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Hua Yan chants suggestion , wants to avoid having contracted glycuresis , should achieve to the full "four partial ": Know one point much , be that the knowledge to glycuresis knows one point much , gets rid of the glycuresis taking precautions against initiatively; Stop being asked the non-staple food controlling the general quantity of heat absorbing , eating vegetable much , stopping eating staple food , high heat to need to stop eating also by one point,; Move one point much , be going often, to keep certain motion amounts , make the body not to such an extent as to be too fat; Loosening one point , psychologically upset is able to strengthen insulin resistance further , urge glycuresis to happen , good psychology has taking precautions against an effect actively to glycuresis.


Results The most common symptom was melena in four cases (including one case with hematemesis). Upper abdominal pain occurred in one case, and one case's mass was detected under gastroscopy. All the six cases underwent surgical operation and were confirmed by immunohistochemistry. Partial gastrectomy was performed in four cases, distal gastric curative resection in one case, and local wedgy resection in one case. All the cases survived after operation.

结果 以黑便为首发症状4例(其中1例伴呕血);上腹疼痛1例;1例行胃镜检查时发现;全部病例均经手术治疗,切除标本经病理检查及免疫组化证实;4例行胃大部分切除术(其中2例行近端胃大部分切除+幽门成形术,2例行远端胃大部分切除术),1例行远端胃癌根治术,1例行病灶楔形切除术。

Results One case with transverse mesocolon pore hernia, one with obturator hernia and one with paracecal hernia were confirmed by exploratory laparotomy. There were six cases whose hernias resulted from the fall of export jejuna into import jejuna after Billroth II anastomoses in front of colons, five from the pelvic bottoms' peritoneal fissure and four from the fissure appearing between descending colon and lateral abdominal wall after Miles' operation, one from greater omental adhesion to sigmoidal wall after sigmoidostomy, and one from inflammatory adhesion on the basis of Meckel's diverticulum. The other 17 cases' hernias (48.7%) were caused by the fissure among celiac adhesive bands, peritonea, celiac organs, enteric walls and intestines.

结果 剖腹探查手术证实为横结肠系膜裂孔疝1例;闭孔疝1例;盲肠旁疝1例;毕Ⅱ式结肠前吻合术后输出段空肠疝入输入段空肠与横结肠系膜间隙6例;Miles术后盆底腹膜裂开所致内疝5例;Miles术后降结肠与侧腹壁形成的间隙致内疝4例;大网膜与乙状结肠造口肠壁粘连形成内疝1 例;1例在梅克尔憩室基础上发生炎性粘连形成腹内疝;因腹腔粘连带与腹膜、腹腔脏器、肠壁、肠与肠之间的孔隙改变形成内疝17例(48.7%)。

New Zealand white rabbits (3-4 months old, 3-4 kg weight) were the test animals, and they were divided into three groups proceeding in this study. In group A:One PLLA screw and one commercial screw were implanted in the right tibia. Two PLLA screws were implanted in the left. Furthermore, one PLLA bar was implanted in both right and left tibia respectively with onlay model in group B. Also,one PLLA plate was implanted in the left tibia and one commercial plate in the right respectively with onlay model in group C . Many tests were done on each sample in 1, 4, 8 and 12 weeks which included the observation of tissue response in group A, and the change of three-points bending, weight loss, molecular weight, crystallinity and morphology of fracture surface by scanning electronic microscopyin group B, and the change of three-points bending, weight loss and molecular weight in group C.

