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与 opponents 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The hijack was organized by a group of opponents to the government.


Valentine and Holtz had not done much wrong but were still a long way behind, due to the talent of their opponents.


Instead, we headed for the homestretch, a frenzied rush to as many states as possible, with the airwaves full of negative ads from my opponents, and a shot against Bush from me featuring his most famous statement: Read my lips.


Are you aware of your opponents hostility?


Senate and House of Representative elections showed that candidates whose faces were judged "more competent" than their opponents' won the elections between 66% and 74% of the time Science, 10 June 2005, p.


Even against hyperaggressive opponents, who would always bet if you checked, you should consider betting, because they might be skeptical, or brazen, enough to raise.

即使对窪切┚尴不?bet的,你都应该 bet,他们可能怀疑,也可能不知道天高地厚 raise你。

Here the key lies in the fact the opponents of cultural globalization regard cultural globalization as equivalent to the complete identicalness of all cultures, which runs counter to the basic implications of cultures.


An ill-timed trade deal he made with the U.S. created an opening forpolitical opponents to rally public support against his economic plans,including privatizing many state-owned businesses.


An ill-timed trade deal he made with the U.S. created an opening for political opponents to rally public support against his economic plans, including privatizing many state-owned businesses.


John 8:41, where Jesus' opponents hint his illegitimacy, a charge which apparently continued to be made into the second century.


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He believes organic soil management can help retain moisture and protect against crop failure. The true test came during the devastating drought of2000-02, when Mr Murage's vegetable gardens fared better than his neighbours'. At least 300 farmers have visited his gardens and taken up at least one of the practices he espouses.


Sports and games are also very useful for character-training.


For example, propellants are considered to consist of a fuel/binder and oxidizer, without regard to specific formulations.
