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one side相关的网络例句

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与 one side 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It allows us to model only one side of Gus while Blender creates the other in real time.


Blepharospasm is often associated with other tics such as hitching up a shoulder, jerking up the chin, or turning or tilting the head to one side.

眼睑痉挛,往往与其他相关的TICS资本流动,如hitching了一个肩膀, jerking了下巴,或转折或倾斜头部向一边倾斜。

Like the eyesight of these two men, their relationship suffers from ambivalencen other words blind on one side and seeing on the other.


On one side, the Supreme Court confirmed the decision of the District Court of declaring the studios guilty of restraint in trade through the use of block booking, banning block booking and providing that all films should be sold in an individual basis from that moment on.


Her skirt is trim, A-line, and ankle length. Her matching jacket is hip length with a notched collar, nipped in slightly at the waist. Her blouse is plain, her belt wide; her hat is a straw boater pinned upon one side, like a Musketeer.


Her skirt is trim, A-line, and ankle length. Her matching jacketis hip length with a notched collar, nipped in slightly at the waist.Her blouse is plain, her belt wide; her hat is a straw boater pinnedupon one side, like a Musketeer.


Now, take out your tape measure and measure the width of the inside back part of the bag body from one side to the other.


Boggs and the men turned round to see who called him, and when they see the pistol the men jumped to one side, and the pistol-barrel come down slow and steady to a level -- both barrels cocked.


And he explained,"That the one side of their book was used for Debt,the other is Criedit,as is manifest in a certain place."


The four Palace Roof Suites feature private rooftop terraces with a 180-degree view of the Bosphorus, across to the Bosphorus Bridge on one side and the distant skyline of the Old Town on the other.


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One Up The "B" Side
Side One
Burning Down One Side
One Side

For a big chunk of credit-card losses; the number of filings (and thus charge-off rates) would be rising again, whether


Eph. 4:23 And that you be renewed in the spirit of your mind

弗四23 而在你们心思的灵里得以更新

Lao Qiu is the Chairman of China Qiuyang Translation Group and the head master of the Confucius School. He has committed himself to the research and promotion of the classics of China.
