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In one's own right - by reason of one's own ability or ownership etc.;"she's a rich woman in her own right rather than by inheritance";"an excellent novel in its own right" http://www.thefreedictionary.com/in+one 's+own+right

根据这些解释,in one's own right 应该是指某人以自身的能力获得某些成就或称号。文章这里就是说根据他自身的做法/条件,还够不上艺术家的名号,与"自成一派"的艺术家意思不同。或者我改译成就其自身成就而言还算不上艺术家。

In English there is much about boats and water idioms, in the Chinese language does not correspond to exactly the same idiom, such as "to rest on one's oars","to keep one's head above water","all at sea" and so on.

英语中有许多关于船和水的习语,在汉语中没有完全相同的对应习语,如"to rest on one's oars","to keep one's head above water","all at sea"等等。

One's oars, to keep one's head above water, all at sea and so on.

one's oars,to keep one's head above water,all at sea等等。

Their belonging to a person of one's own their own // on one's own alone, the initiative to owner n ...

自己的of one's own 属于某人自己的//on one's own 独自,主动地owner n。。。。

The problem of incongruous counterparts can be raised even for objects in one-dimensional space if those objects are assumed to have non-topological but local properties such as color, or if objects may be non-connected, i.e."not in one piece." It is less clear whether the problems about time that have no spatial analogues are connected with the one-dimensionality of time.

这类问题(——the "problem of incongruous counterparts『类比会带来不协调的问题』"),即使处在一维空间中的客体,也是可以提出的,如果这些客体假设了拥有非拓扑但局部的属性,例如颜色,或如果客体可以是non-connected『非拼接的』,即"not in one piece『不是一个整块』")不太清楚,时间关联于一维的那些问题,是否有空间的类似问题。

The service mode of "one by one" could primely reserve the information submitted by the clients, and display the design concept to the clients originally as well.

One by one的服务模式可以最好的保留客户提供的信息也可以最原始的给客户展示设计的概念。

Just one sene, i was touched by a old lady, she was speaked out ONE CHINA FOREVER' with us, although her voice was covered by rest of them, she still spark shinning in that moment. And that is the one we have to respect. COS she is happy with heart of loving homeland.

最感动的往往是那些小小的细节,当我们奋力喊着one China forever'的时候,有个年迈的中国老太太和我们一起喊,一起挥着她的小旗,那个时候,真的被她感动的流泪,尽管她的声音已被掩盖,但的光辉熠熠生光。

Ryan Kisor, one of the best jazz trumpeters in the world, was born April 12th, 1973 in Sioux City, Iowa. He began playing in a local dance band by the age of ten, began classical lessons at 12, met and was inspired by Clark Terry at 15 (while attending the latter's summer jazz camp) and played with various high school all-star bands. In November of 1990 he won the Thelonius Monk Institute's trumpet competition at the age of just 17, beating out the likes of Nicholas Payton and Marcus Printup. After graduating from high school in 1991, he went to the Manhattan School of Music and later studied with Lew Soloff among others. He has recorded fairly extensively both as a leader and sideman and with small and large groups. Among the highlights; the Mingus Big Band (which still plays every Thursday night at "The Fez" under Time Cafe in NYC's east village), the Michel Camilo Big Band (which although only existed for the purpose of recording the album,"One More Once," was arguably one of the best latin big bands recorded in recent memory), the Lincoln Center Jazz Orchestra, Gerry Mulligan, Wynton Marsalis, Wycliffe Gordon, Horace Silver, and Walter Blanding.

Ryan Kisor,美国著名爵士小号演奏家,1973年4月3日生于美国爱荷华州,10岁开始学习小号演奏,1990年在美国竞争最为激烈的爵士乐比赛——Monk国际爵士乐大赛(International Thelonious Monk Jazz Competition)中击败像Nicholas Payton和Marcus Printup这样的高手获得优胜,当时年仅17岁。1991年中学毕业后,被著名学府曼哈顿音乐学院录取师从Lew Soloff先生学习小号,在学期间加入Mingus大乐队,年纪轻轻便以惊人的深厚实力成为独当一面的独奏小号手。19岁时以首张专辑《One For Miles》正式出道,而后自1994年至今一直为世界著名爵士小号演奏大师Wynton Marsalis领衔的林肯中心爵士乐团的常任小号演奏家,同时Kisor先生还受聘加入卡内基音乐厅爵士乐团以及David Matthews率领的曼哈顿爵士乐团,杰出的演奏技巧及艺术水准受到世界乐坛之瞩目,曾受邀多次出访全球各国,每次均毫无保留的展现了其精湛的演奏实力,让世界各地的广大乐迷感受到其小号的魅力。

The expression came into use between the First and Second World Wars. In the Victorian age the consumption of tea by all classes had not yet, especially among men, become common. A more likely metaphor then, derived from food or drink for something not to one's taste, would have been, say,'not my pot of beer', or among the well-to-do classes 'not my glass of wine'.

究竟何意?那位仁兄一边打着哈欠一边给我讲英语中 one's cup of tea 表示"the sort of thing one likes",我又追问这种表达方法是否可以追溯点什么,结果那位仁兄在一种半睡眠的状态中告诉我记住one's cup of tea的意思就行了,不用管什么怎么来的。

Design one primer pairs for EphB2 receptor and one primer pairs for GAPD as internal control. The RT-PCR was used to analyze the expression of EphB2 receptor tyrosine kinase in gastric cancer, colon cancer, lung cancer, liver cancer, kidney cancer, spleen cancer and abdominal wall cancer. The results were analyzed using Bio-RAD UV transilluminator with Quantity One software system.

采用RT-PCR方法,分别检测胃癌、结肠癌、肺癌、肝癌、肾癌、脾癌、腹壁癌7种肿瘤组织及相应邻近正常组织中EphB2受体的表达,应用Bio-RAD凝胶成像系统及在Quantity One软件辅助下分析测定表达结果。

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One Man, One Woman
One By One
One Man Woman, One Woman Man
One People, One Struggle
One On One
One Plus One Is One
One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer
One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer
One One One

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
