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与 on the straight 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Result The medulla exponent of straight guard hair on corsac's back was 81.7%, and that on abdomen was 72.0%, the medulla exponent interval of hairs from 2 parts was 71.4 %-82.9%, indicating the medulla exponent of animals in same family had a certain difference.


Some SPR-LI neurons were also positive for TH. After administration of vasopressin, SPR-LI structures became denser, especially at levels of pyramidal decussation and area postrema . The dendrites of motor dorsal nucleus of X in the dorsal part of MVZ appeared thin and straight in morphology instead of curl and thick outlooks. These results implicate that some SPR-LI neurons might receive or regulate the cardiovascular stress information induced by vasopressin.③In PHA-L/FOS/TH triple-labeled experiments, seven kinds of immunohistochemical structures were found in MVZ. They were FOS-LI neurons, TH-LI neurons, PHA-L positive fibers, PHA-L positive fibers terminated on FOS-LI or TH-LI neurons, FOS/TH doublelabeled neurons, PHA-L positive fibers terminated on FOS/TH double-labeled neurons.


As the bikes run on low-resistance tracks and the pods are far more aerodynamically efficient than a bicycle, with less frontal area, most riders can see speeds of 45 km/hr and on a longer circuit with a much longer straight, much higher speeds can be expected.


On reaching the town they went straight to the station and deposited Toad in the second-class waiting-room, giving a porter twopence to keep a strict eye on him.


FLORENCE'S HIDDEN JEWELS Heading straight for the Uffizi Museum is the first item on most tourists' Florentine agenda, Botticelli's Venus rising out of her shell is a true temptress, but what about the waxen, pearl-clad naked ladies with all of their exquisitely carved organs on view at La Specola?

佛罗伦斯的隐藏珠宝对于 Uffizi 博物馆的标题直线在大多数的旅游者的意大利弗罗伦斯议程上是第一个项目,升起离她的贝壳的 Botticelli 的维那斯是一个真实的诱惑男人的女性,但是像腊一样软者怎么样,珍珠-在 La Specola 的视野上用所有他们的精巧有雕刻器官穿衣赤裸的淑女?

Keep straight on and go across the river. You'll see the railway station on your right.


To step out of the glitter and bustle of the station----rather weary and jaded with the long journey from Milan----straight on to the landing stage against which the water of the Grand Canal is lapping, to step on board a gondola and to go gliding down the dark, broad, silent highway, with dim-lit, ghostly palaces on either hand; not till memory forsakes you will you forget this experience.

从米兰出发,旅程令人疲惫不堪,终是到达威尼斯。走出灯火通明、熙攘喧嚣的车站,便踏上了栈桥。桥下,只听得大运河水轻轻舐岸。坐上贡多拉( Gondola,两头尖的平底船,威尼斯一大特色),穿行于宽敞的水道间,夜色迷漫,静谧幽远。两岸宫殿里烛影绰绰,显得幽森诡异。

Similarly, crampons have evolved as well, allowing them to be used on these types of ice which is quite different from that for which they were traditionally used, for example : kicking straight on with the foot in order for the front points to penetrate.


Continue to implement key projects on schedule, watch the quarter system, the implementation of key projects "trinity" of major projects tied accountability and "number one" straight grasping system, the leadership of district-level sub-system, improving the joint hearing the old system to the project, focusing on project publicity system, networking, presentation, the reported information, such as multi-level communication mechanism, information on key projects to achieve timely communication, accurate data.


I saw a long path to straight-on both sides of the plant for a shade trees, there are grass, flowers, expensive magic crystal lamp, marble fountains, and so on and so forth.


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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
