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与 operations 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Multi-meter operations and Basic DC circuits, Oscilloscope Operation, Function, Generator Operations, RC circuits, RL circuits, Rectifier circuits, Rectifier circuits and Voltage doublers, Ohm's Law, RC 、 RL Circuit, RLC Circuit, Diode Lab - Part 1, Diode Lab - Part 2, Measurement of Force Effects in the Electric Field, Basic Current Balance, Force Effect of Currents, Measurement of Magnetic Field of Single Coils, Magnetic Fields of Paired Coils in Helmholtz Arrangement, Hall Effect in p-Ge/n-Ge, Faraday's Law, Transformers, Microwave I, Microwave II.

电磁学实验( S0339)(1,1)基本电子零件、直流电路,示波器与信号产生器的认识与使用,电容、电感的电路特性,整流与滤波,倍压整流电路,欧姆定律实验,电容、电感的电路特性,电阻、电容、电感的电路特性,二极体的特性实验,二极体的特性实验、电场力效应实验、电流天平实验、电流力效应实验、螺线管磁场实验、赫姆霍兹磁场实验、霍尔效应实验、法拉第感应电动势实验、感应线圈变压实验、微波实验一、微波实验二。

In the increasingly competitive domestic tourism market today, only hold one's breath transported to the traditional model of tourism resources through effective management system to achieve rapid series of operations to improve efficiency, reduce costs, particularly in business-to, the volume of large travel agency team, but needs a simple operation, functional and appropriate management information systems to complete complex business operations


In the increasingly competitive domestic tourism market today, only hold one's breath transported to the traditional model of tourism resources through effective management system to achieve rapid series of operations to improve efficiency, reduce costs, particularly in business-to, the volume of large travel agency team, but needs a simple operation, functional and appropriate management information systems to complete complex business operations.


For such operations, the Ice run time uses a more aggressive error recovery mechanism than for non idempotent operations.


"A set of elements having two operations, designated addition and multiplication , satisfying the conditions that multiplication is distributive over addition and that both operations are associative and commutative for all elements of the set, with the exception of the additive identity element, which is not commutative in respect to multiplication ."


Mathematics A set of elements having two operations, designated addition and multiplication, satisfying the conditions that multiplication is distributive over addition and that both operations are associative and commutative for all elements of the set, with the exception of the additive identity element, which is not commutative in respect to multiplication.


This paper divides the operations into the dependent operations that have the only immediate predecessor and immediate successor and the independent ones in common scheduling problems by analyzing the processing chart.


An 8-bit instruction register can only specify 256 different operations and variations on operations.


InterService : the entire press is PC operated, the internet based service operations include a video camera for"live" video service diagnostics; it also includes direct access to the press operations (start, stop, service, diagnostics, downloads, modifications etc.) for immediate live service, operated by Nuova GIDUE technicians in Italy.


The original edge operations of graph rotation system can not change the number of vertices of a solid. In order to complement this disadvantage, we use the isolated point to extend the edge operations.


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This paper analyzes the compound attractor structure of a new three-dimensional autonomous chaotic system.


ON shut rivals out of their transmission systems and shy away from reinvesting their profits in network improvements.


Objective: Elucidate the medicinal licorice species circumscription in order to develop licorice resources in China and select new cultivars.