所使用实验动物为24只3-4个月大,体重3-4公斤的纽西兰兔,并将所使用材料及动物分为A、B、C三组进行。A组中於实验兔之右胫骨植入两支骨钉,一支为自制骨钉,一支为MacroPore市售骨钉,并钻一孔但不植入骨钉做为控制组;另於实验兔之左胫骨植入两支自制骨钉,另标示一区不钻孔不植入骨钉做为控制组。B组采用onlay1 模式於实验兔之左右胫骨各植入一自制长型片。C组也采用onlay模式於实验兔之左胫骨植入一自制骨板,於右胫骨植入一市售骨板,各於不同时间点( 1, 4及12周)将A及C组,而於( 1,4,8及12周)将B组内的植入物取出进行各种测试,包括A组的组织切片观察及B组的三点弯曲变化、质量损失、分子量变化、结晶度变化及扫描式电子显微镜观察断面型态改变及C组的三点弯曲变化、质量损失、分子量变化。

Why is the church the body of Christ (Eph 1:23), and since there is only one body, one Lord, one faith, one baptism and one God (Eph 4:4-5), could True Jesus Church be the only church of salva


Mosley Im glad youre my maker My Loyalty lies in your hands, youre my breath taker Your body, your kiss is in unknown demand So take command, go Timbo I be the same when it all goes up I be the same when it all goes down Not the first one, open it up I be the last one closin it out Dont know if Ill give you a shot yet Lil Mama Im peepin your style Do I think youre dope enough, yup One way of findin it out The way you came at me, boo Dont care, not afraid Im like Wild Really want it from head to toe Question if she gon let it out Anyway the hour glass go I dont worry anyhow Why dont we see where it go Lets figure it out When the cats come out the bats come out to playy Yeahh In the morning after The dawn is here, be gone be on your wayy Yeahh In the morning after When the cats come out the bats come out to playy Yeahh In the morning after The dawn is here, be gone be on your wayy Yeahh In the morning after Dark Owww, Oooohhh Owww Come on SoShy I got a little secret for ya I never sleep when comes the night But everytime I smack my fingers I switch back into the light My moon belong to your sun Your fire is burning my mind Is it love or is it lust Something that I just cant describe Am I the one and only Cause youre the only one It felt so long and lonely Waiting for you to come Its lookin bright and early Im willing to close my eyes This is the unusual story Timbo and SoShy When the cats come out the bats come out to playy Yeahh In the morning after The dawn is here, be gone be on your wayy Yeahh In the morning after When the cats come out the bats come out to playy Yeahh In the morning after The dawn is here, be gone be on your wayy Yeahh In the morning after Dark Heyy, Heyy, Heyy, Go Nelly!

莫斯利先生您好我很高兴youre进出口公司我的忠诚度掌握在你们手中,youre我的呼吸接受者你的身体,你的吻是在未知的需求因此,接受命令,去廷博俺是相同的时,所有的上涨俺是相同的时,一切都下降不是第一个,打开它俺是最后一次closin出来 Dont知道病患者给你一个镜头还进出口peepin律妈妈你的风格我认为youre涂料不够,烨一个方法是findin出来你的方式来我,嘘 Dont护理,不怕像野生进出口真的想从头到脚它问她是否坤把它放出但无论如何,沙漏去余请勿担心无论如何为什么dont我们看到它去可以让数字出来当猫出来的蝙蝠出来playy Yeahh 在上午的后这里的黎明,消失在您的wayy Yeahh 在上午的后当猫出来的蝙蝠出来playy Yeahh 在上午的后这里的黎明,消失在您的wayy Yeahh 在天黑后早晨 Owww,Oooohhh Owww 来吧SoShy 我得到了亚一个小秘密我从来不睡觉的时候来晚但是,每次我拍击我的手指我转回到光明我属于你的月亮太阳你的火是我心中燃烧是爱还是欲望一些我公正不能描述我是唯一的原因youre唯一的它认为这样漫长而孤独的等着你来它lookin一大早进出口愿意接近我的眼睛这是不寻常的故事廷博和SoShy 当猫出来的蝙蝠出来playy Yeahh 在上午的后这里的黎明,消失在您的wayy Yeahh 在上午的后当猫出来的蝙蝠出来playy Yeahh 在上午的后这里的黎明,消失在您的wayy Yeahh 在天黑后早晨日Heyy,日Heyy,日Heyy,直接耐莉!

