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The contents can be outlined as follows. Chap. 1 provides an overview of the studies on transient EM radiation and the propagation of nonsinusoidal waves in lossy medium.


It is an idea that feeds into the global agenda outlined by the Group of 20 nations last week to rebalance the world economy away from overreliance on U.S.


It is an idea that feeds into the global agenda outlined by the Group of 20 nations last week to rebalance the world economy away from overreliance on U.S. consumers.


In this paper, the dynamic phenological models including temperature model, chilling model and others were outlined, among which, temperature model is drawn more concentration than the other models.


The Contents of the paper is outlined as follows: Part One " Paul Zindel and his novel The Pigman" provides a brief introduction of the author and the novel "The Pigman." Part Two " Narrative Point of View" centers on three aspects—the first –person point of view, alternative first person point of view and reliable narrators and unreliable narrators.


Ore deposit, have been studied detailly; the orebody pattern (sedimental bedded ores combined with stringer ores of hydrothermal origin) is also outlined; four metallogenic epoches are devided; the zoning of mineralization (including zones of ores, elements, mineral assemblages and temperature of mineralization) have been depicted; the main types of wall-rock alteration are characterized as propylitization of basic rocks and pyritization-sericitization-silicification of acidic pyroclastic rocks; the origin of ores and seven kinds of main minerals have been studied; and the metamorphism and deformation of orebodies is thought mainly due to the shearing and the intrusion of subvolcanic rocks


The first indication of the caste system is outlined in the hymn to Purusha, the embodied human spirit, who is one-fourth creature and three-fourths eternal life in heaven.

第一个迹象是种姓制度中所概述的圣歌到Purusha ,人类精神的体现,谁是四分之一生物和四分之三的永恒的生命在天堂。

In this paper, the basic concepts for solving Markov decision problems are briefly introduced, the differences between off-policy and on-policy algorithms are compared, and the standard SARSA method is also outlined.


Measure the optical rotation of the semicarbazone derivative solution in the polarimeter, following the procedure outlined in the Techniques Manual.


In light of the growing diversity of the U.S. workplace, the propositions outlined in this paper examine the joint effects of organizational demography and team composition on specific sociometric properties of a team's external networks.


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Even if he can, he underwent surgery and contrasts what can rest, half of the brain?


Past study re-sults had indicated that MMC in the apomictic type could at most develop to te-trad stage.We observed that the sexual embryo sac of"Pingyi Tiancha"coulddevelop into 4-nuclei embry sac.


This was the birthplace of Indian Musical Raga and Swaras.
