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objectiveto investigate the diagnosis and treatment of traumatic duodenal rupture.methodthe clinical data of 13 patients with traumatic duodenal rupture hospitalized from may 1991 to december 2008 were retrospectively analyzed,and the material cause was automobile accident mainly.resultsin these 13 patients,after hospitalization,6 cases were diagnosed in 3 hours,4 cases were diagnosed in 24~72 hours,and 3 cases were diagnosed after 72 hours.three cases with duodenal cleft repair,2 cases with duodenal ostomy,2 cases with duodenum and jejunum roux-en-y anastomosis,1 case with duodenal diverticular surgery,1 case with meliorative duodenal diverticular surgery,1 case with duodenal broken ends closure and anastomosis of stomach with jejunum,1 case with duodenal distal closure and anastomosis of duodenal local with jejunum,and 2 cases with resections of pancreas duodenum.after the operation,6 cases (46.2%) appeared some complications of wound infection,duodenal fistula,digestive tract hemorrhage,pancreatic fistula,abdomen infection and so on.two cases (15.4%) died from multiple system organ failure and septic shock.conclusionthe early diagnosis and correct operation style selection are the keys for duodenal rupture.
目的:探讨外伤性十二指肠破裂的诊断和治疗方法。方法:回顾分析外伤性十二指肠破裂患者13例临床资料。结果:入院后3 h内确诊6例,24~72 h内确诊4例,72 h后确诊3例。3例行十二指肠裂口修补,2例行十二指肠造瘘,2例行十二指肠空肠roux-en-y吻合,1例行十二指肠憩室化手术,1例行改良十二指肠憩室化手术,1例行十二指肠两断端关闭、胃空肠吻合,1例行十二指肠远端关闭、近端与空肠端侧吻合,2例行胰十二指肠切除术。术后6例(46.2%)出现切口感染、十二指肠瘘、消化道出血、胰瘘或腹腔感染等并发症,2例(15.4%)患者死亡,分别死于多器官系统衰竭和感染中毒性休克。结论:早期诊断与正确的术式选择是成功救治外伤性十二指肠破裂的关键。
Through the observation, we estimate the exposure time for eight-hour work hours a day is 7.2 hours for the moldboard and 6.38 hours for the beam work, which can be provided to the workers as a reference for their construction procedure, to prevent the workers from long-term exposures to hazardous working postures and having muscular pains.
经观察推估一天施作八小时之暴露时间,依次为版施作(7.2 hr)、梁(6.38 hr),藉此可当作劳工施工流程之参考,以免劳工长期暴露於危险工作姿势,产生肌肉酸痛。
The present invention adopts the technical proposal of adopting ZSM-5 mesoporous molecular sieve raw powder with a silicon-aluminum mol ratio SiO2Al2O3 of 20 to 1000 and a weight percentage of 20 to 100 percent as well as at least one caking agent selected from SiO2, clay and Al2O3 to extrude, tablet or spray into shape; then treating for 1 to 8 hours by 0.1 to 3 mol/l of at least one ammonium liquor from ammonium nitrate, ammonium chloride or ammonium sulphate or 0.1 to 8.5 mol/l of at least one acid liquor from muriatic acid, nitric acid, vitriol or acetic acid under a temperature of 20 to 90 DEG C; then using steam to treat for 2 to 15 hours under the temperature condition of 400 to 700 DEG C; using a liquor of 0.1 to 3mol/l selected from at least one of oxalic acid, citric acid or maleic acid under a temperature condition of 20 to 90 DEG C to dip for 2 to 5 hours to obtain the modified molecular sieve catalyst, thus better solving the problems.
Users can configure this hotmail notifier program to check Hotmail at specific intervals ( 5 min, 10 min, 15 min, 20 min, 30 min, 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours, 4 hours, or manually).
Operative times averaged 5 hours and 46 minutes, with a range of 3 hours, 48 minutes to 6 hours, 55 minutes.
Methods Sixty patients with arterial crisis after replantation of separated and broken finger were randomly allocated to Nifedipine treatment (5 mg/4 hours) and Papaverine treatment (30 mg/6 hours),clinical parameters were analyzed at start ,0.5,1,2,6,12,24 hours,1 and 2 weeks of both treatments .
