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out of character相关的网络例句

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与 out of character 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this study, nine aspects had been carried out, which included the condition optimization of inducing silkworm asexual reproduction; the effective technique of obtaining unfertilized eggs from virginal moth; the investigation of asexual reproductive genetic resources on bivoltine silkworm races; the creating of bivoltine female asexual reproductive lines; the genetic effect analysis of silkworm asexual reproductive character; the eggs protein study on different female lines; growing and developing comparison between asexual reproductive line and its sexual parent; RAPD study on asexual reproductive character; the utilization of asexual reproductive lines.


Regardless of whether this situation is reasonable ,and whether it can sustain the building of order ,this essay will discuss the religious character of law, analyze the deficit of the religious character of law, as an internal factor of law and find out how it leads to the loss of belief in law ,just as an innutritious tree .


Through designing of composition and structure of the bioactive graded coating,innerstress and its distribution in the coating were analyzed and calculated, the resultsshowed that when composition distribution coefficient n was 1.5, a reasonable stressdistribution could be got, that was at the beginning of deposition the suspension containingrichly BG granules was used so that a rich BG granules layer, a good transitional layerbetween BG layer at the bottom and the coating could be obtained at the titanium alloy side,the bottom of the coating; the stress value near the interface and surface and its character,pressure stress or tensile stress, were decided by the character of its composition itself.Changing composition distribution coefficient n could only change the variation tendency ofstress in the coating, but did not change the stress distribution rule in the coating. Thethinner the coating is, the sharper stress variation in the coating is, which does not mean thatthicker coating is better because the thicker the coating is, the little the permitteddeformation of coating is, so the coating thickness should be thinner, for example, about50μm for bending applications, but for applications only bearing pure shear stress, such asroot of tooth implant, the coating can be thicker little, for instance, about 80~100μm. The study on electrification characteristic and electrophoresis deposition of HAand BG granules in aqueous and non-aqueous solution system found that EPD almost didn'toccur in aqueous solution system. However, because HA granules take position charges inabsolute alcohol, a homogeneous EPD be carried out on the cathode titanium alloy slice, but taking negative charge in absolute alcohol the BG granules not be deposited on the cathode. A guided HA crystallizing, 100~300nm, on surface of the BG granules be realized by metathetical reaction, which cover BG granules with HA microcrystals and make the covered BG granules taking position charges in absolute alcohol, sequentially realize the EPCD of the BG and HA granules on the cathode, so it is feasible to make a titanium alloy/BG/HA bioactive graded coating by making use of EPCD technology. The corrosion experiment of rich boron bioglass coating and plasma spray coating showed that split phase, rich boron and rich silicon phase, occurred during its preparation. In basic medium the corrosion behavior of 〓 BG coating showed uniformity corrosion, the corrosion mostly occurred at rich boron phase area, therefore batch formula design of BGshould avoid the occurring of split phase. The corrosion appearance of plasma spray coatingappeared a non-uniform corrosion, mostly occurred at the edge of the laminated HA moltendrops, and emerged an accelerated corrosion tendency, which will easyly lead to corrosioncrackles extending to the interface and the happening of osmotic interfacial corrosion, thatmay be one of the major reasons leading to the coating cracking-off in the later period. Thetesting results of thermal expansion coefficient of 〓 and 〓BG showed the thermalexpansion coefficient of 〓 BG matched with that of titanium alloy better, and 〓 BG couldsinter with titanium alloy into densification enamel layer at low temperature (720℃).


In order to reveal clearly the genetic character of the dwarfing polish wheat, artificial crossing, cytological and morphological studies were carried out in present study. In addition, the chromosomal location of dwarfing and long glume character of dwarfing polish wheat was studied by means of Langdon monosomic analysis.


The author introduces the character of low melting point alloy and its applications in sheet metal forming, discusses the choice of the patternmaking material, contrasts the two mould-casting technologies, points out the issues in design of technology and mold, and taking the representative large sheet metal forming for example, specifies the compose and character of the die structure.


Based on the measuring of out section and the analysis of inner data,the petrologic character,lithologic association,sedimentary structure,palaeourrent directions,and distribution of sandstone, the sedimentary character of the Jinci sandstone in Baode area is studied systematically.


The essence of EDID is to set up a normal behavior fuzzy sub collection A on the basis of watching the normal system transfer of the privilege process, and set up a fuzzy sub collection B with real time transfer array, then detect with the principle of minimum distance in fuzzy discernmethodThe innovation point of this paper is : Put forward the method of EDID, can not only reduce efficiently false positive rate and false negative rate, also make real time intrusion detection to become possibility; have independent and complete character database, according to the classification of monitoring program, design normal behavior and anomaly behavior etc., have raised the strongness of IDS; Use tree type structure to preservation the character database, have saved greatly stock space; in detection invade , carry out frequency prior principle, prior analysis and handling the behavior feature of high frequency in information table, have raised efficiency and the speed of detection, make real time intrusion detection to become possibility; have at the same time realized anomaly intrusion detection and misuse intrusion detection, have remedied deficiency of unitary detection method.


This proposition ferreted out unsympathetically the various melodies of our country\'s issue on the intellectuals, especially exposed Linbiao and:"Gang of Four " \'s fallacies on the issue of the intellectual and has serious tone of criticism. This proposition also proposed that the mass line must be followed on the practices, the range and the channel of choosing the intellectuals and on the checking of the cadres, and has profound mass character. At the same time, as this proposition came into being in the new period of our country\'s reform and opening to the world as well as the period of the Socialist modernization construction, and it is firmly connected with the era theme, it has distinct epoch character.


A series of complete and systematic algorithms on preprocessing of handwriting image is proposed for freeformat handwritten Chinese characters . The connected character removing is carried out by combining statistical characteristic of characters width with the gauss distribution. According to the location of valley point on projecting images, a threshold value is selected as best division point resulting to the easy realization of size normalizing, character mosaicand line slope correction.


By analyzing the grapheme and summing up the meaning of the Chinese character "cheng",the authors point out that the original meaning of the character should be"ascend",which corrects its paraphrase in the Chiˉnese Dictionary.


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Out of Character

This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