Because they are clear, once pass the fall of the price the word of to the limit of one's capacity, what glide with respect to can advantageous embellish is dangerous, and in the competition in to the limit of one's capacity, of apple and RIM run far freely without firms of other mainstream mobile phone (lack substantial product line for example, this is one of keys of to the limit of one's capacity, the sort that leaves apple, RIM and firm of mobile phone of other main aspect quite be clear at a glance), and let shrink of oneself high-end brand image, this is to the loss outweights the gain with stick one's chin out.

因为它们清楚,一旦通过价格的下降放量的话,就会有利润下滑的危险,而在放量的竞争中,苹果和 RIM 的运作远没有其他的主流手机厂商自如(例如缺乏丰富的产品线,这是放量的关键之一,比较下苹果、 RIM 和其他主流手机厂商的种类便一目了然),并且让自己的高端品牌形象缩水,这是得不偿失和冒风险的。

To go, to go west, to go to heaven, to depart, to depart from the world for ever, to be gone, to go to a better world, to be with God, to be in Heaven, to breathe one's last, to go the way of all flesh, to pay one's debt to nature, to leave us, to be no more, to take off fade, to join one's ancestors, to join the silent majority, to go to the other world, to yield up the ghost, to be gathered, to be one's fathers, troubles be over now, fall asleep, pass away, one ' s heart has stopped


Aspazomai {as-pad'-zom-ahee} from 1 and a presumed form of 4685; TDNT - 1:496,84; v AV - salute 42, greet 15, embrace 2, take leave 1; 60 1 to draw to one's self 1a to salute one, greet, bid welcome, wish well to 1b to receive joyfully, welcome Used of those accosting anyone; of those who visit one to see him a little while, departing almost immediately afterwards; to pay respects to a distinguished person by visiting him; of those who greet one whom they meet in the way (even not in the East, Christians and Mohammedans do not greet one another); a salutation was made not merely by a slight gesture and a few words, but generally by embracing and kissing, a journey was retarded frequently by saluting.

相关经文回前一页 782 aspazomai {as-pad'-zom-ahee}源於 1 (表联合的质词/语助词)和被认为是 4685 的另一型的字; TDNT - 1:496,84;动词 AV - salute 42, greet 15, embrace 2, take leave 1; 60 1 使彼此接近 1a 向人致敬致意,问候,致意邀请,祝福 1b 欢喜接待,欢迎用以指那些任意向人搭讪;短暂拜访某人,几乎是立即就离开的情形;拜访有名的人以对他表达敬意;在路一相遇时的问候(即使不在东方,基督徒和伊斯兰教徒彼此也不相问候);一种致意,不仅只是一个手势或几句话,通常都是彼此拥抱和亲吻,旅程甚致常因此而受到延缓。

One Way Ticket to hell and back Bought a one way ticket to hell and back One way ticket to hell and back Bought a one way ticket to hell and back I'm always trying to keep my vices under wraps But a coach load of mutes would appear talkative chaps They seemed fit to join me for a couple of hits But my septum is in tatters And I've still got the runs Burn for a moment then you kick like a mule Strangers are agreeing that it was rocket fuel Several massive chocking lines of glorious gak Bought a one way ticket to hell...


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One Man, One Woman
One By One
One Man Woman, One Woman Man
One People, One Struggle
One On One
One Plus One Is One
One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer
One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer
One One One

Shop assistant: Please check at the door.


In the end, transportation of PAHs in the environmental matrix was preliminarily investigated and discussed according to PAHs data of soils and sediments from a certain region in Shanghai. The result indicated that there are two or more pathways on PAHs transportation in the environmental matrix.


Quick stop! AIDS doctors while the side and say hello and colleagues mention a blood sample box, the Red Cross had sent blankets and so on, with patients有说有笑to go home.
