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与 outlined 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

First of all, this article outlined the basic principles of switching power supply and its topology.


This paper does not intend to Toynbee's philosophy of history to add, just borrow one of his "civilized type of" theory, derived "cultural type" of this concept and to apply this concept he outlined in the first 26 civil society 1 - Western society, and Analysis of Western cultural traditions and the status quo.


And so, to the front of the grid of challengers roared Mr Montezemolo. In his last big speech as president of Confindustria, the Italian employers' association, the elegant and telegenic Mr Montezemolo appeared to call on Italians to ditch Mr Prodi's shaky old two-wheeler and hitch their fortunes to a Formula One thoroughbred. In what Corriere della Sera on May 25th called a "transparent manifesto", he outlined a vision of what Italy could be by 2015 if it accepted the liberal reforms he proposed: a meritocracy with a flexible labour market and a sustainable welfare system; a country run by a more efficient, but smaller, government; a nation in which everyone paid taxes, but at a lower rate than now.

因此,前面很多挑战者都对 Montezemolo 不满,在他上次作为意大利企业联合会 Confindustria 主席时大型的演讲中,优雅上镜的 Montezemolo 看起来要号召意大利人废弃 Prodi 的两个摇晃的轮子,靠向一流的 F1方程式赛。5月25日, Corriere della Sera 说的一个叫"透明的宣言",他强调一个意大利可能到2015年如果接受文化改制他提议的:一个灵活的劳动力市场和能维持的福利系统的精英体制;国家更有效的运作,但更小,政府;每人纳税的国家,但比现在低的。

Methods60 sides of 30 dry temporal bone specimens had their mastoids outlined by an electric drill, and then the related structure of the posterior tympanum was exposed. Distances of the related anatomic structures were determined under surgical microscopy.


Firstly, the developmental process, present research situation and problems existed of unquenched/untempered steel have been outlined.


By analyzing the experimental data in detail, some results could be outlined as follows: The relationship between soil air CO 2 concentration and soil temperature showed remarkably correlation, and it changed with the wheat upgrowth.

大气CO2 浓度的动态变化过程受大气、海洋和陆地生态系统的气体交换过程(包括人为活动排放过程)控制,其中陆地生态系统在这之中起的作用是当前全球关注的热点[2 ]。

In the letter, Wallace outlined his ideas of Natural Selection that were similar to his own.


This approach I have outlined to the children with good effect.


In/with relation to 关系到 The program was outlined in relation to available solutions.


Jane Holmes, a spokesperson for the Canadian horse racing firm Woodbine Entertainment Group, outlined the competitive impact of online gambling this week in an interview with the Toronto Sun newspaper in which she claimed that the racetrack is currently losing almost Cdn$ 200 million a year to what she termed "illegal" online gaming.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
