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与 outlined 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

By John Lettice Anti-terrorism proposals outlined by the Government today will include a sex-offenders style register for those convicted of terrorism offences, and will allow MI5 to access the UK's large and fast-growing DNA database.


The major direction of the research within the first year will be outlined as following:( 1 )The background study, collection, analysis, and identification of the possible metabolites such as protease, hemolysin, hemagglutinin, cytotoxin, leukocidin, and lipopolysaccharide;( 2 )The collection of the pathogenic factor such as outer membrane protein of vibrio spp.;( 3 )The analysis of pathogenic factor through the application of SDS-PAGE technique; and ( 4 )The activity assay of outer membrane protein on substrate to characterize the possible function or study the reaction mechanism.


The important changes that had taken place on the course of the river since 1980 and up to 2004 were outlined in the Lowy Institute Paper, River at Risk: The Mekong and the Water Politics of Southeast Asia .


Su Xuelin's early proses outlined a double world:one showed that she seeked for the green garden in the reality and the future,the other proved that she took on the burden under the green garden,which was governed by masculinism.


The New ideas and meaningness of the dissertation are as follow: It is the first time that the object and method of New Political Economy research are outlined and mastered systematically.


The main work of this dissertation are outlined as follows: 1、The problems of state feedback and Memory and Memoryless Compound state feedback robust H_∞controller design for a class of nonlinear uncertain state delay systems are studied.

全文主要研究内容如下: 1、研究了一类非线性不确定状态延迟系统的状态反馈和记忆与无记忆复合状态反馈的鲁棒H_∞控制器设计问题。

The multiple access protocol for microcellular systems and recent progress of personal communication network are outlined as well.


Organosilicon high-boiling components was by-product from direct synthesis of methylchlorosilanes,The routes for production of monosilane,silicone oil,organosilicon water-proof agent,defoaming reagent,ceramics,organosilicon resin from the high-boiling components and their technical features were outlined,and some suggestions on development direction of catalysis cracking were put forward.


In this paper,the pollution sources and the hazards of the pollutants in nitrotoluene production are briefly described,the various approaches for reducing and eliminating the pollution by adoption of cleaner production are outlined.


Mr. Sloan instead outlined why he thought the split would be a bad idea, this person said, noting that internal conflicts can develop if a nonexecutive chairman is appointed an office alongside other executives at headquarters.


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Even if he can, he underwent surgery and contrasts what can rest, half of the brain?


Past study re-sults had indicated that MMC in the apomictic type could at most develop to te-trad stage.We observed that the sexual embryo sac of"Pingyi Tiancha"coulddevelop into 4-nuclei embry sac.


This was the birthplace of Indian Musical Raga and Swaras.
