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Methods:Immunohistochemistry and nonradioactive in situ hybridization methods were used to detect the expression of p27mRNA and protein in 58 cases of osteoplastic tumors.
Objective:To evaluate the significance of p27mRNA and protein expression in various kinds of osteoplastic tumors.
Cell growth curve was also drawed before and after differentiation. When cultured in the osteoplastic induction medium, ADSCs derived epithelial cells might further differentiate into osteoblasts.
在成骨细胞诱导培养基中进一步诱导ADSCs源表皮细胞向成骨细胞定向分化,对诱导后的细胞进行ALP染色和Yon Kossa染色检查。
Spindle shape of cells gradually disappeared, with increased cell body. Some cells grew in cluster. MSCs changed figures to multilayer knots 10 days after inducing osteoplastic differentiation.
骨髓间充质干细胞向成骨分化过程中,纺锤形的突起逐渐消失,胞体增大,培养10 d后,部分细胞呈聚集生长,随细胞生长密度的增长形成多层的结节结构。
MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Morphological changes in primary cultured and subcultured mouse BMSCs were measured. BMSC surface antigen of the second passage of mice (CD105, CD44, CD25, CD34) were determined using flow cytometry. The modified method was assessed to harvest the purity of stem cells. Activity of mouse BMSCs was identified using adipogenic and osteoplastic differentiation. The strength of fluorescent cells following multiple passage was observed.
RESULTS: High-purity ADSCs were acquired successfully. The ADSCs were induced into osteoplastic differentiation, and displayed typical adipocytes changes 7 days after induction. the cells turned to slender fusiform and mixed together, which showed positive PPARγ immunohistochemical staining and the lipid droplet was stained orange-red by oil red staining.
结果:①成功获得纯度较高的脂肪基质细胞,成功诱导其脂向分化,诱导培养后7 d观察到细胞形态学上表现出典型的脂肪细胞改变:细胞相互融合,成片生长,变为细长纺锤形;PPARγ免疫细胞化学染色呈阳性;油红O染色脂滴被染成橙红色。
After osteoplastic induction, peripheral blood MSCs had strongly positive reactions for alkaline phosphatase staining, total collagen staining, alizarin red staining.
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