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与 opponents 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If the trees were hid opponent to sleep on, if it is interrupted, then take care, the other operating by no means weak, and has to be prepared, the failure of the first tree, I believe that opponents have been washed before, or within 5 Ma has been hit you to close distance wings, tied fast to take medicine away on the wings, first from the beginning, continue to freeze the tree or sleeping, this sure to sleep and sleep at our own end, and without the shield and 2 / 3 of blood below the tree while he was Run, and then the follow-up shield skills to cure almost like playing the last point of the output to prevent him from running, since 4000 the blood did not kill do not recommend strong law enforcement, once opened must be ready to kill one-off wiped out, if can not play by the opponent had the top time of silence, it is estimated that you are small连跑possible.


Last week, the Web log posted a critical message from a career diplomat in Iraq who accused opponents of directed assignments of being spoiled elitists and suggested they are "wimps and weenies."


President Lee's April deal to resume U.S. beef imports angered South Korean opponents, because it failed to include the same sort of restriction on meat from older cattle that other U.S. trade partners maintain.


Face the most intense tennis matches of your life against advanced opponents that fight their hardest for vital points in the Challenge Cup.


His roots in a corn-growing state have dismayed opponents of America's corn-based ethanol subsidies.


His roots in a corn-growing state have dismayed opponents of America's corn-based ethanol subsidies.


The American stars tend toward a confident swagger (even if deep-down they are scared to death of looking bad), and they encourage praise not only as their due reward but also to encourage a psychological advantage over their opponents.


They play quick football, in short spaces even when the opponents have ten men defending, behind the line of the ball.


It hits spellcasting opponents with greater dispelling after greater dispelling and uses dimension door and locate creature to track down foes who flee.


Software Description: About Draw Poker (5 card), This is a five-card draw poker simulation game with computer opponents ranging from amateur to genius.

Draw Poker (5 card)这是一款与计算机对手进行对战的5张牌的模拟拖拽纸牌游戏,从业余游戏者到专业游戏者都适用。

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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
