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与 orthographic 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He has written books, such as 'Asia's Orthographic Dilemma', 'Writing On The Wall', which, according to one Internet Website, are 'based on the scholarship in cognitive science and linguistics, and the author's intimate experience with East Asian languages', and provide 'a balanced and thoughtful account of one of the important problems facing modern Asia in the age of globalization.


To the late 50s entered the computer photogrammetry, photogrammetry research areas has been greatly extended: If the analytical method aerial triangulation, on-line aerial triangulation, local area network adjustment, gross error detection theory, orthographic correction


Successfully developed CNC Mapper by the National Mapping Bureau Prize; orthographic projector and ancillary procedures, by National Science and Technology Progress Award in 1985, third prize; analytical mapping instrument become the country's provinces and cities large-scale production of Map of the mainstream instruments, by 1992 the first prize of national scientific and technological progress; in 1998 he served as project leaders of research teams completed 863-308 Digital Photogrammetry System JX4A-DPS through national identification, which are sold nationwide and exported abroad, was in 2001 National Science and Technology Progress Prize.


Linguistic information in television can be orthographic, but more often it is oral and, as with audiotape and radio, transient.


The program developed with the formula enable the coordinates for points and the parametric formula for curves in the orthographic projection to be transferred into ones in the axonometric projection, which can be directly displayed on the screen. In addition, except for assigned different values to elastic coefficient of the axial direction and the angles of the axes, it is generally adapted in drawing any of the axonometric projections.


On the basis of the properties of central projection and orthographic projection, the differences of different rectification approaches based on orthographic projection are explained, and it is suggested that oblique-plane-rectified photograph can produce orthographic representation of flat terrain cover; differential rectification of RS imagery based on DEM can produce orthographic representation of waved terrain cover; and true orthographic rectification based on digital ground-object model can produce orthographic representation of single objects on ground.


Richard Peter Han will then go into the process of designing a character from sketch to orthographic, and final design.


The 'Real' Haitian Creole: Ideology, Metalinguistics and Orthographic Choice. American Ethnologist 21, no.

真正的海地克理奥尔语:意识形态、后设语言学和拼字的选择>刊於《美国人种学》21, no。

Orthographic evenhandedness would seem to require the use of the uppercase form White, but this form might be taken to imply that whites constitute a single ethnic group,an issue that is certainly debatable.

正字法的公正要求使用 White 的大写形式White,但这种形式可能被认为暗示白人组成了单独的种族,这是会引起争论的问题。

In addition, an orthographic test showed that they possessed an orthographic lexicon richer than hearing group of the same reading level.


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This paper analyzes the compound attractor structure of a new three-dimensional autonomous chaotic system.


ON shut rivals out of their transmission systems and shy away from reinvesting their profits in network improvements.


Objective: Elucidate the medicinal licorice species circumscription in order to develop licorice resources in China and select new cultivars.
