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operation mode相关的网络例句

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与 operation mode 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The cholecyst remains is relatived with course of disease before operation, operation accommodate strictly, suitable operation mode, operator work experience and skill skillful tightly.


This paper from the case and the operation mode to achieve the theoretical basis to start,First of all, with mixed operation will be separate operation compared,Analysis of their gifted child,In conjunction with our financial status of the actual situation,Mixed Operation thus put forward in the implementation of China's need for.


For eliminating the hidden danger caused by the misiperation in the present operation law and flow, the system will manage the operation rule and the operation course by the computer, at the same time verify the validity of every operation step of every course to avoid operation mistake as a result of the carelessness of operator or the change of the operation mode.


The apparatus, which performs data communication with peripheral devices having an outdoor unit, a plurality of indoor units, a repeater and a wired remote controller, includes a level converter for serving as an interface to allow multiplex communication between the apparatus and the peripheral devices; and an abnormality detector connectable with the peripheral devices from a remote site through the level converter, the abnormality detector detecting a communication abnormality in the peripheral devices by automatically changing an operation mode thereof into a slave or master mode depending on whether an operation mode of each of the peripheral devices connected thereto is the master or slave mode.


In this pa per, the operation mode of domestic and foreign financial sector develop ment status and trends analysis of a study to examine the situation in the mixed op eration, in the face of the future of China's financial supervision model sele ction problem, we should give full reference and reference to international fina ncial supervision and management principles and experience , according to China's specific national conditions and the operation mode at different stages of development, and gradually establish and improve the relevant regulatory bodies and institutions, in the basic step-by-step implementation on breakthroughs in key areas, from institutional to functional regulation of the tran sition, which explored one of the most suitable the development of our co untry's financial industry regulatory approach path.


The influence of operation mode on the transmission capacity of transmission tie line group is analyzed,which is divided into generation mode and load mode.


Considering the switch of the DC control mode, a new load margin solution is presental that is to solve the maximum load incremental under each DC control mode separately and add them together. The method is characterized by its convenience of considering varialle constraints of DC system and adjustment of DC operation mode.


The Fen 1 Reservoir, as the short term regulating reservoir of SM Connection Works, also has the sedimentation problem. With the increasing sedimentation and the useful storage decreasing, the reservoir is losing the ability of regulating and a new reservoir will be needed to build upstream the river. In this case, in order to determine the operation mode of the reservoir in flood season, the joint operation of Fen 1, Fen 2 and Haoshuigou reservoir, the density flow desilting rule and the control mode of the Fen 1 reservoir, we analyze the disilting for the regulating reservoir of Wanjiazhai Yellow River Diversion Project Connection Works.


The turning of the tonemeter ON is realized by momentary pressing of the OPERATION button once, the turning OFF - by pressing of the same button twice, or by pressing the OPERATION button once, if there were no measurings or the averaging mode was used before the tonometer's turning OFF.


The system simulation model is implemented in PSPICE. The steady-state simulation performance of SCLRM in both self-exciting operation mode and inverter feeding mode are studied, and the effect on the steady-state performance by the motor parameters and the driving mode are also simulated, verified by the experimental results.


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