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与 operations 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

John Ringwalt's homestate operation now consists of five companies, with Kansas Fire and Casualty Company becoming operational late in 1977 under the direction of Floyd Taylor. The homestate companies had net premium volume of $23 million, up from $5.5 million just three years ago. All four companies that operated throughout the year achieved combined ratios below 100, with Cornhusker Casualty Company, at 93.8, the leader. In addition to actively supervising the other four homestate operations, John Ringwalt manages the operations of Cornhusker which has recorded combined ratios below 100 in six of its seven full years of existence and, from a standing start in 1970, has grown to be one of the leading insurance companies operating in Nebraska utilizing the conventional independent agency system. Lakeland Fire and Casualty Company, managed by Jim Stodolka, was the winner of the Chairman's Cup in 1977 for achieving the lowest loss ratio among the homestate companies. All in all, the homestate operation continues to make excellent progress.

John Ringwalt 负责的 Homestate 业务旗下主要包含五家公司,其中堪萨斯火险在 Floyd Taylor 筹备下于1977年底正式营运, Homestate 1977年的保费净收入达到2,300万美元,三年前不过只有550万美元,其余四家的年度综合比率都低于100,其中 Cornhusker 甚至只有93.8, John 在努力管理其它四家公司的同时,更让 Cornhusker 过去七年有六年的综合比率低于100,从1970年正式营运以来,该公司已顺利成为内布拉斯加州传统独立经纪系统的领导业者,至于由 Jim Stodolka 带领的 Lakeland 火险则荣获1977年主席杯的头衔,因为去年该公司的综合比率最低,总的来说, Homestate 集团的营运在去年大有进展。

John Ringwalt's homestate operation now consists of five companies, with Kansas Fire and Casualty Company becoming operational late in 1977 under the direction of Floyd Taylor. The homestate companies had net premium volume of $23 million, up from $5.5 million just three years ago. All four companies that operated throughout the year achieved combined ratios below 100, with Cornhusker Casualty Company, at 93.8, the leader. In addition to actively supervising the other four homestate operations, John Ringwalt manages the operations of Cornhusker which has recorded combined ratios below 100 in six of its seven full years of existence and, from a standing start in 1970, has grown to be one of the leading insurance companies operating in Nebraska utilizing the conventional independent agency system. Lakeland Fire and Casualty Company, managed by Jim Stodolka, was the winner of the Chairman's Cup in 1977 for achieving the lowestloss ratio among the homestate companies. All in all, the homestate operation continues to make excellent progress.

John Ringwalt负责的Homestate业务旗下主要包含五家公司,其中堪萨斯火险在Floyd Taylor筹备下于1977年底正式营运,Homestate 1977年的保费净收入达到2,300万美元,三年前不过只有550万美元,其余四家的年度综合比率都低于100,其中Cornhusker甚至只有93.8,John在努力管理其它四家公司的同时,更让Cornhusker过去七年有六年的综合比率低于100,从1970年正式营运以来,该公司已顺利成为内布拉斯加州传统独立经纪系统的领导业者,至于由Jim Stodolka带领的Lakeland火险则荣获1977年主席杯的头衔,因为去年该公司的综合比率最低,总的来说,Homestate集团的营运在去年大有进展。

Most DDL operations, except for those listed in the section " Share DDL Locks ", require exclusive DDL locks for a resource to prevent destructive interference with other DDL operations that might modify or reference the same schema object.

除了在"共享 DDL 锁"一节列出的操作外,大部分 DDL 操作都需要获得相关资源上的排他 DDL 锁,从而防止其他可能修改或引用相同方案对象的 DDL 操作带来的破坏性的冲突。

Because normal fuzzy set operations may lose the knowledge in fuzzy sets, three extended operations are defined in this thesis based on the thought of distinguishability.


Warwick company has a team of professional and experienced business, operations, document handling, customs officers, set up a sound management system and corporate management information system, the use of modern computer operating systems and electronic networks, all operations of the computer management implementation.


