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other one相关的网络例句

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与 other one 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But let us come to Commodus, to whom it should have been very easy to hold the empire, for, being the son of Marcus, he had inherited it, and he had only to follow in the footsteps of his father to please his people and soldiers; but, being by nature cruel and brutal, he gave himself up to amusing the soldiers and corrupting them, so that he might indulge his rapacity upon the people; on the other hand, not maintaining his dignity, often descending to the theatre to compete with gladiators, and doing other vile things, little worthy of the imperial majesty, he fell into contempt with the soldiers, and being hated by one party and despised by the other, he was conspired against and was killed.

但 是,让我们谈谈科姆莫多吧,因为他是以马尔科的太子身份根据继承权而享有帝位的,他只要踏着他父亲的足迹前进,使人民和士兵满意,他就能够容易不过地保有这个帝国。可是,由于他秉性残忍和野蛮,为了自己能够鱼肉人民,他要买好军人,让他们放纵不羁;另一方面,他没有保持自己的尊严,常常走到竞技场同搏斗者格斗,并且做出其他卑鄙的、同皇帝的尊严极不相称的事情,因此,他受到士兵轻视。由于一方面憎恨他,而另一方面蔑视他,于是人们合谋反对他,并且终于把他杀害了。

The Taoist classic Tao Te Ching captures the ideal of rootedness in place with these words:"Though there may be another country in the neighborhood so close that they are within sight of each other and the crowing of cocks and barking of dogs in one place can be heard in the other, yet there is no traffic between them; and throughout their lives the two peoples have nothing to do with each other."


After several generations' health were built in'40 arduous pioneering, has now developed into an area of 867100 m2, fixed assets of 70 million, set printing machinery, steel structure grid, geothermal central air conditioning, wood products processing, corrugated packaging, and other scientific research, Production, installed in one of the state-owned medium-sized enterprises, adopted in 2001 IS09001: 2000 quality management system certification standards have a stronger casting, machining, heat treatment, welding and other production and processing capacity, has a precision machining center, sand resin production line, painting Production lines and the CAD, CAPP-aided design systems and other modern technical equipment and scientific instruments.


In general, if one possesses evidence that one normally would take to support ~p and yet believes p instead due to some desire, emotion or other motivation one has related to p, then one is self-deceived.


With the advice and unanimous consent of our brothers, cardinals of the holy Roman church, by means of this our constitution which will have permanent validity, we establish, ordain, decree and define, by apostolic authority and the fulness of our power, that if it happens (which may God avert in his mercy and goodness towards all), after God has released us or our successors from the government of the universal church, that by the efforts of the enemy of the human race and following the urge of ambition or greed, the election of the Roman pontiff is made or effected by the person who is elected, or by one or several members of the college of cardinals, giving their votes in a manner that in any way involves simony being committed -- by the gift, promise or receipt of money, goods of any sort, castles, offices, benefices, promises or obligations -- by the person elected or by one or several other persons, in any manner or form whatsoever, even if the election resulted in a majority of two-thirds or in the unanimous choice of all the cardinals, or even in a spontaneous agreement on the part of all, without a scrutiny being made, then not only is this election or choice itself null, and does not bestow on the person elected or chosen in this fashion any right of either spiritual or temporal administration, but also there can be alleged and presented, against the person elected or chosen in this manner, by any one of the cardinals who has taken part in the election, the charge of simony, as a true and unquestionable heresy, so that the one elected is not regarded by anyone as the Roman pontiff.

