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For example, Keyfitz made the classification of the bifurcations in one state variable, without symmetry up to codimension 7; Golubitsky and Schaeffer obtained the classification of the bifurcation problems in one state variable with Z_2 symmetry, in one parameter up to codimension 3; Golubitsky and Roberts studied the classification of degenerate Hopf bifurcation in two state variables with dihedron D_4 symmetry, in one parameter up to topological codimension 2; Melbourne obtained the classification of bifurcations in three state variables with octahedral symmetry, in one parameter, up to


At length I spy'd a little Cove on the right Shore of the Creek, to which with great Pain and Difficulty I guided my Raft, and at last got so near, as that, reaching Ground with my Oar, I could thrust her directly in, but here I had like to have dipt all my Cargo in the Sea again; for that Shore lying pretty steep, that is to say sloping, there was no Place to land, but where one End of my Float, if it run on Shore, would lie so high, and the other sink lower as before, that it would endanger my Cargo again: All that I could do, was to wait 'till the Tide was at highest, keeping the Raft with my Oar like an Anchor to hold the Side of it fast to the Shore, near a flat Piece of Ground, which I expected the Water would flow over; and so it did: As soon as I found Water enough, for my Raft drew about a Foot of Water, I thrust her on upon that flat Piece of Ground, and there fasten'd or mor'd her by sticking my two broken Oars into the Ground; one on one Side near one End, and one on the other Side near the other End; and thus I lay 'till the Water ebb'd away, and left my Raft and all my Cargo safe on Shore.


But when it is forced from the outside and one takes it as a profession, because one has to live and one has to learn and earn one's living, one takes it over.


Abstract] objective to discuss the influencing factors of healing up of anastomosis between traditional and morden ideas and question the more reasonable method of intestinal tract preparation in stage one operation.methods twenty-six patients with colon cancer were divided into 3 groups:colostomy group(8 cases),washing group (9 cases) and suction group (9 cases).all the patients underwent colectomy plus stage one anastomosis and exteriorization with different interoperative preparation with which we compared the healing up of anastomosis within the three groups.results there were 3 cases having fistula in the colostomy group (8 cases);one case in the washing group,but all the patients in the suction groups gained stage one healing up.conclusion as a method of emergency interoperative peparation,stool suction has a better healing up of anastomosis than colostomy and washing;it is advantageous to observe the healing up of anastomosis through colectomy plus stage one anastomosis and colon-outlying.

目的 探讨影响吻合口愈合因素的传统与现代观念并进一步探讨一期手术中更为合理的肠道准备方式。方法 26例降结肠癌分为造瘘组(8例)、冲洗组(9例)和粪便吸引组(9例)三组,术中分别采用3种不同方式行紧急肠道准备,所有病人均采用结肠切除一期吻合加外置的方法,对比观察三组病人的吻合口愈合情况。结果造瘘组(8例)有3例发生瘘,冲洗组有1例发生瘘,粪便吸引组全部一期愈合。结论粪便吸引作为一种术中紧急肠道准备方法,其吻合口愈合情况优于前两组;结肠一期吻合加外置的方法有利于观察吻合口的情况。

Since every one, hath every one, one shade, And you but one, can every shadow lend: Describe Adonis and the counterfeit, Is poorly imitated after you, On Helen's cheek all art of beauty set, And you in Grecian tires are painted new: Speak of the spring, and foison of the year, The one doth shadow of your beauty show, The other as your bounty doth appear, And you in every blessed shape we know.


For both defendants together, the charges are one count of fraternization, one count of disobeying of lawful orders, one count of unnatural sexual relations, one count of conduct unbecoming officers, and one count of failure to report offenses.

" / "对於两者的被告一起,费用是结有深交的计数,法律许可次序,不自然性关系的计数违反的计数,行为的计数不适合的官员,和失败的计数报告犯罪。

It sometimes intensifies it, sometimes mitigates it ; but on the whole children and parents confront one another as two classes in which all the political power is on one side ; and the results are not at all unlike what they would be if there were no immediate consanguinity between them, and one were white and the other black, or one enfranchised and the other disenfranchised, or one ranked as gentle and the other simple.


The malignant tumors included osteogenic osteosarcoma,metastasis tumor(six patients,two with pathologic fractures),chondrosarcoma,malignant fibrous histiocytoma (three patients,one with pathologic fracture),fibrosarcoma,and solitary myeloma.all patients received limb savage procedure with custom knee prosthesis including sevnteen cases of hinge joint and twentyone cases of posterior stability joints.Results One of nine patients with benign tumors was lost for followedup,one patient died of unrelated disease,the remained patients have excellent function in five patients,good function in one case,and one poor according to the Enneking evaluating system.the limb salvage rate was 100%.Seven patients were lost for followedup in twentynine of malignant tumors,two patient with malignant fibrous histiocytoma received amputation due to local recurrence nine months postoperatively.Ten patients had excellent function,four good and six poor among the followedup patients.The type of prosthesis in six of all patients with poor function was hinge.

结果 9 例良性肿瘤患者1 例失访,1 例死于其他不相关疾病,其余7 例病人随访时膝关节功能按Enneking制定的标准进行评定,优5 例,良1 例,差1 例,保肢成功率为100%;29 例恶性骨肿瘤患者,骨肉瘤患者失访7 例,2 例患者术后局部复发,行截肢术;其余20 例患者生存期间膝关节功能优10 例,良4 例,差6 例。7 例效果评价差的病人为有6 例为铰链式膝关节假体。

In 18 patients studied, common infections included HPV and histoplasmosis. Ten patients developed one or more malignancies, including nine myelodysplasia/leukemia, one vulvar carcinoma and metastatic melanoma, one cervical carcinoma, one Bowen's disease of the vulva, and one multiple Epstein-Barr virus leiomyosarcoma.

在所研究的18例患者中,常见感染包括HPV和组织胞浆菌感染。10例患者出现1种或多种恶性肿瘤,包括9例脊髓发育不良/白血病、1例外阴癌和转移性黑色素瘤、1例宫颈癌、1例外阴鲍温病(Bowen's disease)及1例多发性EB病毒平滑肌肉瘤。

One patient taking infliximab developed tuberculosis and one developed histoplasmosis. Five patients (four taking infliximab and one taking placebo) developed cancer. New autoimmune disorders developed in two patients taking infliximab and one patient taking placebo. Two patients developed optic neuritis and one developed a multifocal motor neuropathy; all three were taking the study drug.


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One Man, One Woman
One By One
One Man Woman, One Woman Man
One People, One Struggle
One On One
One Plus One Is One
One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer
One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer
One One One

Shop assistant: Please check at the door.


In the end, transportation of PAHs in the environmental matrix was preliminarily investigated and discussed according to PAHs data of soils and sediments from a certain region in Shanghai. The result indicated that there are two or more pathways on PAHs transportation in the environmental matrix.


Quick stop! AIDS doctors while the side and say hello and colleagues mention a blood sample box, the Red Cross had sent blankets and so on, with patients有说有笑to go home.
