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other one相关的网络例句

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与 other one 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Has your Green Map project created something other than a map, such as a book, product, tour, or other special project directly related to Green Mapping One paragraph, including how the public can get these resources.


Two of the most prominent web browsers, Internet Explorer and Firefox, have been in a heated contest in recent years to one-up each other with web browsing speed and other features.

两个最突出的网络浏览器, Internet Explorer和Firefox ,已在激烈的竞争在最近几年的一个行动对方的网页浏览速度和其他功能。

It is proved that a signal can be decomposed into the linear superposition of a series of component signals by singular value decomposition using these two kinds of matrices. However, the component signals obtained by the first kind of matrix are orthogonal with each other, while those obtained by the second one are correlative with each other.


To your car and then the Lincoln parallel angle to the left or right, the other vehicles in which side on which one, and then opened fire button, it will be able to hit each other, and a few resolved.


The author in this paper considers that the coherence is a comprehensive concept, and any concept is just the description from one aspect. This paper carries on the analysis from the perspective of thought pattern at the cognitive level. According to the discussion on Kaplan"s viewpoint and the contrary arguments by the other scholars, the conclusion can be made as the contrastive analysis based on the texts parallel in register tends to be tendentious, sketchy and indefinite, so the contrary examples provided by other scholars illustrate that it is impossible for modern Chinese text structure to be influenced by the traditional text structure of "ba gu wen alluded to by Kaplan. This paper provides contrastive analysis on the basis of texts parallel in translation, which can present the most essential different characteristics of Chinese and English texts, and guide the development of every aspect in the translation process, and help to convey the meaning of source language faithfully as well as to construct the text structure in different ways which possess the characteristics of their own languages.


If at any time, any question, disputes or differences whatso - ever shall arise between the Purchaser and the Contractor, upon or in relation to, or in connection with this Contraot, either partymay forthwith give to the other, notice in writing of the existence of such question, dispute or difference and same shall be referred to the addication of, three arbitrators, one to be nominated by the Purchaser, the other by the Contractor and the third by the President of the International Chamber of Commerce, in the case of foreign Contractors and Secretary - General of The Engineering Institute of Parcheesi, in the case of local contractors.

第三十七条争议的解决——仲裁 37Settlement of Disputes Arbitration 发包方和承包方之间在任何时候发生与合同有关的一切问题,争议或异议,任何一方应当立即以书面形式告知另一方这种问题,争议或异议的存在,同时应提交仲裁。三名仲裁员,一名由发包方指定,另一名由承包方指定,如果承包方为外国人,则第三名由国际商会主席指定;如果承包方为本地的,则第三名仲裁员由工程协会的主席指定。

We are gonna do many for cuts because we have to,but the only way you are gonna get a treaty that is passible in United States Senate,is going to have global participation,all countries will have to do something,we can define diffirent rates ,diffirent levels, diffirent layers ,but it's gotta be measurable,reportable,and verifiable,and in the end there is got to be real actions that other countries are taking,so that no one is feeling they are doing things,but some other countries out there undoing everything they are doing.


Has become the model of reform for two reasons: On the one hand, a multiplicity of shareholding after the reform formed a pattern of mixed ownership, and state-owned capital is still occupied holding status; On the other hand, the introduction of the true sense of the strategic partnership, which Baoshan Iron and Steel Group is the electrical material supply side, the Pearl River Investment Group and Shanghai Electric Group are the power station equipment and other products the demand side, with the development of modern electric equipment manufacturing industry group on the lower reaches of the existence of the relationship between the industrial chain.


However, though my little Periagua was finish'd; yet the Size of it was not at all answerable to the Design which I had in View, when I made the first; I mean, Of venturing over to the Terra Firma, where it was above forty Miles broad; accordingly, the Smallness of my Boat assisted to put an End to that Design, and now I thought no more of it: But as I had a Boat, my next Design was to make a Tour round the Island; for as I had been on the other Side, in one Place, crossing as I have already describ'd it, over the Land; so the Discoveries I made in that little Journey, made me very eager to see other Parts of the Coast; and now I had a Boat, I thought of nothing but sailing round the Island.


Even in natural philosophy, there is always some other explanation possible of the same facts; some geocentric theory instead of heliocentric, some phlogiston instead of oxygen; and it has to be shown why that other theory cannot be the true one: and until this is shown, and until we know how it is shown, we do not understand the grounds of our opinion.


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One Or The Other
One Foot In Front Of The Other
Can't Have One Without The Other
One Way Or The Other
No Other One
One Foot Before The Other
That's It For The Other One I: Cryptical Envelopment
That's It For The Other One III: The Faster We Go, The Rounder We Get
That's It For The Other One IV: We Leave The Castle
No Other One

Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