的意见,并一致同意,我们的兄弟,红雀的罗马教会,通过我们的宪法,这将永远有效,我们建立,注定,法令和确定,由使徒权威和丰富我们的权力,如果发生(可能避免上帝在他的仁慈和善良对所有),上帝已发布后我们或我们的继任政府的普世教会,这所作出的努力的敌人,人类的欲望和以下的目标或贪婪,选举是罗马教皇或影响的人谁当选,或由一个或几个成员的枢机主教,使他们的选票的方式,以任何方式涉及西摩尼正在致力於-的礼物,许诺或收到的资金,货物的任何类型,城堡,办事处, benefices ,承诺或义务-选出的人或由一个或几个其他人,以任何方式或形式,即使选举产生了多数三分之二或一致选择所有红雀,甚至在一种自发的协议的一部分,所有,未经审核作出,那麼不仅是本次选举或选择本身无效,并没有赋予人选举或选择以这种方式的任何权利或者精神或时间管理,而且还可以有指控,并提出,对当选者,或选择以这种方式,任何一个红雀谁参加了选举,充电的西摩尼,作为一个真正的和不容置疑的邪说,使选举是一个任何人都不会认为是罗马教皇。

Zhejiang Jinyun image quality of factory was founded in 1983, is a twenty-odd years Branch, Works, Trade and one of the non-destructive testing equipment specialized factory. 85 years linear image quality developed through the provincial technical appraisal of dollars, and won the Zhejiang Science and Technology Progress Award. 87 years by the National Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Labor, Planning Commission, Board of Education awards a national advanced units of work-study program. 88 years pass as the quality of, through technical appraisal in Zhejiang Province, andscientific and technological progress award. 97 years before the image quality, the type, screen, cassette, magnetic, film and other products being sold planes Korea, Taiwan, EU, India, Pakistan, Japan, Iran, Thailand, Malaysia, Hong Kong, and other countries and regions. 2000, developed country standard sample linear image quality through the State Bureau of Technical Supervision of Identification, the level of Western industrial countries to achieve the same level, to fill a non-destructive testing industry, country kind of scale-free blank. In 2001 through ISO9002 quality management system certification. Beginning in 2001 specifically for the gas pipeline design Detected special screen, camera bag and other equipment in the West-East Gas Detected been widely applied. Materials and Shanghai in 2003 by co-developed country industry standard radiography JB/T5075-2004 Detect metal screen. Materials and Shanghai in 2004 by co-developed a national standard GB/T19803-2005/ISO1027: 1983 image quality of radiographic principles and logo. Materials and Shanghai in 2005 by co-developed country industry standard of image quality JB/T7902-2005 linear.


On the other hand, the other "admittable" category can be further divided into "the standard" and "the non-standard" independent executive agencies according to the appropriateness of establishment. The standard independent executive agency, also the most fit one as an independent executive agency, shall meet the following requirements: the regulation of human rights concerns the political participation of citizens; or the demand for political neutrality is much more stronger than other executive agencies; or the administrative business has less need of policy integration and cross-departments negotiation.


The age of onset were 7 to 11 years old.Three patients revealed mental impairment and limbs weakness.Other symptoms included alalia,ataxia in three cases and visual and auditive disturbances in 2 case,One case had visual nerve atrophy and seizures.Testost in one case and 17-hydroxide steroid in another case were degressive.Cerebral biopsy in one case suggest lipide sediment.Testicle impairment in one case was found by ultrasonography.The cerebral magnetic resonance imaging of all the 4 patients showed the characteristic pattern of symmetrical long T1 and long T2 signal in the parieto-occipital region.


The system of shareholders withdrawal will be designed as two ways: one is the general transfer that is implemented through the agreement between the shareholder and other people, including the internal transfer and external transfer; the other is the compulsory transfer that means other ways except the general transfer, including the appraisal right of dissenters in the limited liability company, the transfer on specific facts (as inheritance、division of property between husband an wife、impawn) and the transfer on the compulsory implementing of court.


The conclusions of this study suggest three intersystem integrated structures of the public library automation system:"one" system, one "central system" set up for connecting with other uniform systems, and one system to connecting non-uniform systems (with at least one of the connected libraries available with a "central system").


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One Or The Other
One Foot In Front Of The Other
Can't Have One Without The Other
One Way Or The Other
No Other One
One Foot Before The Other
That's It For The Other One I: Cryptical Envelopment
That's It For The Other One III: The Faster We Go, The Rounder We Get
That's It For The Other One IV: We Leave The Castle
No Other One

Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
