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与 outlined 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In a session at PDC, Microsoft outlined Ribbon development and also urged developers to include it in their applications.


Based in Tianjin Accounting Office to study objects from the audit of the basic conditions, outlined the audit's basic theory, and on this basis, the audit of the current situation and existing problems, Tianjin SAB combination of the actual situation and put forward solutions.


By the so-called Separation bull of Eugene IV,"Ut sacra ordinis minorum"(11 January, 1446), outlined by St. John Capistran, the office of the vicar-general of the Observants was declared permanent, and made practically independent of the minister general of the order, but the Observants might not hold a general chapter seperate from the rest of the order.

所谓的分离牛市的尤金四," UT斯达康萨克拉ordinis minorum "( 1446年一月十一日),概述圣约翰Capistran ,办公室的副主教,一般的Observants被宣布为永久性的,并几乎独立一般部长的命令,但可能不会Observants举行一般性章分开,其余的秩序。

On top of the cliff, outlined against the scudding clouds, stood a man.


Basically,the self-restraint in administration could be sustained by all the three aspects outlined below:sociology,logic and the cultural foundation.


Results①Make clear of the general principal during the morphologicaldevelopment of the C57BL/6 mouse inner ear and reconstructed the 3D modelof E13 inner ear;②The mature time of many histological structuresassociated closely with the hearing setout of C57BL/6 mouse were madeclear as basilar membrane in D10, scala vestibular and tympanicD4, Cortis tunnel D12, inner sulcus D10, tectorial membrane D10, haircells D12, spiral ganglion neurons D12 and neurofilament in cochlear axisD12-D14.③Outlined the time table and the patterns of the expressionsof those proteins associated with the inner ear development which includedproneural committed proteins, neuronal differential proteins,neurotrophic factors and neuron special proteins.


Results①Make clear of the general principal during the morphologicaldevelopment of the C57BL/6 mouse inner ear and reconstructed the 3D modelof E13 inner ear;②The mature time of many histological structuresassociated closely with the hearing setout of C57BL/6 mouse were madeclear as basilar membrane in D10, scala vestibular and tympanicD4, Corti\'s tunnel D12, inner sulcus D10, tectorial membrane D10, haircells D12, spiral ganglion neurons D12 and neurofilament in cochlear axisD12-D14.③Outlined the time table and the patterns of the expressionsof those proteins associated with the inner ear development which includedproneural committed proteins, neuronal differential proteins,neurotrophic factors and neuron special proteins.


Now shadowboxing on the major physiological impact of the system outlined below.


It is a unique type of sleeping pill outlined to help you fall asleep quicker and/or stay asleep.


The company also outlined a slew of big projects, 12 of which are starting up this year.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
