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与 one-seeded 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Bacteria and one-celled organisms reproduce by cell division, each of the daughter then a new life distinct organism.

水妖的语法笔记写到,each of表示"什么中的一个",后面必须加复数,类似one of, anyoneof后面也加复数名词的。

This thesis proposes a new classifier which combines both one-class and binary classification strategies.

本论文提出结合单一类别分类(One-class classification)方法与二元类别分类方法所建构而成的分类器。

An image retrieval method combining one-class support vector machine with active learning algorithm is presented.

提出一种单类支持向量机(One—Class Support Vector Machine,OC—SVM)和主动学习相结合的图像内容检索方法。

The main contents of this paper are listed below:In chapter 1, this paper introduces the research background , significance and its reasearch object, a single product distribution system of one-many network, then indicates that its reasearch core is to make a discussion about some typical distribution projects under definite condition of customer demand and explains why it does so.


He has one ball point pen, but his sister has four ball point pens.


I can imagine Peyton wearing it in One Tree Hill.

我能想象 Peyton 在 One Tree Hill 上穿着它的样子。

We should correct 5 protection of the environment is everyone's responsibility (PLAY ONE'S PART) 6 We strongly to persuade him to reconsider his decision, but his mind 7 If the opinion is not uniform, we had no choice but to vote VOTE

我们都应当改正 5保护环境,人人有责(PLAY ONE'S PART) 6我们极力劝说他重新考虑自己的决定,但他任固执己见 7如果意见不统一的话,我们只好投票表决

We would like to write a story on the press release on Bio-One distributed by you.

我们打算在您发出的关于Bio-One 公司的报道的基础上写一篇文章。

Operationally, it's never been flatter than printer, no mater how flat I brush, and it's never been more photographic than photography, no matter how hard I draw. As a result, I tend to emphasize the hand-drawing characteristic and the contrived distinctness. Technology brings us convenience and rapidity, but my work shows some reaction against it. So far, the Technology could make one touch to complete all the things, and maybe in the future it could have made everything unlabored by just thinking. However, Technological operation makes physical perceptions getting degenerated, and the crisis of primordially physical degeneration is the fierce dilemma for me.

在身体的操作下意识到平涂即使再平最终也不会大於电脑影像输出,而在物体描绘的写实感也不会大於照片的真实感,所以转而强调手绘的真实性和人为刻意操弄下的距离,对於科技带来的便利性和快速性,在我的创作中某一程度显现了对科技的反动,但是科技的操作渐渐的让身体的感知退化,目前科技可以做到 one touch 就能办到生活的一切事情,而在以后甚至只需要动脑感应就可以达到很多劳动所不及的事情,如此身体的原始性逐步降低所带来的危机感正是我自身所处的一个拉扯状态,强调身体所操作出来的痕迹。

Descriptive analysis, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product moment correlation, multiple regression and logistic regression were used for data analysis.

所得资料以描述性统计、one-way ANOVA、皮尔逊积差相关、多元回归及逻辑回归检定。

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One Man, One Woman
One By One
One Man Woman, One Woman Man
One People, One Struggle
One On One
One Plus One Is One
One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer
One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer
One One One

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
