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In addition to being available on all new C2-2000A Series of Video Switcher/Scalers, frame lock capability can also be added to existing units in the field by performing a free firmware upgrade from the TV One website.

此项新功能可在所有新款C2-2000A系列的视频倍线转换器中使用,请在TV One网站下载免费固件升级软件。

I saw "Cool Runnings" when I was about ten, my mate Jamie Carragher loves "Jerry Maguire" and "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", but I haven't seen either.

我看过& Cool Runnings &在我大约十岁的时候,我和 Jamie Carragher 喜欢& Jerry Maguire &和& One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest &,但是我还未看过。

Bio-diesel One, a South African company, has installed a test processor and has shown that a blend of five per cent biodiesel and 95 per cent petroleum diesel improves engine performance, offers enhanced lubricity and some reduction in emissions.

南非的一家名为Bio-diesel One的公司已经安装了一台实验性质的处理机,而且证明了把5%的生物柴油和95%的石油柴油混合可以改善发动机的性能,提供增强的润滑并减少了一些排放。

From the great opening track One With The Birds, which features his full band and amazing poetic lyrics, to the quiet, mellow When Thy Song Flows Through Me, to the quick outtake vibe Oldham often puts forth on the two short tracks.

从第一曲具有诗意歌词的《One With The Birds》到柔美的《When Thy Song Flows Through Me》,Oldham在这两首短小的曲子里渐行渐远。

Methods In the study,experimental animals were divided into three groups. Thiamazole was used to replicate the model of maternal pregnant hypothyroidism. The infant rats were innate hypothyroidism. T4 substitution group rats were administrated with T4 from postnatal 0 day as well as the same days normal neonatal rats as control. TdT-mediated dUTP nick end labeling was carried out to detect the positive cells of PCD in cortex and hippocampus of postnatal 7,14 and 21 days rats. Immunohistochemical staining technique was employed to detect Bcl-2 and Bax proteins in relevant sections. Experimental data were statistically analysed by One-Way ANOVA, SNK-q test and Spearman rank correlation analysis.

本研究实验动物分为三组,采用甲巯咪唑复制甲状腺功能减退孕鼠模型,出生后仔鼠为先天甲减鼠,T4替代组于仔鼠出生后即日起腹腔注射T4,剂量为20μg∕,同时设一正常对照组;应用原位末端标记方法检测出生后7、14、21d仔鼠大脑皮层、海马PCD阳性细胞,并应用免疫组化SP法检测相应部位Bcl-2及Bax蛋白;用单因素方差分析(One-Way ANOVA)、SNK-q检验及Spearman等级相关分析进行统计处理。

This one'sa self-heating food and beverage container featuring a high performance dynamo that makes it possible to heat food in minutes.


English Title: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest ...

英文片名:One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest 。。。

A: The first night I was in Bucharest we went to see a production of the Romanian National Theater, it was One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. And we were sitting in the first row of the balcony and Chaushesku was sitting right next to me.

答:我在布加勒斯特的第一天晚上,我们去看罗马尼亚国家剧院的演出,那天上演的是One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest(飞跃布谷鸟巢,注2)我们坐在包厢的第一排,齐奥赛斯库(Chaushesku,注1)就坐在我们右边。

Perhaps the greatest benefit from instruction in translating is to become aware of one's own limitations, something which a translator of Steinbeck's OF Mice and Men into Chinese should have learned.


through text analysis,this paper examines the syntactic and morphological means typically employed in introducing topics into chinese and english texts and their relations to discourse anaphora.we find that in both chinese and english the most important means for introducing the most important and accessible topics into discourse are the indefinite nps used as objects in existential-presentative sentences,and that the indefinite demonstrative adjective zheme and this can be used as an additional means to emphasize the importance of the entity introduced.however,the two languages differ in that,in english texts,apart from the above-mentioned linguistic devices,definite nps functioning as indirect objects and names functioning as subjects also tend to be used to introduce relatively important topics,and the emphatic one,in contrast to the indefinite article "a",can be used as another linguistic means to give additional emphasis on the relative importance of the topic introduced.

摘 要:本文以民间故事为语料,分析和研究了英汉篇章中话题引入的句法和形态手段及其与篇章回指的关系。我们发现,两种语言的主要相似之处为:1用作存现宾语的无定名词短语是引入篇章中最为重要和最为可及话题的主要手段;2英汉无定指示形容词this和&这么&可用于进一步强调所引入话题的重要性。两种语言最主要的差别是:1在汉语中,存现结构中的无定名词短语似乎是引入重要篇章话题的唯一形态句法手段;而在英语中,除此之外,用作间接宾语的有定名词短语和用作主语的专有名词也可以用于引入一个相对重要的篇章话题。2在英语篇章中,另有一个标示重要话题的附加手段,即以one代替a,以便进一步强调所引入话题的重要性。

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One Man, One Woman
One By One
One Man Woman, One Woman Man
One People, One Struggle
One On One
One Plus One Is One
One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer
One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer
One One One

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
