中的一个开关恰好动作(向外,向内分别由一个限位开关控制),当小车行至最大幅度时,另外一个限位开关动作,小车停止运行,再启动时,小车只能往臂架中央运行。

In the presence of TTX and CoCL〓, a depolarizing command evoked rapidly rising and rapidly decaying transient outward currents reminiscent of tansient outward Potassium currents reported in molluscan neurons.


Starting with introduction of outward-bound, this paper analyses how to introduce outward-bound into physical education in order to make it a new form of physical training, aiming at promoting students overall development.


The departing train; an outward journey; outward-bound ships.


But Jesus immediately restrained all such violence, and rebuked all self-vindication by outward violence (the taking of the sword that had not been received), nay, with it all merely outward zeal, pointing to the fact how easily He might, as against this 'cohort,' have commanded Angelic legions.


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When gets in the home, dismounts all camouflage, orfelt perhaps unusual lonely, I continuously all am not happy camper!


From the view of power management, this thesis begins with a deep investigation of Low Drop-Out voltage regulator's application and characterizations.

本文从电源管理的角度出发,深入调研了低压降电源调节器(Low Drop-Out)的应用与特性。

Deliberately damaging or destroying street lamps, postboxes, public telephone booth s or other public facilities, when circumstances are not serious enough for criminal punishment
