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与 open-ended 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

What is more, the last great waves of aliyah, immigration to Israel, have ended.


What is more, the last great waves of aliyah, immigration to Israel, have ended. Barring a new burst of anti-Semitism, the map of world Jewry will change slowly from now on.


But a man does need a roof over his head, so I ended up in a weird little amoebic blob of an apartment complex, a haphazard collection of wood-shingled boxes dating from the fifties.


Anis:We used to adjust the prices on monthly, then weekly , ended up adjusting the menu sales prices on daily basis.


The rubbish in the river will eventually ended up in Tanjong Aru beach or even in KK sea front.


The film stars Johnny Depp as the late INXS frontman, who allegedly accidentally ended his own life in 1997 while carrying out the sexual act of autoerotic asphyxiation.


National security concerns ended Bain Capital's plan to acquire 3Com with Huawei Technology's help.

对国家安全方面的担忧就终结了Bain Capital在中国华为技术有限公司的协助下收购3Com公司的计划。

And I don't wanna get all over-sharey and uncomfortable and make you feel like you have to avert your eyes cause you came here for some bantery writer blather and ended up in an unshot episode of In Treatment, so that's all I'm gonna say.


Their lives ended in grisly deaths at Japanese hands. Adnan, the courageous leader, was hung by his legs to a tree and repeatedly bayoneted before his mutilated body was burnt.


From Football to Music: Brandon Beal, once a college football player, painfully ended his football career due to a neck injury in practice.


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Mr. Me
La La
The Search Is Ended
If It All Ended Tomorrow
How I Ended Up Here
Open Up
Open Up
Keys Open Doors

The Porsche Owner: But it's my car!


LOX_83}{Oh, another bunch of wackos.


It is difficult to fit a suit on him because he is so irregularly built.