60例发生动脉危象的再植手指分别用硝苯地平5 mg舌下含化每4 h一次,罂粟碱30 mg肌注每6 h一次治疗,对两药的疗效及观察指标进行评估。
Of control at 2 hours, 6 hours and 12 hours ,the SER is 1.00, the radiosensitive effect was not observed.
By means of stereotaxis instrument, 1×105 BMSCs (2 μL) of passage 3 stained with Hochest33324 for 24 hours were transplanted into the left hippocampus at 24 hours, 72 hours and 7 day after induction of HIBD in the corresponding groups.
在脑立体定位仪下,24 h,72 h,7 d细胞移植组分别于造模后对应时间点,将体外培养3~5代且经Hochest33324标记24 h的鼠骨髓基质细胞2 μL脑内移植于左侧海马,约105个细胞。
The half life of xanthene derivatives in water is between 5 hours to 7 hours, and on the surface of silica TLC plates is between 1 hour to 2 hours.
Preparation of the cathode includes:shaping under the press of 40Mpa, sintering at 550℃for 1 hour and at 900℃for 8 hours and threading with molybdenum bar; Considering the literatures we choose CaCl2 as salt for preparation titanium. Pretreatment of salt is for 1 hour at 100℃and for 2 hours at 300℃. Partial pressure of oxygen which need lower than 5.11×10-7Pa to reduct titanium oxides and hygroscopic property of salt need a sealed equipment to electrolyse. And finally successfully designed a satisfied one and the results show that the equipment can be satisfied the requirment of the experiment. Flow of the inert gas is 1.5L/min, the voltage is 2.8 V, temperature is 850℃and time is 2 hours during pre-electrolysis. Flow of the inert gas is 0.2L/min, the voltage is 3.1 V, temperature is 900℃and time changes with the mass of TiO2 during electrolysis, namely the greater need the longer time; To eliminate influence of salt and other impurities, the products need to wash with distilled water and dilute chlorhydric acid , then wash with dilute hydrochloric acid under supersonic wave assistant. Finally, electrometical properties of the electrolysis of TiO2 is researched by cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometry, and results show that there are two main reodox steps, namely from TiO2 to TiO and from TiO to Ti.
阴极制备主要包括40MPa压力下模压成型、两段式烧结(1小时内升至550℃保温1小时,再1小时升温至900℃保温8小时)及烧结后TiO2块打孔用钼棒串接三个主要环节;实验中选用CaCl2作为电解熔盐,并对其进行预处理(100℃,保温1小时; 300℃,保温2小时);经热力学计算,还原钛氧化物的氧分压至少要低于5.11×10-7Pa,结合电解过程中所用熔盐CaCl2有极强的吸水性的特点,电解装置应有较高的密封性,自行设计了一套密封性可靠的电解装置,便于实验过程中熔盐预处理和氧分压的控制;通过干燥处理预电解过程中Ar流量大约为1.5L/min、电压为2.8 V、温度为850℃、时间为2小时,电解过程中Ar流量大约为0.2L/min、电压为3.1V、温度为900℃,实验结果表明电解时间与TiO2质量密切相关,质量越大需要电解的时间越长;通过自来水冲洗—稀盐酸浸泡、洗涤—在超声波辅助作用下稀盐酸洗涤,可减少熔盐及其它杂质对电解产物检测结果的影响;最后,通过循环伏安法、计时电流法对电解机理的研究,确定电解还原TiO2制备金属钛主要经历了TiO2-TiO-Ti的过程。
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But it is not exactly a relationship of equals.
2There are Positive correlation between the shares of bubble level and the competitiveness of industries: In fully competitive industries, the average bubble of company is minimum for 19.95 percent; followed by the complete monopoly industries, the average is the highest level of the bubble monopoly competitive industries, the average is 58.73% in 4 years; The difference of intercompany bubble is related to the competitiveness of the industry , and monopoly characteristics of the industry has more Positive impact of stock bubble than perfect competition to the industry.
Luego se bailaron sevillanas y flamencos espaol,uno cueca chilena,una marinera peruana y un tango argentino...etc,etc.