The current investment condition of China and the customs formalities Taiwanese firms faced are discussed first. Second, the file declaration regulations, procedures, and practices of imported and exported merchandise of foreign companies and imported bonded goods of trade business are summarized. Operations of transformation of business and its related customs formalities, foreign exchange operations, and tax practice problems are introduced. Regulations, methods, and practices of duty drawback of exported merchandise are also presented.


The method this paper discussed was based following theoretic analysis: Square and multiplication of large integer are two basic operations in modular exponential m_ary algorithm. The main operations of m_ary algorithm of point multiplication in elliptic curve encryption were doublings and point addition. The steps of m_ary algorithm in point multiplication was similar to modular exponential.


FDA informed healthcare professionals and patients that the Agency sent letters warning seven pharmacy operations that the claims they make about the safety and effectiveness of their so-called "bio-identical hormone replacement therapy," or "BHRT" products are unsupported by medical evidence, and are considered false and misleading by the agency. The pharmacy operations improperly claim that their drugs, which contain hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, and estriol (which is not a component of an FDA-approved drug and has not been proven safe and effective for any use) are superior to FDA-approved menopausal hormone therapy drugs and prevent or treat serious diseases, including Alzheimer's disease, stroke, and various forms of cancer.

FDA通知医护人员及病人,FDA寄信警告七家药商,因为他们声称制造的产品安全又有效,这种被称为生物贺尔蒙置换治疗(bio-identical hormone replacement therapy," or "BHRT)的产品是没有医学证据的,产品的说明可能有错和被药商误导,药商不恰当的声称他们的产品含有多种贺尔蒙如estrogen, progesterone和estriol (此成份不被FDA核可且其安全及有效性尚未被证实)优於FDA核可的停经贺尔蒙治疗药物且可预防或治疗严重疾病;包括阿滋海默症(Alzheimer's disease)、中风和许多癌症。

Most of these managers have no need to work for a living; they show up at the ballpark because they like to hit home runs. And that's exactly what they do. Their combined financial statements (including those of some smaller operations), shown on page 49, illustrate just how outstanding their performance is. On an historical accounting basis, after-tax earnings of these operations were 57% on average equity capital. Moreover, this return was achieved with no net leverage: Cash equivalents have matched funded debt. When I call off the names of our managers - the Blumkin, Friedman and Heldman families, Chuck Huggins, Stan Lipsey, and Ralph Schey - I feel the same glow that Miller Huggins must have experienced when he announced the lineup of his 1927 New York Yankees. Let's take a look, business by business: o In its first year with Berkshire, Borsheim's met all expectations. Sales rose significantly and are now considerably better than twice what they were four years ago when the company moved to its present location.

大部分的管理人根本就不需要为了讨生活而工作,他们参加球队的原因只是为了要击出全垒打,事实上这正是他们常常有的表现,他们合并的财务报表,显示他们的表现是如此的优异,以历史投资成本做基准,他们现在每年的税后盈余高达平均股东权益的 57%,更甚者,他们并不靠举债,帐上所拥有的现金就足以清偿所有的借款,当我念到这些管理人的名字- the Blumkin, Friedman, Heldman families, Chuck Huggins, Stan Lipsey 与 Ralph Schey ,这感觉就好象是名教练 Miller Huggins 在宣布 1927 纽约洋基队的先发阵容一样。

The company has operations in the 500KV EHV Air Patrol, live maintenance, exhibition guide rope release, laser scanning and 1000KV Air Patrol operations and other special high-voltage electrical work on the helicopter filled a number of technical blank, to further ensure the security and stability of power grid to make an important contribution.


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This paper analyzes the compound attractor structure of a new three-dimensional autonomous chaotic system.


ON shut rivals out of their transmission systems and shy away from reinvesting their profits in network improvements.


Objective: Elucidate the medicinal licorice species circumscription in order to develop licorice resources in China and select new cultivars.
