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Actually, only a few of the Korean Bishops are real opponents of Naju. There also are many liberal priests who oppose Naju. Then, in mid-August, we received this information from a highly reliable source in Rome that Cardinal Dias had sent another letter to Archbishop of Kwangju saying that "your restrictions do not apply to the pilgrims of Naju, as the events in Naju are considered private revelations" and also that "your restrictions on Fr. Aloysius Chang should be lifted."

鉴于仍然有"自-由派"神父反对罗州,我们通过确切渠道得到罗马方面的消息, Ivan Dias枢机单独给光州崔总主教另外一封信,内容指出:"阁下关于罗州朝圣的禁令不适用,因为该事项属于私人显现的范畴",同时指出:"阁下关于Aloysius Chang神父的禁令应被搁置"

The teacher halted the altercation by separating the two opponents before they could come to blows.


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Opponents of wigs thought they were anachronistic, as well as uncomfortable and expensive.


I have always felt that a politician is to be judged by the animosities he excites among his opponents.


This theory - for it was not, and is not necessarily, anything more than a purely theoretical doctrine, and many professors of Antinomianism, as a matter of fact, led, and lead, lives quite as moral as those of their opponents - was not only a more or less natural outgrowth from the distinctively Protestant principle of justification by faith, but probably also the result of an erroneous view taken with regard to the relation between the Jewish and Christian dispensations and the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments.

这一理论-这是不是,是不一定,什么都多于一个纯粹的理论学说,和许多教授a ntinomianism,作为一个问题,事实上,领导和带头作用,生活相当道德的那些他们的对手-是不是只有更多或更少的自然产物,从鲜明的新教原则的理由,信仰,但也可能造成一种错误的看法方面所采取的之间的关系,犹太教和基督教dispensations和圣经的新旧约。

Two gamers could team up and play the game in cooperative mode, while up to eight players could spar against one another in virtual arenas, taunting opponents over AppleTalk.


The greatest of the opponents of Arianism in the West is St.

最大的反对者arianism在西方是圣刘汉铨(四397 )。

Hilary of Poitiers is the most famous of the earlier opponents of Arianism in the West.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
