英语人>网络例句>one third 相关的网络例句
one third相关的网络例句

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与 one third 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

After analyzing, some deduction is confirmed. First, the product hasapproached import very much, not only in outer dimension, but also on mainproperties. Second, best weaving-process parameter: symmetry degree is0.5~1, back roll height is 6cm more than front one. Third, weavingpreparation process: heddle draft is section, reed-in uses special yarns.Finally, the product can match import one that using 2/1 twill as basicweave, and 60~70D nylon as material, and 60 roots/cm.


The results show that the content of nutrient in ice layer was about one-third that of it in water and the content of chlorophyll a in ice layer was about one-fifth that of it in water during icebound season.


It will be carbon-free with low water usage and will use one-third to one-quarter the land a wind facility would use.


Anti-B220/anti-IgM antibodies were used to analyze number and maturation of central and peripheral B cells in transgenic mice. It is found that number of mature B cells decreased in bone marrow, spleen, peritoneal cavity. B cells in bone marrow of Tg mice were just one half of that of control, and in spleen, this number was even one third of that of the control.


Australia has about one-sixth of the world's sheep and produces almost one-third of its wool.


One medium portobello mushroom supplies 21 percent of the recommended daily intake of selenium and one third your need of copper; it also has as much potassium as a medium-size banana. Other varieties are just as rich in minerals, a recent analysis found.


Predeterminer):all,both,half;double,twice, three times,etc;one-third,two-thirds,etc;what,such, etc 中位限定词:the,a,zero;this, that,these,those;my,your,etc:John's,the old man's,etc; some,any,no,every,each,either,neither,enough,what, which,whose,etc 后位限定词:one,two,etc;first,second,etc;next,last,other,etc; many,much, few,little,fewer,fewest,less,least,more,most;several,plenty o f,a lot of,lots of, a great number of,a greatdeal of,a largeamount of;such,etc

在三类限定词中,中位限定词是最关键的。所谓前位限定词是指那些可以位于中位限定词之前的限定词,所谓后位限定词是指那些可以位于中位限定词之后的限定词。例如: all the four teachers 所有这四位教师前中后上述限定词的位置是固定的,不能掉换,就是说它们必须按"前位—中位—后位"的顺序排列。以此类推,如果出现两个限定词,则只能按前位—中位,前位—后位或中位—后位的顺序排列。

In Jiangsu Province to a cosmetics counter doing BA, she风风火火, nothing is taboo, but also not afraid of offending people, shrewish, head of the counter for her one-third of all, this is justified, why is the eldest sister cattle being good in the sales on, then you can use one word to describe the "bull!"


In this argument, the owner of the Sunnyside Towers apartment building states that one month ago, the showerheads on the first five floors of the building were changed to restrict the flow of water to one third of its original force.


Nose and nails--black.nnTwo-colored Dachshunds include black, chocolate, wild boar, gray and fawn, each with tan markings over the eyes, on the sides of the jaw and underlip, on the inner edge of the ear, front, breast, inside and behind the front legs, on the paws and around the anus, and from there to about one-third to one-half of the length of the tail on the underside.

鼻镜和趾甲为黑色。nn双色,包括黑色、巧克力色、野猪色、灰色、驼色,各自带有褐色斑纹,在眼睛上方,颌部两侧,下唇,耳朵内边缘,前面,胸部、前腿内侧和后面,脚掌和肛门周围,并在尾巴下侧,向尾巴延伸 1/3到1/2。

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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
