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与 operations 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Task Force 74 — Fleet Submarine Force responsible for planning and coordinating submarine operations within 7th Fleet's area of operations.


The novel super PC, ASUS ESC1000, is ten times efficient than the present super computers, the computing capacity of the former reaching teraflops (one trillion floating point operations per second) while the latter staying around gigaflops (one million floating point operations per second).

中时电子报》、《自由电子报》&《联合新闻网》(2009/10/27)交通大学、华硕与NVIDIA整合高速传输介面及平行绘图运算技术,推出目前全球最快速的个人超级电脑ASUS ESC1000,运算能力从Gigaflops,一举跨入Teraflops,效能成长数十倍。

Speaking at the Royal United Services Institute 'Future Maritime Operations' conference in London on 22 November, Chief of Naval Staff and First Sea Lord Admiral Sir Jonathon Band said that while the RN had previously insisted on configuring its forces for high-intensity warfighting, the "financial and security" realities had persuaded him that there was a case for a larger number of less capable units for tasking in support of maritime interdiction and constabulary operations.

11月22日,在伦敦的皇家联合服务研究所'未来海事行动&会议中发言的海军参谋长兼海军元帅Jonathon Band 谈到皇家海军先前虽然坚持要把打造一支适应高强度的作战行动的部队,但是&国家金融和安全的现实情况迫使他留下大量战斗力较弱的舰只并把它们投入到执行海事封锁及实施治安行动之类的任务中去。

Speaking at the Royal United Services Institute 'Future Maritime Operations' conference in London on 22 November, Chief of Naval Staff and First Sea Lord Admiral Sir Jonathon Band said that while the RN had previously insisted on configuring its forces for high-intensity warfighting, the "financial and security" realities had persuaded him that there was a case for a larger number of less capable units for tasking in support of maritime interdiction and constabulary operations.

11月22日,在伦敦的皇家联合服务研究所'未来海事行动&会议中发言的海军参谋长兼海军元帅Jonathon Band 谈到皇家海军先前虽然坚持要把打造一支适应高强度的作战行动的部队,但是&国家金融和安全的现实情况迫使他留下大量战斗力较弱的舰只并把它们投入到执行海事封锁及实施治安行动之类的任务中去。乌龙山的猫猫好可爱!

By doing that, the Facade remains as is and the Processes/Operations layer replaces the mappers layer while it encapsulates the whole logic and complexity for the DB operations.


In fact, it may be equally significant that the Pentagon has announced it is sending 900 new special operations people to Afghanistan over the spring and summer, including Green Berets, Navy Seals and Marine special operations forces.


With this knowledge as a basis, tanners must become familiar with all the practical tanning processes and machinery operations that are necessary to prepare the skins for tanning, the tanning process itself, and the many subsequent operations which determine thickness, softness, texture, colour and waterproof-ness of leather.


The syetem asks for recording all the operations for the materiel'borrowing,retuning, and so on .It can look into the reason of the faulty operation.At the same time it ask for convenient inquiry the result of above-mentioned operations as well as the detailed results of the stock.


Puring the operations, 16 patients had elevation of blood pressure (12.5%), 14 eases had tachycardia (10.94%). 10 eases had fever (7.81%), 6 cases had small amount of hemoptysis (4.69%), lease had medium amount of hemoptysis (0.78%) after operations.


Operations, should be timely to take away the harmful welding gas, poor ventilation in the cabin or container operations, should be installed ventilation equipment.


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The good news is that after formatting from the command line to FAT32 (format /fs:fat32 /a:4096 drive:) all but one of the problematic games that I tested work perfectly.


In Amsterdam. He is a Dutch painter, draftsman, and etcher of the 17th century, the greatest artist of the Dutch school, a master of light and shadow whose paintings, drawings, and etchings made him a giant in the history of art.


Impulsively, she had married a man she thought she loved.
