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与 opponents 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It was written by Saint Paul in answer to opponents who were trying to convince the Galatian Christians that circumcision was necessary for salvation.


Gallego has Efren "The Magician" Reyes to look forward to, who has steamrolled his last two opponents and looks sharp after his BCn broadcast loss to Alcano last night.

加列戈已efren "魔术师"雷耶斯期待,谁已强行他最后两个对手,并期待夏普后,他的BCN的播出损失alcano昨晚。

From that time on, the advances of the Roman primacy find no serious opponents in France before Hincmar, the famous Archbishop of Reims, in whom some have been willing to see the very founder of Gallicanism.

从那时起,进步的罗马至高无上没有发现严重的反对者在法国之前Hincmar ,著名的兰斯大主教,在其中一些已经愿意看到的创始人

Q. When you said you were able to control your opponents, what was the game plan tonight?


So even if a poker hand is one giant math problem, complete with game theoretic opponents who do a, b, and c x%, y%, and z% of the time, it's an unsolvable problem.

尽管扑克是一个巨大的数学问题,要考虑到对手全部的游戏策略,比如他做 a , b 和 c 这些行动的可能性分别是 x%, y%和 z%,这是不可能的。

N, k! ' |0 _, M8 l0 awww.pukevip.com So even if a poker hand is one giant math problem, complete with game theoretic opponents who do a, b, and c x%, y%, and z% of the time, it's an unsolvable problem.

尽管扑克是一个巨大的数学问题,要考虑到对手全部的游戏策略,比如他做 a , b 和 c 这些行动的可能性分别是 x%, y%和 z%,这是不可能的。

W' j*?, y% ^* O+ Bwww.pukevip.com So even if a poker hand is one giant math problem, complete with game theoretic opponents who do a, b, and c x%, y%, and z% of the time, it's an unsolvable problem.

尽管扑克是一个巨大的数学问题,要考虑到对手全部的游戏策略,比如他做 a , b 和 c 这些行动的可能性分别是 x%, y%和 z%,这是不可能的。

Opponents no longer gawk at Bryant's moves.


You could literally fill a book with how to play against different types of players, so this article will generalise by focussing on different types of table rather than individual opponents.


That in effect reduces the number of opponents in midfield and gives Gilberto and Fabregas a numerical advantage.


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
