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与 on this account 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Snake Road in particular disk array with the snake ring, that is, first came here the other maze using random, first spent a day run the whole way to understand and then use a random fly, snake ring array can also fly, so to be tied with eight random consumption mainly in the Snake Road site, snake ring that strange multi-burst, N is also more than the middle of the White Snake is a snake of five Hall, there are three White Snake Brush loafers, but there is also fierce private Qing Dynasty, the general or other练级then into the bar, the White Snake to kill more than the total return or, if it is with the Master Taoist group, then, the 33 best to find a good training or a hammer and then with the Road do not turn to anything, they may take a random healing with a row of a row of red, or Fu Road plus a bunch of people, with the two drugs package is enough, do not consume all the basic blue baby in the act, such as a hammer to go back 67 to take into account re-bills, following the easy to frequent high-level rebellion, or go back and re-recruit a good point, in short time would be to group the words that a law to go with the baby, then it is difficult to kill one would have to go back to tonic, and secondly a lot of bored people will come to steal the baby, even if you win PK drug consumption is now unavoidable, so the best fighters mixed with the Road , but here a man, if more than more than 9 in this练级individuals, then you do not intend to add on, and find it somewhere else, the least strange is the lack of Babel, against the devil, and not off-limits练级is to blame the other side of the same difficulty, but the experience is not how high.


Since it takes the location of the process average into account, the process does not need to be centered on the target value for this index to be useful.


This is the action of one individual at our agency working on a pro bono account.


This offer will end with the others on Monday, Nov 17th and your account must be bonus eligible and in good standing.


Let me quote some passages from Austin's own account of this theory which has inspired all the subsequent, but far less clear, discussions of 'acts' in books on criminal law.


This is a distinctive species on account of its long, scaly rhizomes and branched bristles in the inflorescence.


As you seem to take advantage of you leniency in this matter, we now give you the final notice that, unless we shall receive a substantial amount on account by return of post, we shall adopt other measures for its recovery.


As you seem to take advantage of our leniency in this matter, we now give you the final notice that, unless we shall receive a substantial amount on account by return of post, we shall adopt other measures for its recovery.


Limited bandwidth and high delay make application very difficult to archive good performance. In this dissertation, we have developed optimal collective communication library CAMPI for campus area based on MPI collective communication operation and have taken hierarchical network structure into account. In CAMPI, the number of clusters in system must be specified. We also must show which process belongs to which cluster.

本文充分考虑到网络的等级体系结构,针对不同的网络情况,在MPI集合通信的基础上提出了基于校园网系统的优化集合通信操作库CAMPI(campus area message passing interface),它建立在MPI操作库之上,在CAMPI操作库中需要指定整个系统中有多少个机群,哪个进程属于哪个机群,CAMPI操作库在MPI之上实现,系统中必须首先安装MPI实现,例如最常用的MPICH。

This effect takes into account spells that were played earlier in the turn that Ethersworn Canonist came into play, including any spells still on the stack.


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
