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与 one-seeded 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

For in a manner all things are implicated with one another, and all in this way are friendly to one another; for one thing comes in order after another, and this is by virtue of the active movement and mutual conspiration and the unity of the substance.


We have one country, one Const IT ution, and one future that binds us.


The parameters are one-to-multi corresponding relationships during the changing process of the piston stroke, which is quite different from the one-to-one mapping relationship in constant piston stroke compressors.


Finding owned company should take out no less than 30% from net income for one-time awarding the consummator and the conversion maker of the research finding, if the achievement is conversed or permitted to converse by others, and the one-time award of identified high-tech conversion projects should be no less than 40%. If the conversion is made by researcher himself or cooperated with others, the finding owned company should take out 15% of the after-tax profit for 3-5 years since the project has been successfully produced for awarding the consummator and the conversion maker of research finding, or pay one-time compensation referring such proportion, and the award of identified high-tech conversion projects should be no less than no less than 20% of after-tax profit. In joint-stock enterprises, in the case of introducing talents in the form of converting scientific and technical results shares, and the enterprises should give 30% of the value of the results as rewards. Shareholders will share the profits based on the shares they hold.


You decide the amount of training and who said that you want to be a contortionist and even if you want to practice for three hours it can be one hour in the morning, one during the day and one in the evening before going to bed.


Here I may add that the concept of alteration, and with it the concept of motion, as alteration of place, is possible only through and in the representation of time; and that if this representation were not an a priori intuition, no concept, no matter what it might be, could render comprehensible the possibility of an alteration, that is, of a combination of contradictorily opposed predicates in one and the same object, for instance, the being and the not-being of one and the same thing in one and the same place.


Because of the problem of convergence, the key techniques to complete the one step simulation were explored thoroughly. The geometry mapping method based on finite element model and inverse deformation was developed to get the approximate initial blank for one step simulation. The effective selection of convergence factor in Newton-Raphson method was studied. The divergence criterion in iterative process for one step simulation was put forward. Also the countermeasure to ill equations coefficient matrix was studied.


The microwave oven of the present invention comprises a cavity assembly which defines a cooking chamber therein and functions as a framework of the microwave oven, an outer casing which includes a top portion and side portions formed at both ends of the top portion to enclose the cavity assembly and interior parts and is provided with convexo-concave reinforcements at the top portion and at least one side portion, a door of which one side is connected to the cavity assembly to be a pivot center and which selectively causes the cooking chamber to be open and close, and a back plate which defines a rear face of the cavity assembly and is provided with a convexo-concave reinforcement formed along at least one edge portion thereof.


The mean time of union was 12 weeks. The wrist mean motion range was about 90% of the healthy lateral wrist and mean gripping strength was about 95%. Twelve patients suffered from no pain, one patient from slight pain, and one patient with nonunion from medial pain. According to Cooney's clinical evaluation system, the outcome was fine in 10, good in three and bad in one patient. Conclusion Palm??

结果 14例中有13例愈合,1例不愈合,平均愈合时间为12周,平均腕关节活动度为健侧的90%,握力为健侧的95%,12例患者没有疼痛,1例轻度疼痛,另外l例不愈合有中度疼痛,除1例不愈合患者外,其余都能胜任原有的工作,按Cooney's评分10例优,3例良,1例差。

I know this well, that if one thousand, if one hundred, if ten men whom I could name—if ten honest men only—ay, if one HONEST man, in this State of Massachusetts, ceasing to hold slaves, were actually to withdraw from this copartnership, and be locked up in the county jail therefor, it would be the abolition of slavery in America.


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One Man, One Woman
One By One
One Man Woman, One Woman Man
One People, One Struggle
One On One
One Plus One Is One
One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer
One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer
One One One

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
