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on the straight相关的网络例句

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与 on the straight 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Natasha was lying, looking steadily straight before her at one of the mahogany sphinxes carved on a corner of the bedstead, so that the countess could only see her daughter's face in profile.


If these five prescriptions were implemented — which could be relatively straight-forward — we would give companies and their senior executives the chance and the incentive to focus on building great companies over the long term rather than subjugating themselves and their companies to the traders.


Painted mostly in black, use either brown-red; decoration in order to change patterns of plant leaf tissue the main triangle dots are curved, half-moon, geometric shape such as decoration, while the pattern is often curved triangular structure 22 opposite or contrary to , side-side, middle, or draw a straight line or without pattern, with a few arc composed of upper and lower triangular or half moon or the top of the left commensurate with quite a few patterns, followed by a small amount of a pattern of squares, bands and so on.


Outside, two bull-necked Afrikaners sipped tea in the garden of the adjacent coffee shop, and a Himba man in a Cal State T-shirt and a two-panel skirt — short and gathered in the front, long and straight in back — distractedly herded goats down the main street while chatting on his cellphone.


Skip to next paragraph Outside, two bull-necked Afrikaners sipped tea in the garden of the adjacent coffee shop, and a Himba man in a Cal State T-shirt and a two-panel skirt - short and gathered in the front, long and straight in back - distractedly herded goats down the main street while chatting on

在外面 两个粗颈的的南非白人正在与卡咖啡点相临近的花园里喝着茶一个 Himba 人穿着加利福尼亚州大学的T恤,以及一条前面短而皱,后面直而长的裙子,一边聊着手机一边心烦意乱的赶着羊群穿过主街道

Outside, two bull-necked Afrikaners sipped tea in the garden of the adjacent coffee shop, and a Himba man in a Cal State T-shirt and a two-panel skirt - short and gathered in the front, long and straight in back - distractedly herded goats down the main street while chatting on his cellphone.


Outside, two bull-necked Afrikaners sipped tea in the garden of the adjacent coffee shop, and a Himba man in a Cal State T-shirt and a two-panel skirt - short and gathered in the front, long and straight in back - distractedly herded goats down the main street while chatting on his cellphone.


The sound waves do not reach the ear straight on, but through a slightly angled sound front.


Straight from the first whistle they fought as if their lives depended on it and Liverpool were relieved to go in at the interval one ahead, the vital goal coming via Walker after a Raybould shot had been parried by the Baggies keeper.


His Ferrari seemed to go just go straight off the track at the exit of Les Combes, the Brazilian's car nudging the tyre barriers head-on.

他的法拉利车似乎在直道末端离开了Les Combes,这位巴西人迎面轻轻地撞在了轮胎墙上。

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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
