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与 on the straight 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The morphological analysis of strain EMZY-1 showed that it was a straight rod, about 0.3×1.7 in size, and spherical and terminal spore appeared. Results of physiological and biochemical test showed that strain EMZY-1 was a Gram-positive bacteria, and could not grow when temperature was lower than 10℃ or higher than 60℃, pH was lower than 5.0 or higher than 12.0, and the concentration of NaCl was more than 10%. The strain EMZY could grow on the medium as a of sugar, glucose and mannite. The strain could use saccharose, glucose and mannitol as carbon resource, and NH4(superscript +) and NO3(superscript -) as nitrogen resource.

通过对该菌株的形态、培养特征、生理生化特征的研究以及16S rDNA序列分析表明:该菌株为革兰氏阳性菌;细胞为棒杆状,端生孢子,大小约0.3×1.7;温度低于10℃、高于60℃无明显生长;pH低于5.0、高于12.0无明显生长;NaCl质量浓度达到10%菌株不能生长;能在蔗糖、葡萄糖、甘露醇为C源的培养基上生长;NH4、NO3为菌株良好N源。

With a gradual contraction longitudinal straight inlet port applied on the Multi-Point Injection natural gas engine, the concentration of natural gas and the pressure field in the intake manifold after the injection of natural gas were investigated, then in the following intake process the volocity vector map and mass distribution of natural gas inside the cylinder were also numerically examined.


The results showed that,the sound pressure level increased significantly when narrow transverse groove was used;the effect of speed on the sound pressure level was greater than loading;the noise of S-shaped straight groove was lower,and the difference of sound pressure level between positive and negative rotation was small;the sound pressure level of 15° oblique groove was higher than 0° and 15° alternate groove,but the difference of sound pressure level between positive and negative rotation of 0° and 15° alternate groove was bigger.


At the end of the NBA championships, the winners used to run straight off the court and into the locker room. Two years ago, the Boston Celtics stood on the floor and bellowed obnoxiously for what seemed like hours.

在NBA 总冠军决出后,获胜的一方常会跑出球场去到更衣室。2年前,波士顿凯尔特人队站在赛场的地板上发出令人讨厌的咆哮似乎有好几小时这么长。

In some cases, the height of vertebra could be increased after the operation, however, it is not for the technology but for the posture of patients that the patients would pronate on the table and over-straight their bodies. In this situation, bone cement can be injected into the vertebras and enhance the int ensity, change the spine kyphosis, recover the spine physiological line, so it gets to the aim of treatment.


Psychological treatment for inmate for the jail reeducation through labor transforms and educates in the retrieval work in the education, the utilization psychology principle and the method, receive and instruct the human criminal psychology straight the research results, through carries out the psychometry, the psychology to the criminal reeducation through labor personnel appraised, grasps the criminal reeducation through labor personnel individual psychology structure characteristic, carries on the psychologically healthy education, the psychological consultation and the mental healing, helps the criminal reeducation through labor personnel to eliminate not good psychological and other psychological barrier, psychological disease, urges its psychological structure to transform to the benign direction.


Five kinds of bacteria were isolated from disease Meretrix meretrix and culture water (two isolated from the M. meretrix, three from the culture water) in Lvsi harbor, Jiangsu province. The results of infection showed that strain WG1702 can cause disease with the mortality rate 100 percent and the same symptoms as original. It was cued that strain WG1702 was the pathogenic bacteria and caused the death in large scare, a preliminary research was done on the bacteria including morphological, physiological, biochemical characteristics, phylogenetic position and pathogenic. Strain WG1702 was a straight-rod gram negative bacterium, the physiological and biochemical indicators were lysine decarboxylase, ornithine decarboxylase, reduction of NO3- to NO2-, mannitose, oxidase and methylred reaction positive, arginine decarboxylase, arginine dihydrolase, salicin and voges-proskauer negative.


One day, a blind person with his guide dog when crossing the street, a big truck out of control, straight up, blind people were killed on the spot, and his seeing eye dog for guarding the master, but also with the tragic death at the wheels underneath.


In this thesis, the mathematic model of servo system is set up, the contour error in straight line and circular interpolation movement on the duplex servo-system is analyzed, and the method to raise the contour accuracy of the movement track is put forward.


In order to satisfy the guidance task of Suborbital Launch Vehicle, based on the SLV s plane symmetry lifting body figuration, the SLV selects the straight slope formal attack angle, mending the guidance of Launch Vehicle.


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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
